Note: Choose one or more of the first words from the title, enough to clearly identify the article in the Reference list. Use double quotation marks around the words from the title of an article in the in-text citation.

Social media sites have surpassed print newspapers as a news source for Americans: One-in-five U.S. adults say they often get news via social media, slightly higher than the share who often do so from print newspapers (16%) for the first time since Pew Research Center began asking these questions. In 2017, the portion who got news via social media was about equal to the portion who got news from print newspapers.

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You can keep your partners, team, and colleagues in the loop as well as engage them with important or interesting stories by using the News feature on your team site. You can quickly create eye-catching posts like announcements, people news, status updates, and more that can include graphics and rich formatting. In addition to the web experience described below, you can also create and view news from the SharePoint mobile app for iOS.

The personalized news feed is also available in the SharePoint mobile app on iOS and Android in the left tab titled News. A personalized news feed can also show on a page when a page author has set up the News web part to use the option Recommended for current user as a news source.

News can come from many different sites. but there might be "official" or "authoritative" sites for organization news. News from these sites are distinguished by a color block on the title as a visual cue, and are interleaved throughout all news posts displayed for users on the SharePoint start page. The following image shows news on SharePoint home where News@Contoso is the organization news site.

SharePoint admins can specify any number of organization news sites. For multi-geo tenants, organization news sites would have to be set up for each geo location. Each geo location could use the same central organization news site, and/or have its own unique site that shows organization news specific to that region.

When you are done creating your page, click Post news at the top right, and you'll see the story appear in the News section as the most recent story. The news is also displayed on the SharePoint start page, and may be displayed in other places you choose. Additionally, the people you work with and the people who report to you are notified that you've published news in the SharePoint mobile app.

By default, stories are shown in chronological order from newest to oldest based on their initial publish date (editing a story will not change its order). Posts can be reordered using the Organize feature in the News web part.

Make your changes, and then click Update news. This will republish your news page, so that anyone who can view your news post will see the changes. It does not change the order that the news post is in.

News plays a varying role across the social networking sites studied.2 Two-thirds of Facebook users (66%) get news on the site, nearly six-in-ten Twitter users (59%) get news on Twitter, and seven-in-ten Reddit users get news on that platform. On Tumblr, the figure sits at 31%, while for the other five social networking sites it is true of only about one-fifth or less of their user bases.

Differences also emerge in how active or passive each group of news users is in their online news habits more generally. YouTube, Facebook and Instagram news users are more likely to get their news online mostly by chance, when they are online doing other things. Alternatively, the portion of Reddit, Twitter and LinkedIn news users who seek out news online is roughly similar to the portion that happen upon it.3The demographics of social media news consumersA look at the demographic characteristics of news consumers on the five social networking sites with the biggest news audiences shows that, while there is some crossover, each site appeals to a somewhat different group. Instagram news consumers stand out from other groups as more likely to be non-white, young and, for all but Facebook, female. LinkedIn news consumers are more likely to have a college degree than news users of the other four platforms; Twitter news users are the second most likely. The demographics of other sites can be found in the Appendix.

Social media news consumers still get news from a variety of other sources and to a fairly consistent degree across sites. For example, across the five sites with the biggest news audiences, roughly two-in-ten news users of each also get news from nightly network television news; about three-in-ten turn to local TV. One area that saw greater variation was news websites and apps. Roughly half of Twitter and LinkedIn news consumers also get news from news websites and apps, while that is true of one-third of Facebook and YouTube news users.

This report is an update to a 2013 report, with the addition of Snapchat and the removal of three sites: Pinterest, which has been shown to have a small portion of users who use it for news; Myspace, which has largely transitioned to a music site; and Google+, which through its recent transformations is being phased out as a social networking site. For the sites analyzed in both 2013 and 2016, a few significant differences emerge.

Of the sites we tracked since 2013, three of eight show an increase in the portion of users who get news there: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.4The full 2013-2016 trends for usage and demographics can be found in the Appendix.

You can keep everyone in the loop and engage your audience with important or interesting stories by using the News web part on your page or site. You can quickly create eye-catching posts like announcements, people news, status updates, and more that can include graphics and rich formatting.

Click the Edit button on the left of the web part to open the property pane and set options such as news source, layout, organization, and filtering. See below for more information on each of these options.

When you are working with a News web part, you can specify the source for your news posts. Your news posts can come from the site you are on while using the web part (This site), a hub site that the current site is part of (All sites in the hub), or one or more individual sites (Select sites). Another option is to choose Recommended for current user, which will display posts for the current user from people the user works with; managers in the chain of people the user works with, mapped against the user's own chain of management and connections; the user's top 20 followed sites; and the user's frequently visited sites.

News can come from many different sites, but there may be one or more "official" or "authoritative" sites for organization news. News from these sites are distinguished by a color block on the title as a visual cue, and are interleaved throughout all news posts displayed for users on SharePoint home in Microsoft 365 . The following image shows news on SharePoint home where News@Contoso is the organization news site.

An additional layout is Carousel, which shows a large visual, and allows users to move through stories using back and next buttons, or pagination icons. You can also choose to automatically cycle through news posts in the carousel.

You can organize posts in the order you want them to appear on your page. Similar to using a bulletin board, you can think of this as "pinning" news posts in the position you want so that everyone can see them.

In the large pane that displays, drag the recent news stories from the left into the numbered position you want on the right. If you are not seeing the news you want to select, use the search box to find it.

By using audience targeting, you can show news content to specific groups of people. This is useful when you want to present information that is relevant only to a particular group of people. For example, you can target news stories about a specific project to only team members and stakeholders of the project.

To use audience targeting, you must first enable audience targeting for the pages library that contains the news stories, select your audience, and then enable audience targeting in the News web part.

When it comes to evaluating information that flows across social channels or pops up in a Google search, young and otherwise digital-savvy students can easily be duped, finds a new report from researchers at Stanford Graduate School of Education.

The report, released this week by the Stanford History Education Group (SHEG), shows a dismaying inability by students to reason about information they see on the Internet, the authors said. Students, for example, had a hard time distinguishing advertisements from news articles or identifying where information came from.

The new report covered news literacy, as well as students' ability to judge Facebook and Twitter feeds, comments left in readers' forums on news sites, blog posts, photographs and other digital messages that shape public opinion.

The assessments reflected key understandings the students should possess such as being able to find out who wrote a story and whether that source is credible. The authors drew on the expertise of teachers, university researchers, librarians and news experts to come up with 15 age-appropriate tests -- five each for middle school, high school and college levels.

Another assessment had middle school students look at the homepage of Slate. They were asked to identify certain bits of content as either news stories or advertisements. The students were able to identify a traditional ad -- one with a coupon code -- from a news story pretty easily. But of the 203 students surveyed, more than 80 percent believed a native ad, identified with the words "sponsored content," was a real news story. e24fc04721

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