The model builder above accepts the following values as the weights parameter.VGG19_Weights.DEFAULT is equivalent to VGG19_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1. You can also use strings, e.g. weights='DEFAULT' or weights='IMAGENET1K_V1'.

Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing.For VGG19, call keras.applications.vgg19.preprocess_input on yourinputs before passing them to the model.vgg19.preprocess_input will convert the input images from RGB to BGR,then will zero-center each color channel with respect to the ImageNetdataset, without scaling.

Download Vgg19 Weights


I am trying to load the vgg19 network with a modified number of input channels. The number of input channels is 4 is my case and also I am changing the classifier to my own classifier. I have also removed the Adaptive Average pooling layer from the network. How should I be loading the pre-trained weights into the modified version of my model in PyTorch?

Option 1. If you are going to use the original pre-trained weights given with the original VGG19 network, you have to load the weights first before modifying the network. The pre-trained weights are defined for the original network, so it needs to match the input channels.Then you can add an extra layer at the beginning as input layer, and remove the pooling layer in your new network.

Note: Weights for VGG16 and VGG19 are > 500MB. ResNet weights are ~100MB, while Inception and Xception weights are between 90-100MB. If this is the first time you are running this script for a given network, these weights will be (automatically) downloaded and cached to your local disk. Depending on your internet speed, this may take awhile. However, once the weights are downloaded, they will not need to be downloaded again, allowing subsequent runs of to be much faster.

If Deep Learning Toolbox Model for VGG-19Network support package is not installed, then the functionprovides a link to the required support package in the Add-On Explorer.To install the support package, click the link, and then click Install.Check that the installation is successful by typing vgg19 atthe command line.

For code generation, you can load the network by using the syntax net = vgg19 or by passing the vgg19 function to coder.loadDeepLearningNetwork (MATLAB Coder). For example: net = coder.loadDeepLearningNetwork('vgg19')

For code generation, you can load the network by using the syntax net = vgg19 or by passing the vgg19 function to coder.loadDeepLearningNetwork (GPU Coder). For example: net = coder.loadDeepLearningNetwork('vgg19')

We will have to set include_top=True since we want to cross-check if the network is able to correctly predict our content_image. When setting include_top=True and loading imagenet weights, input_shape should be (224, 224, 3). So, let us resize it using tf.image.resize.

Since only some layers of the VGG19 network are used in my style transfer program, is it possible to reduce the .H5's size by saving only those layers' weights, or something like that? Is there any other solution to my problem?

Figure 8 illustrates the weighted ensemble of three feature maps extracted from three different models. These weights are further optimized by using a grid search combination to achieve the maximum accuracy value of the ensemble model. Equation (1) shows the formula of the hybrid feature map for the best combination of weights.

From Figure 9, it can be seen that for the different values of wt1, wt2, and wt3, different values of accuracies are obtained. The best value of accuracy 98.18% is obtained on weights 0.3, 0.4, and 0.4 as shown in Figure 9.

What we're going to do, for VGG16 and the other pre-trained models, is to download the model with the weights resulting from the training on ImageNet. Then, we will replace the classifier part by our own simple classifier, adapted to our problem. For instance, this classifier will have only two output neurons in the last layer, one for dog and one for cat. Finally, we will freeze all the layers of the convolutional part, so that we only have to train the parameters of our classifier on our small dataset.

The first VGG models were created by Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zisserman, and first presented in the paper Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition in 2015. VGG16 has 16 layers with weights, and VGG99 has 19 layers with weights.

We're doing a re-implementation of the style transfer algorithm in Gatys et al. Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks.There are many example implementations out there but except for the authors almost everyone goes with the standard network with pretrained weights.In section 2 - Deep Image Representations there is the following passage:

We normalized the network by scaling the weights such that the mean activation of each convolutional lter over images and positions is equal to one. Such re-scaling can be done for the VGG network without changing its output, because it contains only rectifying linear activation functions and no normalization or pooling over feature maps.

I'm wondering what that means in practice - is that capturing the activation maps for all images in imagenet (training set) and then adjust the relu weights based on those sums across all images, all positions for each filter element? Not sure how to interpret this if it's not related to training data at all.

