
That would definitely be frustrating if no one could see your number! If you check your account, does it show caller ID blocking is set up? Does this happen on all calls or only some? 


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I recently had my number transferred over to me from my parents. Everything seems to have gone as it should with the transfer process. However, when attempting to link the phone number to my account, I keep getting the following error, "That mobile number is not eligible for linking." 

I was curious if anyone else has run into this and if so what the solution to it was.

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I am having the same problem. I ported multiple lines for my family to Verizon postpaid. When I try to link the account, I get to the point of it listing the numbers, however when I choose a number, it says this number cannot be linked.

I cannot link my Verizon numbers to my Verizon account. I called Verizon support and also the porting center. They just reset my password and had me come in and try again, with the same result. Also, multiple tries result in being locked out for 24 hours. So that's not very helpful.

Same here. I spent at least 5 hours on the phone with customer support after carrying my number to make it work, it didn't. Verizon Store was able to fix it after customer service pretended to not hear me on the phone and hang up!! Then SMS service stopped working. After another 2 hours they fixed it. Now I am unable to link my number to setup autopay etc. This is a lovely experience!

Verizon Support reached and after many discussions they were able to send me a link to register my number as a Verizon number. Then I was able to link it to my account. I hope this helps someone else. Huge thanks to Adrian!

I have tried reaching support on this through the contact us page, but it either will put me through an automated system and not get me to a human operator, or it will give me an error when attempting to use the chat with us or have us call you method.

This tells me that my watch can be used to receive and make calls and receive and send texts with the SAME phone number as my phone, even though the device technically has its own phone number it will send out as my main cell number, see below...

Your smartphone's mobile number is the "host" and shares your number with your authorized "extension" devices. Although each extension device has its own mobile number, NumberShare lets you share your smartphone's number with all extensions. Both numbers work on your extension devices and will appear on your Verizon Wireless bill.

If i completely turn my phone off (simulating if i was to leave it at home and go to my office only wearing my watch), i can make a call from my watch alone and whoever i'm calling sees my correct caller ID (the phone number of my phone)... also, if someone calls me when my phone is off the call routes to my watch. That part works great, luckily for me that's the most important part.

The main issue i'm having is text messaging. Again, if my phone is off and i send a text with my watch it shows the actual phone number of the watch to whoever receives my message, which we obviously don't want it to do because no one i know knows that number and it defeats the purpose of "number sharing on 2 devices". If someone tries to send my regular cell number a text while the phone is off i never get it. If someone texts the watch directly i get it fine, but they have to text the watch phone number. So basically, texting doesn't seem to be working correctly when the host phone is shut off.

Keep in mind, if i have the phone and watch connected via Bluetooth life is great and everything is fine, but the whole reason i got the watch is so i could take advantage of not having my phone with me and being able to receive calls and texts away from my phone, and the calls i get, it's just the texts i don't get. I thought it may be a provisioning issue so i have reset my phone and watch a few times but still the same thing. Maybe it's because the service is so new some bugs need to be worked out. Anyway, that is my issue, anyone has a fix please let me know.

The Number Share feature/service WILL NOT work with business accounts, so if you have a phone on a biz account and you get the watch, it wont work, you will need to move the numbers and devices over to a personal account only, i verified this with Verizon after trying for hours to get things to work on a business account.

Powering the device off is causing that issue. You don't have to be near your phone, but it does have to be on and connected to the Verizon network for proper function. Likewise if the host phone was in airplane mode or on a roaming network the functionality would also be limited.

It makes sense that the calls are showing your host number with the phone off, it's very simple for the network to seamlessly forward the incoming calls from your host number directly to your watch number. Likewise in reverse the Number Sharing feature simply spoofs your outgoing caller ID to display the host number instead of the number in the watch.

SMS/MMS would work a bit differently as to send/receive the messages using the host phone number instead of number in the watch the network would need to access the Gear S3 app on the host device. When sending a text from the watch it would actually pass through the network to the Gear S3 app on the host phone and then use that device to deliver the message to the recipient so that it can display your phone number. (Even if the phone is not near you). For the reverse to work the incoming texts to your phone number would be forwarded from your device to your watch number via the Gear S3 App. Neither of those could work with the phone off due to the security of the messaging platform technology, and because multiple device IDs cannot actually be assigned the same phone number since that's cloning which is illegal.

HAPPY to report that as of today with my host phone completely shut off, my S3 Frontier is now receiving texts sent to my cell phone (while my cell phone is off), also when i compost a new text and send it it shows up as my cell phone number. This was my original problem which now seems to be fixed, the answer above is inaccurate.

Can you tell me if you did anything particular to get this to work? I spent over an hour on the phone with VZW tech support today. This very helpful woman ran the issue up several levels and reported back what she was told.

Contrary to what I had been told several times before by VZW support and sales staff, Numbershare will NOT work for messages if the phone is off and it was not supposed to. She was told we need to use either the Gear Manager remote connection feature or Messages Plus (which the VZW web site expressly says you do not need to use).

In my prior tech support contacts, as recently as last week, I was told this is a known issue and that a fix was in the works. The woman today said her higher-ups told her there is no issue, there is no fix in the works and it is what it is.

Diana from today asked me to send her this thread and she took it to bring it to higher up tech people. She is going to call back tomorrow. And I believe her because she called me back after two hours today.

Today (04-15-19), Verizon Wireless still does not have this figured out. I purchased the Gear s3 Frontier 08-30-18 and have not been sent 3 watches and spent well over 15 hours on the phone with Verizon people, who cannot get the text messaging side of the watch to text from the phone when not connect through bluetooth, even though the phone is on. I have several friends who have the exact same phone and watch as I do, however they have T-Mobile and they have never had a problem like this. It is a problem with Verizon, not knowing how to setup their two number forewarding on devices like this. What a waste of my time. Verizon, please DONT offer a product that you do not know how to support!

Glad it is working for you. I still have no luck. I chatted with VZW support today and got the same old answer: this is a known issue and they are working on it. The only difference is that they now say they are waiting for Samsung to send out an update.

Here it is, six months later, and one of the core marketed feature of numbershare does not work on the first device to support it. And yet, VZW continues to advertise that you can share calls and messages via Numbershare with the phone off. Lawyers call that a deceptive trade practice.

Obviously, my Gear S3 has it's own number, I can receive notifications when in standalone mode; however, while my outbound calls from my Gear S3 display my Host/Nexus 6P number, text messages aren't really working right. They still show that Gear number assigned to it that I wish not to memorize, nor should I have to.

In my testing, only text messages I send to Verizon subscribers do text messages from my Gear S3 in Standalone Mode appear as my Nexus number. Messages I send to other subscribers, like my work S8 (TMO) or my friend's iPhone (ATT) messages still show up as that alien number than belongs to my Gear S3.

If my response answered your question please click the Correct Answer button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

The only way to have messages sent and received from/by the watch as if from the phone's number is to use Samsung's Gear Manager app and enable the Remote Connection feature. This routes messages through Samsung servers so that messages from the watch go through the servers and are then sent/received from the phone. And then it only works if the phone is on and connected to the internet.

That is great news, but they must be rolling it out. As of now, mine is not working yet. Just tested after I saw your message. Here in northern VA, no change so far. Calls working, messages not yet. Hope it gets to my area soon. Thanks for the update.

Its great to know that my phone was texted and to be able to read the text.. but I find it completely useless that I need my phone to reply. The alternative is receive notification, go back to messaging app then compose a brand new text then manually select the 8316 number .....not ideal... 152ee80cbc

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