It would be nice if the mobile editor worked more like the desktop editor in some ways. For instance, it would be useful on a phone to have new checkboxes and bullets appear when tapping Enter after existing checkboxes and bullets, but as far as I can tell this feature is missing.

Yes I also think the mobile editor is still too basic, and I tend to rarely even try to use markdown when I am editing on my phone. There is a lot of discussion on this forum and github issues already that suggests stuff like: a toolbar for easier markdown editing or even a wysiwyg editor. My personal preference would be wysiwyg but if a toolbar with at least some of the possibilties of the desktop clien is easier/faster to implement, I would be very very happy and finally could really use Joplin on my iphone and ipad. Well, if you come from Evernote than you unfortuantely are a bit spoiled which is my personal problem I guess, but still I think Joplin is a very very great tool already!!!

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Hi @themightychris,

Well, I have to admit that personally at this point: I do not care wheater wysiwyg or a helpful toolbar is the way to go. What I am trying to say is that the mobile text editor is nor a proper markdown editor nor is it wysiwig, IMHO it is way to basic and this (again IMHO) should be improved. Personally I think editing markdown on my iphone is a PITA and for that reason I just put in plain text and edit it later in the Desktop App. This cannot be the way. The only thing where I use markdown on mobile is easy stuff like bullet lists. writing a * is not to much for me But as you already pointed out, typing checkboxes really is a lot of work on a mobile. Also I would appreciated behaviour like "mark some words" - press bold/underline/hyperlink/etc. button - marked text is bold/hyperlink/etc. same as on desktop client - this would be such a usability gain and would also be usable without a toolbar.

I would like the mobile editor to be like Evernote were you can easily bold text, create checkboxes just like on the desktop version. This will make mobile feel better for those who are not tech savvy and prefer editors over markdown.

A client of mine wishes to be able to edit her blog website on mobile through the editor. Is this a feature that is still not possible? I have seen it mentioned in a previous forum post last year and wanted to see where it stands. Personally, I would not want to edit any website on a mobile screen but it seems clients feel differently after coming from this capability being offered by Wordpress sites.

Yes I mean a backup on desktop at least, so even if something goes wrong on mobile there's a chance the note has been synced before and backed up. The note history also could help on mobile if there's an issue.

This is really awesome! I've been wanting to play around with CodeMirror 6 for awhile now and I'm glad to see that you've beat me too it. I had a quick look at the code and it seems like there are some similarities to the desktop, are you planning on eventually extending this to use a single shared editor between the desktop and mobile? Or is there something preventing that?

If we wanted to use the same editor in both desktop and mobile I guess the main goal would be to find how to re-use the existing desktop code. Perhaps it would even make sense to start from the desktop app, switch to CM6 and try to get things working, then use this in mobile with whatever tweak is needed (for example on mobile we could disable vim mode, some keyboard shortcuts, etc.).

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All of my problem stated in subject...

When I change view of the site from desktop to mobile, all I see is an empty phone picture.

Phone with absolutely nothing inside phone's screen.

And right part of menu's with desighn for mobile options don't work too.

I tried to make it in chromium and in firefox and it don`t work in both browsers..

Hey @slingo! It isn't possible right now to edit the mobile site separately from the desktop site. Also, the mobile preview will really only show something when you're using an older non-responsive, theme. If you're using a responsive theme, it'll just adjust to smaller screensizes.

This is perplexing. The site is editied on a desktop, and then automatically reformatted for mobile, which is where the vast majority of people (my people at least) will be viewing it. And it looks terrible, with font sizes all over the place. If I had known this I would have gone elsewhere. It is a serious oversight, can it be so hard to remedy?!?!

Font sizes should be consistent on a mobile device just like on a desktop computer, except sized more appropriately for mobile. Are you changing the sizes of fonts with the text editing toolbar, or using text pasted in from somewhere else?

It'd really just be easier to edit the mobile view. I don't understand why I can't. At the very least I should be able to adjust the font in mobile view without it corrupting the view for desktop. I spent the last month on this website thinking it'd be as easy as it is on Wix to adjust the mobile view but it seems that option isn't even availble.

I would recommend using the Hide app, that way you can specifically control everything for both separately. Basically you add one Hide element the page and put everything for desktop in it and set it to display on large screens. Then you add a second hide element set to display only on small screens, and put content in that like you want it to look on mobile.

Thanks for reaching out, @sheller2000 It is not possible to edit the mobile view separately. If you are using the original Weebly editor you can try using the Hide app to display different content depending on the screen size.

I'm just tailoring all of the pages on my clients new website to suit mobile. On that note - isn't the way that SS populates mobile pages on 7.1 with fluid editor just totally ridiculous? There is no logic what so ever as to how they position the blocks and you end up having to redesign every page for mobile - what a nightmare and a double up. I love it that we can now easily change the layout for mobile but having to rebuild from scratch as all the blocks are in a weird order is taking way more time.

You'll see with the screen shot that the pages have a large top image and then below them a Gallery of smaller images. The Gallery is a grid with lightbox so they pop out. Below this is a text box with the description for the product. It looks great on Desktop but I am having issues on mobile.

On the editor view, the images in the Gallery are really big, with two per row. When you view on the actual website on your mobile, they're small images below the top image which looks great. The issue is, that if I make it look like the page content is properly spaced on the editor, it adds a huge space on the live page. To ensure that there isn't a huge space below the gallery, I have to place the text over the gallery itself on editor. This is really hard to guess where it should be and also such bad practice. Has anyone else experienced this before? Am I doing something stupid? Is there a way to make the editor screen and actual site look the same so it's easier to edit?

Take a look on mobile. You'll see that the description is nice and close to the small gallery. But to make it look like that, the editor looks like the attached image with the text over the gallery. If I move the text below the gallery on editor, it leaves a huge white space (the length of the gallery in editor) on the live site which looks terrible.

I have however experimented more, and the sweet spot for editing Elementor pages on an Android mobile seems to be using the Vivaldi browser in desktop mode (buried in settings). This reliably displays the green update button at the bottom of the left sidebar when changes have been made, something that the other browsers seem not to want to do.

Thank you for that perspective - my apologies for the misdiagnosis of the issue. I guess my desire then is to be able to choose to use two columns on mobile if I want, and to have more freedom to adjust mobile layouts after the bulk of the design is completed. I included some screenshots below to explain a couple instances where I'm running into issues.

Same issue here. Have found a partial workarounds by duplicating the section and re-designing it for mobile, and then turning off the mobile-designed section on desk viewpoint, and the desk-designed section on mobile viewpoint. But now I have double the sections, which also defeats the purpose of having mobile-responsive behaviors baked in. And still can't have side-by-side elements in mobile.

This happens to me on 3 different devices (ROG Phone 3, Huawei Mate X2, iPad Pro 2018, all on latest version of Obsidian mobile), with and without plugins, themes and css snippets. All having the same problem.

I tested it again by starting a brand new document in the sermon editor on my desktop, completing the file information section at the top and then syncing the program. I checked the web app within a couple minutes and the document was already there. I checked the apps on both mobile devices a few minutes later and neither one had synced the document. Help please.

You can manage your online store from your mobile device with the Shopify app. The app features an online store overview page that allows you to edit your store, modify content, and publish your site from one screen. Using the mobile theme editor, you can update or edit your online store from anywhere, as well as create blog posts, add pages, update your menus, and manage your theme. ff782bc1db

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