Tribute to ShaneDawsonTV and RayWilliamJohnson[02 May 2010|06:49pm]


Continuing on my crusade of ever increasing bitterness to people who are more popular than me on YouTube, here's a short video I made to express how irrationally angry I become whenever I see the icons that ShaneDawsonTV and RayWilliamJohnson use for their videos. I don't know who did it first, but aA lot of channels use this formula. These guys are two of the most popular, and look like such complete dickbags that I've never made it all the way through either of their videos.

Also, while collecting these images I discovered that RayWilliamJohnson totally cheats and reuses the same cutouts of himself over and over. They all look like screencaps from porn.29 COMMENTS - LEAVE A COMMENT

AHHH[26 Oct 2009|01:58pm]Some sort of horrible malware infected a bazillion pages on me and my family's sites, eviltrailmix, lemondemon, potterpuppetpals, etc. Please bear with us while the sites are temporarily shut down and being cleaned up.

I'd also appreciate any advice for fighting this infection. I think it's some incarnation of the one known as Gumblar/JSRedir-R/Martuz, but most of the news and info about that one is from May. I have no idea if there's a current epidemic of it.20 COMMENTS - LEAVE A COMMENT

Download Videos From Livejournal


Hello! :)

I created this masterpost for easier tracking of all my projects! I will put the link of this masterpost to my introduction post as well.

I would also like to announce that I will now friend-lock all my subbed videos and raw videos after a week from when I upload them. As much as I want to keep them open for everyone, I decided to be more careful now that we know that THEY possibly know about LJ. ^^" I hope you guys understand my decision.

If you want to add me, just write a short comment introducing yourself on my introduction post. I don't always open LJ, so this helps me keep track who adds me.

All my magazine translations would still be kept public. :)

Fall Out Boy are set to take the stage at WESTFEST 2015 next week (you can enter to win tickets here), and meanwhile the guys are busy hanging with friends and performing at Soundwave in Australia. FOB bassist and lyricist PETE WENTZ took some time away from the festival scene to chat with us about the newest album, art direction, and bubble baths...

The helicoid was lubricated with grease, the guide screws were numbered with a marker, careless soldering, the bracket that should hold the flex cable from helicoid was installed behind it and did not fulfill its function.

As usual, a ring appeared in the rear block due to moisture. It always appeared in winter when I returned from the street. Condensation appeared due to temperature changes.

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Earlier this week, I had a real blast from the past moment. Apparently, my ancient LiveJournal turned 18 on Tuesday, a thing I haven't posted in or given a single thought to for at least ten years. Naturally, curiosity got the better of me, so I dipped my toe back in to see what teenage Katharine had been blogging about in the mid to late 00s. Aside from all my custom images having been eaten, probably with the closure of whatever photo upload service I used back in the day, everything else was pretty much in tact.

Complicating matters is the fact that the science fiction and fantasy communities have long enjoyed amateur fiction about well-known characters--think Buffy the Vampire Slayer or pretty much anyone from the Star Trek universe. Some of those stories are parodies; others involve sex. A related genre includes "shota" or "shouta," which generally refers to depictions of romantic relationships between teenage boys or between an adult and an underage boy. (One user quipped: "Fandom is not about porn any more than the gay rights movement is about Teletubbies.")

Legal experts say LiveJournal is clearly not liable for fictional stories and related discussions posted by its users, thanks to a 1996 federal law immunizing Web-based discussion forums from lawsuits. "If the content is otherwise legal, then LiveJournal has no obligation to police its site or remove any legal content it finds," said Eric Goldman, who teaches at the Santa Clara University School of Law.

Some LiveJournal users have taken the abuse department's claim--that discussions of illegal activity must be deleted even if they're fictional--and tried to counter it with examples from literature. One post listed a slew of fictional works including Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (Juliet is 13- or 14-years-old when married), Mary Shelley's Mathilde, Sophocles' Oedipus plays, and It by Stephen King.

