Not surprising, I suppose... You've been raised in the age of digital photography. The Camera "roll" is analogous to a roll of film, which, to you, probably makes about as much sense as a band releasing an "album" or a "record" when you've lived your entire life probably never having touched a vynil record... or a cassette tape for that matter.

I\u2019ve pulled back a bit on socials through my healing from burnout process and am not sharing everything in my life like I used to. Which makes this the perfect outlet to do so! It\u2019s been a while since a Cart + Camera roll post, where I share what I\u2019ve bought lately (or am eyeing to buy) and what\u2019s on my camera roll that probably won\u2019t get shared in an instagram dump.

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I'm not sure why, but it seems inconsistent when I try to export images from Lightroom mobile to my camera roll. I'll have photos that are synced/imported in just fine. After I apply a preset and export (with watermark) to camera roll, I find that it sometimes doesn't actually show up in my camera roll, even if I get the "This photo successfully exported" notification. I have to do it again (and sometimes a 3rd or 4th time) before it actually appears in the camera roll. Other times, it works on the first try. Not sure if this is a bug or something else...

Yes, the Export at the top right corner with the box and arrow pointing up. And then Export to Camera Roll. It then says "This photo successfully exported" in a blue bar along the bottom. And sometimes that's true, and sometimes it's not and I have to go back in and export to camera roll again. Usually the 2nd time works but there's been times I've had to do a 3rd or 4th try.

I have the Dropbox app on my iPhone X, I also use Dropbox on my PC - within the last several days I no longer have the option to export nor save images to my camera roll on my phone, or save them in general to my phone. I saw a similar post was made but the OP did not reply to the Dropbox rep, so I'm asking the same question and providing additional info.

My iPhone does not have a pending update, and my Dropbox app is also current. When I select the option to save to my camera roll I receive a response of "Couldn't communicate with a helper application." I'm also attaching the relevant screenshots:

My Scannable does save to the camera roll if I choose this in the save dialogue. These are my settings in iCloud, for you to compare. In the iClouds initial screen photos is activated, I share with my iPhone and my MacBook Pro:

Scannable saves to the general camera roll on my iPhone, does not create an album of its own. Other apps do this, for example Skitch, Snapseed and OfficeLens. They sync just fine from the iPhone to the iPad and the Mac. All show in the general view, no Album created.

I have researched this subject and all the answers i am finding state that you can't access the camera roll directly from the browser. I thought this might be true but then i navigated to the Facebook site from Safari on my iPad and realized that i was able to access my camera roll to upload a picture. If the answers I'm finding are true, how is it that the Facebook's in-browser web app accesses my camera roll?

why oh why can we not export an edited image back to the camera roll like all the other good apps like Snapseed ? My workflow imports my DSLR images into camera roll via ShutterSnitch where I can edit them using say Snapseed. These then export into a Snapseed folder in the camera roll, where they can be easily viewed. I can then upload the Snapseed folder to Dropbox when I want and have a wifi connection.

Saving photos to camera roll is very complicated and slow. You need to click at least five times before you can save one photo. If you want to change the default settings you must do even more selections. I wish there would be a simple way to save multiple files to camera roll in batch mode like in VSCO.

I think there is a Language barrier here. This is similar to Synology's software. In the US we would "export" to the camera Roll. But we would "Share" to external media services such as Drop Box, etc. The Developers have this reversed. And this makes things confusing. I see there is export then save. But Ithink we IOS users are not used to digging down 2 or 3 layers deep to get to functions. Windows users on the other hand are very much used to this way of doing things. They are so used to spending hours learning a new software package. This is not how ISO iOS designed. Take Snapseed for Example: try it and see how easy it is to learn and use. With Snapseed there is no big learning curve! Snapseed is still a very powerful App but easy to use. I said in my App Review that this App is Powerful but the Developers just to a desktop designed app and pooped in on the iPad. Which never works well. This app needs to be redesigned from the ground up to take advantage of a Touch first OS.