Unlike most modern vision models, AlexNet does not use global average pooling. Instead, it has a fully connected layer directly connected to its final convolutional layer, allowing it to treat different positions differently. If one looks at the weights of this fully connected layer, the weights strongly vary as a function of the global y position.

To rule out bugs in training or some strange numerical problem, we decided to do a training run with the input rotated by 90 degrees. This sanity check yielded a very clear result showing vertical banding in the resulting weights, instead of horizontal banding. This is a clear indication that banding is a result of properties within the ImageNet dataset which make spatial vertical position(or, in the case of the rotated dataset, spatial horizontal position) relevant.

The one exception is VGG19, where the removal of the pooling operation before its set of fully connected layers did not eliminate weight banding as expected; these weights look fairly similar to the baseline. However, it clearly responds to rotation.

VGG19 did not seem to respond to the removal of the pooling operation before its set of fully connected layers as expected. It clearly responds to rotation but otherwise the weights look fairly similar between baseline and fully connected removed. [TODO: I should rerun the experiment, I had memory trouble training the fully connected variant already so perhaps there is a bug somewhere]

It's unclear if weight banding is a feature or a bug. On one hand, the 90 rotation experiment shows that weight banding is a product of the dataset and is encoding useful information into the weights. However, if spatial information can flow through the network in a more efficient way, then perhaps the filters can focus on encoding relationships between features without needing to track these spatial positions. The most interesting finding about this phenomenon is that convolutional layers will very consistently add banding into their weights whenever spatial information gets destroyed through pooling operations, presumably with the goal of preserving some of the destroyed information.

To explore how layer weights are affected by the various attempts to affect banding, we clustered a normalized form of the weights in the experiments discussed above. In this figure, you can explore how the proportion and type of banding changes with the various experiments.

We fused two MRI and PET images automatically with a pretrained convolutional neural network (CNN, VGG19). First, the PET image was converted from red-green-blue space to hue-saturation-intensity space to save the hue and saturation information. We started with extracting features from images by using a pretrained CNN. Then, we used the weights extracted from two MRI and PET images to construct a fused image. Fused image was constructed with multiplied weights to images. For solving the problem of reduced contrast, we added the constant coefficient of the original image to the final result. Finally, quantitative criteria (entropy, mutual information, discrepancy, and overall performance [OP]) were applied to evaluate the results of fusion. We compared the results of our method with the most widely used methods in the spatial and transform domain.

Conclusions:  With accurate feature extraction and optimized network weights, the proposed TWO-DCNN showed the best performance in WBC classification for low-resolution and noisy data sets. It could be used as an alternative method for clinical applications.

The weights of the RDN network trained on the DIV2K dataset are available in weights/sample_weights/rdn-C6-D20-G64-G064-x2/PSNR-driven/rdn-C6-D20-G64-G064-x2_PSNR_epoch086.hdf5. 

The model was trained using C=6, D=20, G=64, G0=64 as parameters (see architecture for details) for 86 epochs of 1000 batches of 8 32x32 augmented patches taken from LR images.

The artefact can cancelling weights obtained with a combination of different training sessions using different datasets and perceptual loss with VGG19 and GAN can be found at weights/sample_weights/rdn-C6-D20-G64-G064-x2/ArtefactCancelling/rdn-C6-D20-G64-G064-x2_ArtefactCancelling_epoch219.hdf5We recommend using these weights only when cancelling compression artefacts is a desirable effect.

In contrast to traditional weight optimization in a continuous space, we demonstrate the existence of effective random networks whose weights are never updated. By selecting a weight among a fixed set of random values for each individual connection, our method uncovers combinations of random weights that match the performance of traditionally-trained networks of the same capacity. We refer to our networks as "slot machines" where each reel (connection) contains a fixed set of symbols (random values). Our backpropagation algorithm "spins" the reels to seek "winning" combinations, i.e., selections of random weight values that minimize the given loss. Quite surprisingly, we find that allocating just a few random values to each connection (e.g., 8 values per connection) yields highly competitive combinations despite being dramatically more constrained compared to traditionally learned weights. Moreover, finetuning these combinations often improves performance over the trained baselines. A randomly initialized VGG-19 with 8 values per connection contains a combination that achieves 91% test accuracy on CIFAR-10. Our method also achieves an impressive performance of 98.2% on MNIST for neural networks containing only random weights. 2351a5e196

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