Do you want to switch your LiveJournal site to WordPress? While LiveJournal is a nice place to publish your journal entries, it is extremely limited which is why many users move to WordPress. Recently one of our readers asked if we can create a step by step guide on migrating from LiveJournal to WordPress. In this article, we will show you how to move your blog from LiveJorunal to WordPress.

Another issue is that WordPress importer will not import your images. You can either download your images from LiveJournal and upload them manually, or you can follow instructions in our tutorial on how to import external images in WordPress.

Once you have signed up for WordPress hosting and set up your domain name, the next step is to install WordPress on your hosting account. We have a step by step tutorial on how to install WordPress. Once you have installed WordPress, it is time to move your content from LiveJournal to WordPress.

Matthew Gafford, also known as Fredryk Phox, is from central Florida, USA. He has been active in the fandom since the mid 90's and creates video, music, and flash animations, often in jest of certain aspects of the furry fandom.

Mavrix filed suit against LiveJournal for posting 20 of its copyrighted photographs online. The district court granted summary judgment for LiveJournal, holding that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act's (DMCA), 17 U.S.C. 512(c), safe harbor protected LiveJournal from liability because Mavrix's photographs were posted at the direction of the user. In this case, when users submitted Mavrix's photographs to LiveJournal, LiveJournal posted the photographs after a team of volunteer moderators led by a LiveJournal employee reviewed and approved them. The court disagreed with the district court and concluded that the common law of agency does apply to this analysis and that there were genuine factual disputes regarding whether the moderators were LiveJournal's agents. Therefore, the court reversed and remanded for trial. The court addressed the remaining issues that the district court addressed because these issues may be contested on remand. On remand, the district court must determine whether LiveJournal met the section 512(c) safe harbor threshold requirement by showing that the photographs were posted at the direction of the user, then LiveJournal must show that it lacked actual or red flag knowledge of the infringements and that it did not financially benefit from infringements that it had the right and ability to control.

The title text is a reference to the game Area 51, which was a popular shooter arcade game from 1995 (although a console/PC game of the same name was released in 2005). Area 51 was one of many cabinet arcade games that featured a light gun that allowed players to aim at the screen and shoot in a realistic control mechanic. The title text confirms that the comic is referring to these light gun cabinet games specifically.

Nick Bate was born on September 1, 1991, in the state of Pennsylvania. He was living with his two parents at the time. His aunt, Joyce, has claimed that his father was abusive and an alcoholic, which resulted in the parents getting a divorce when he was ten years old. He also has a half-sister from a future relationship named Amber.

Nick created his first channel, DrNickalausBate, on November 11, 2009. He mainly created short vlogs on the channel, such as house tours of his trailer, vlogs with his family, etc. Nick would soon move on from DrNickalausBate and create another channel called ConstantButts on June 17, 2011. He mostly did the same type of content on his first channel; he created multiple vlogs of himself talking about his life. He mainly uses Twitter and LiveJournal to talk about his life and habits.

Nick has been previously criticized for his very poor health conditions and habits. He has been ridiculed for admitting that he doesn't shower or clean himself, aside from simply washing his hair. He also said that he doesn't brush his teeth, which has caused them to rot and two of his front teeth to be pushed backward. Nick had also admitted that he's also a coprophiliac, showing that he's covered feces on his wall and has used it to help him masturbate.[2] He has also been mocked for not wanting to get a job, instead wanting to be a house husband to an underaged wife.[3]

Parents need to know that LiveJournal is a site that merges social networking with blogging. With more 16 million journals around the world, topics can range from Lindsey Lohan sightings to historical poems about politics -- and can sometimes contain iffy violent or sexual content, or strong language. Some entries are very personal and others are quirky and creative. The site allows users to create profiles, (similar to Facebook) where people can "friend" one another and share photos along with other information about their personal interests. Once a profile is created, people can begin their personal journals and are encouraged to express themselves freely. There are also a variety of communities that people can join to engage in discussions about personal interests. These communities are not chat rooms, but pages where people can comment on different topics. ff782bc1db

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