I just bought this app and when I try to save to the camera roll via share and save image. the app crashes and shuts down. I am using an ipad pro 9.7. The file is only 900x600 pixels and has one layer of text saved as a PNG file. Why doesn't this work???

Saving photos to camera roll is very complicated and slow. You need to click at least five times before you can save one photo. If you want to change the default settings you must do even more selections. I wish there would be a simple way to save multiple files to camera roll in batch mode like in VSCO. 

The camera roll on your device only backups to Microsoft OneDrive - it does not sync photos both ways. That means you can delete backed up photos and videos from your device, and the copies in OneDrive won't be affected.

If your camera backup is taking too long to set up or look for photos, without giving any error message, it could be because you have too many photos in your camera roll, or that you are out of storage space. Read What does it mean when your OneDrive account is frozen?

got new desktop with same issue in windows 10. i "cut" the 'camera roll' and 'saved pictures' folders then "pasted" them into a removable flash drive - it seems to work (they did reappear when system updated to windows 10 creators). i repeated the cut/paste and restarted - so far so good - no camera roll and saved pictures folders

Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.QuestionBlackHeaven1983Posted May 7, 2018BlackHeaven1983Resident  34Share Posted May 7, 2018(edited) When I ask how to camera roll, I'm asking how to take a side-ways picture/snapshot. How can you Roll/Tumble/Rotate the camera so you can view the world upside-down? I have found little-to-no info on this. And it's surprising how difficult it is to setup.

Here's what i've found out with firestorm: --1st-- You must turn off Auto Leveling (which prevents camera roll). That can be found in the phototools. --2nd-- By enabling 3D mouse it is possible to do a camera roll (using a 3d mouse or xbox controller), but you might have issues with the camera moving in other directions too. So controlling it properly can be iffy. --3rd-- Some people can do a camera roll by holding ALT and using the scroll-wheel or click-dragging.. Which is what I want, but I haven't been able to make it work. I have two friends that say it worked for them by default. And I found 1 image online that showed that same keyboard shortcut, but again it's NEVER worked for me.

I have two friends (pro SL photographers) that can do camera rolling with only thier mouse and keyboard, and it doesn't require Flycam Mode. However, they both claim it was just LIKE that for them. They use firestorm and said they didn't do anything special to set it up. But I really want that feature to work for me too.

This question has not been answered yet. I don't mean to be rude, but post-editing has nothing to do with the question. I'm well aware of high res images and how to use photoshop. There is a WAY to do this inworld with the camera, so if there's advice on how to do that, then please let me know. Thank you.

If you are targeting devices running iOS 11 or later, you will also need to add the NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription key in your Info.plist. Use this key to define a string that describes how your app will use this data. By adding this key to your Info.plist, you will be able to request write-only access permission from the user. If you try to save to the camera roll without this permission, your app will exit.

ALL of the pictures I took, THOUSANDS, are gone! Just out of no where!! I don't know how to fix it, I restarted my device, i don't know what else to do! All those pictures I had are gone... even gone on one drive.. why?! How do I fix it?! I NEED those pictures! When I go to camera and try to enter my camera roll, it says there's no pictures... I didn't do anything, it isn't in trash, NOTHING!

I checked and they're no where to be found... I don't know how in the world they were deleted yesterday because even though I was a bit loopy from anesthesia yesterday, I was still there enough to not accideny clear my whole camera roll

Goal: I would like to invoke a share feature either directly after you take the picture or within one click after you take the picture. It would also be acceptable to directly download to camera roll. Is this possible to do on IOS?

I find it intuitive to pan and rotate around the the X, Y, or Z axis. But what about roll. If the angle gets skewed, I can rotate in a clockwise or counter clockwise to get the effect. But it would be better if you could roll around an axis.

Add photos to your camera roll like you pin posts to your Pinterest board. You save images that bring you joy, give you inspiration, or spark a feeling in you that you want to remember. Manifesting your life through Pinterest and mood boards is easy. Actively making the decision to change your way of thinking and loving the life you have is harder. 17dc91bb1f

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