This policy sets out when VectorStock Media Ltd (VectorStock, we, or us) may remove vector images, graphics, icons and illustrations (Content) that are provided by contributing users (Artists) and made available for download by registered users (Members) on the website (Website).

VectorStock Media Ltd (VectorStock, we, us or our) provides a service for the supply and licensing of vector images, graphics, icons and illustrations (Content) via the website (Service). The Service allows persons to contribute Content (Artists), to make their Content available on the VectorStock website, and persons registered with us (Members), to download Content from the VectorStock website. The Service acts as an exchange to allow each Artist to grant to Members a licence to use the Artist's Content when downloaded.

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When you download Content from the VectorStock website, you will be granted a licence by the relevant Artist to use that Content on the terms set out below. The type of rights that you will be granted will depend on whether you choose to download Content under a free licence, standard licence or Expanded licence. If you are unsure as to whether a use is permitted under your licence, please contact [].

Once you have loaded your account with Credits you can use them to purchase and download our Vector Graphics. Minimum purchase is 30 CR. The Credits are only valid on VectorStock and expire after 12 months from date of purchase : to extend your credits if they have expired please contact ff782bc1db

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