One annoying behavior of the VB6 IDE editor, especially when switching back to it from more recent tools like VS.NET, is that it doesn't recognize the mousewheel! Maybe VB6 was brought out when most mice didn't have one, but is there a way to fix it so it does recognize the mousewheel?

This is a small program that will make your mouse's scroll wheel work in various older programs - mainly Visual Basic 6's code window. I noticed a lot of people coming to this site from Google looking for help with their mouse wheel. So, I decided to fix it.

Download Vb6 Mouse Wheel.exe

Download Zip 🔥 🔥

In addition to scrolling the window under the cursor when you roll the mouse wheel, it's possible to move the keyboard focus to that window... Through the concept of wheelability, you can control how wheel messages are processed on a per window class basis. Scoped window classes allow you to associate window class names with the specific programs that define them, so you don't have to worry about affecting other programs that may unwittingly use the same window class names. ... You can exclude entire programs from the Wheeler treatment.

Mouse wheel support in Visual Basic 6.0 is a function of the mouse driver. The WM_MOUSEWHEEL message is sent to the Focus window when you rotate the mouse wheel. Because the Visual Basic 6.0 IDE does not have built-in support for scrolling by using the mouse wheel, the IDE ignores the WM_MOUSEWHEEL message. However, IntelliPoint software version 4.12 provides mouse wheel support and converts the WM_MOUSEWHEEL message to WM_SCROLL. IntelliPoint software version 4.9 and later versions do not have this feature. Therefore, if you want to use the mouse wheel to scroll in the Visual Basic 6.0 IDE, you must use IntelliPoint software version 4.12.

Is there a way to make a mouse scroll wheel invert its direction? I'd like to scroll upwards and have that action scroll downwards and vice-versa. There is no setting on the Mouse control panel that makes this possible.

Now in the HID-compliant mouse Properties window click the Details tab and select the Device Instance Path property. The registry path is in there. You only have to unplug and plug back in your mouse for this to take effect.

You can also use the application X-Mouse Button Control to accomplish this. Enable the setting "invert mouse wheel scrolling" on the "Scrolling" tab. I am using this on Windows XP, but the app should work on 7 or Vista or 10 or 11, also. It was very quick to set up, and since it's a GUI application, it was easier to use.

Prior to Windows 10, it wasn't possible to scroll windows with the mouse wheel unless the window had input focus. You'd have to click the window first before being able to scroll it. WizMouse allows this functionality on older versions of Windows.

But, in Keyboard Shortcuts, do you see the scroll-wheel option? On my machine, that's only in the Tools section, and the "Keyboard Shortcuts" is for, well, keyboard-related things, not mouse-related things

But if so, I wonder why the OP, on MAC, seemingly has to use Alt+mousewheel, rather than, what I understood to be the "equivalent" of Ctrl on Windows, i.e. Cmd?

Try going to Safe Mode, then deleting all mice in the Device Manager from Safe Mode. After that, you'll have to use the keyboard to move around, so remember that opens the start menu. Then reboot and, from Normal Mode, reinstall the mouse once again. Good luck!

I thought that mouse wheel does not work in Windows 95 unless you have a specific mouse driver for it. I remember, back in old days when I had Windows 95, a new mouse with mouse wheel came with diskette with such specific driver. There was a tray utility (may be the first tray icon I saw in my life ) that allowed assigning an action for the third mouse button from several available ones. Windows 98 SE works with mouse wheel natively.

Mine was working fine then it stopped and I was not sure why, after reading these posts I looked at my mouse settings and remembered that I turned on smooth scrolling in Logitech Options, so on a whim I turned if off and it started working again. maybe this will help someone.

Having similar issue. Windows 10 v1909 OS build 18363.815 server and MacOS 10.15.4 client. If I restart synergy then I'll get the mouse to scroll, but it is intermittent. I have a hardline to the computers via a network switch and that doesn't matter. I cannot change my mouse preferences on the client because it can't find the mouse (you know, because it's connected to the server). I can share with you my log files, but I think it's in line with what others are talking about with the dropped bogus delta motion +0, +0.

Suddenly this is happening to me as well. I do notice that there is also a lag in my click, and my server screen is displaying tooltips on the main screen even though the mouse is on the client. Not sure if the server is recognizing the scroll action due to the lag or possibly thinks its on the server computer, but could be? 

I'm running on Two Mac's Newest OS's - LAN . 

Any help?

How To get mouse scrolling support in VBA

 If you did all the above steps, you will just get scroll wheel mouse suport in Visual Basic 6. In order to get the same thing working in VBA:

There is actually another method of getting the wheel mouse support working, but it seems specifically for users who are having touble with the Microsoft IntelliPoint software and I persoanlly found the above solution to be always working in different versions of Windows (XP, Windows Server 2003, Vista).

Mouse Wheel Control enhances the features of the mouse wheel. With it, you can use the mouse wheel where it is not supported, change its functionality or extend its use. There are a lot of programs where the mouse wheel is not used or where it is used in some way other than you want it to be used. Mouse Wheel Control solves this problem.

When you rotate the mouse wheel, Mouse Wheel Control replaces the rotation signals with the selected key combinations. Thus, you can change the way the mouse wheel works. This replacement is configured separately for each program. Moreover, you can specify different settings for different parts of one application.

I can zoom out with no issues while holding alt and scrolling down. If I hold alt and scroll up, it immediately zooms me out. Basically, if I hold alt and scroll the mouse wheel in any direction, it zooms me out.

So if you download Microsofts Mouse and Keyboard Center Software and open it, choose your mouse and then select Wheel (Scrollwheel or whatever it is called in english) you will see the options and custom properties for the mousewheel. There is an option that says something in the sense of "Identify Programs for which the scrolling does not function as it should". Click this and manually add the .exe file of any Adobe program that has issues. This solved it for me. Scrolling and Zooming and everything works again as expected.

In other words, you can use this short script for AutoHotkey to finally rise to a higher plain of ZBrushness. Panning by middle-button (eg. mouse wheel click) dragging, and zooming with the mouse wheel.

Note: AutoHotkey is only available on Windows.

In the attached .zip, there are two files. The script source code and a compiled .exe. The easy way is to just run RemappingsForZbrush.exe to enable the mouse wheel. Alternatively, if you want to experiment with the script you can download AutoHotkey. Install the interpreter and let it register the .ahk file extension. Then just double-click the .ahk source file to run it in the interpreter.

AFAICT it depends on the terminal; and I have freed myself from Windows 

some time ago (months? years? Years I think) so I cannot experiment on a 

Windows console.Here on Linux, every different terminal emulator reacts differently to 

mouse actions: some don't pass them to Vim at all, some can move the 

cursor and open a "Select" area by dragging but won't react to the mouse 

wheel, some will move the cursor up and down when I roll the wheel but 

won't react to mouse clicks... Apparently I can't get full mouse 

performance in console Vim but only in gvim.Maybe you can configure your cmd.exe console, maybe by clicking (left or 

right, I'm not sure) the top left icon of the terminal window when Vim 

is running in it?

Best regards,



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Some versions back, I reported on a problem that occurred when using the mouse wheel while working in the Tag Panel. Sometimes, rolling the wheel when the pointer overlays a field's value, the value would change from the previously entered (and already written) text to . This behavior easily goes unnoticed, which is a serious issue.. The result is that further tag panel operations end up removing desired values from the affected field(s). 2351a5e196

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