We are facing problem while using the desktop 64-bit, 32-bit or even standard version app. The tracking time doesn't show up and we can't access the tracker of different people. When we click to any contract it doesn't allow to access it and start the contact.

To resolve this, please consider the following steps:

Option 1 - Please try uninstalling the desktop app. It is important the old version is completely removed from your PC. Then, download the standard version of the Upwork Desktop App and install it: If not resolved, please proceed to Option 2

Option 2 - Look for the desktop app icon from the tray menu (see: _01Tl0y8BABXDaFuD_8axkkaulBx9mHMLj0) > Right-click on the icon > Open Time tracker (see: _01Wnj7SF8l8KyfFGLjWn5BAl3KqPpaSQ-Z)

Then retest the desktop app, and you might need to restart PC if needed.

Download Upwork Hourly Tracker

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Hi Andrea, I understand. But we are facing this problem from many days and not able to work on the clients contract. I hope you also understand my concern. My team members are not able to run the tracker for clients projects on their PC's.


I have been hired for a project for the first time on Upwork. I accept the offer ( hourly contract). I have finished the job without using the tracker because I didn't know that it's hourly or fixed price. I have also sent it to the client and she haven't replyed yet. 

What should I do? Is it my problem or the client's?

Thank you,

I have the same problem, my client is very unresponsive about my payment, I asked him how do I get about my payment but he did not answer, then I already worked 3 days passed and that was just the time he told me about the tracker. So now, I don't know what to do about the working hours I have worked without the tracker, I need to get paid. Upwork should have this support to their freelancers. This is totally painful!! We pay upwork in applying jobs, we pay upwork some fees from our salaries.Freelancers paid so much to upwork!! So, we need to be protected from clients like this.

However, please keep in mind that our hourly payment protection does not cover promised funds and manual hours. For the hours you have worked, you can communicate further with your client about receiving a bonus payment or adding manual time. Thank you.

re: "I need to get paid. Upwork should have this support to their freelancers. This is totally painful!! We pay upwork in applying jobs, we pay upwork some fees from our salaries.Freelancers paid so much to upwork!! So, we need to be protected from clients like this."

Embrace the fact that you already have all the power you need to succeed. All you need to do is use the time-tracker properly. It is a very good thing that the bad things that happened here were your fault. That means that YOU can change things on your own. You don't need anybody else's help.

Was it for an hourly contract? If your client allows manual time entry you'll be fine. However, those hours aren't eligible for UW's payment protection because it only covers hours which are logged using the time tracker and meet other criteria like detailed memos and a high activity level.


Before I'm doing something wrong, I thought I'd ask here. 

So I started working on my current job (digital art), but for the first hours I tracked my time outside of upwork on my PC. So I added that time manually afterwards, not a problem. Now here's my question: Now that I know I should probably continue using the upwork Time Tracker instead (since it's an hourly thing), can I still do that now and that time will be added to my previously manually added time? 

Thanks in advance.

Not unless you are willing to redo the entire task with the Time Tracker on, the new time tracked using the tracker will be added as a new entry, in addition to the manual hours, to the current date and time you actually worked. And then you will have to delete the manual hours!

Manual time will get paid just as automatically tracked time in most cases. The only problem is that manual time is not covered by Upwork's hourly protection, and in case of a problem with the client's payment method, Upwork will not pay for Manual hours. Also, the client can dispute manual hours!

If I'm understanding your question, yes you can start using the tracker which will add the time to the work diary even though you previously used manual time. As long as the time does not overlap or isn't the same hours/days you are trying to add it shouldn't be a problem. I have added manual time and used the tracker for the same job in the same week but not for the same time blocks.

Hi. I've been an Upwork client since 2013. I currently have contracts with 16 freelancers on long-term hourly contracts (with all time tracked through the Upwork time tracker app).... however, I have no real idea how to interpret the "activity levels" shown on my freelancer's Work Diaries.

I am relatively new to Upwork and have exclusively worked in fixed-price projects so far, which was just a coincidence, not a deliberate choice. Today I realized freelancers use a time tracker for hourly priced projects, and it is only possible with a desktop app.

You can manually input your hours if the client allows this. The caveat to that being that manually entered hours are not covered by any payment protections. That's really the main reason for using the tracker, as it takes screenshots from time to time and lets you annotate those to "prove" you were doing the work in case there's ever a dispute. It's not perfect (as it also relies on "activity levels", which can be misleading if you're doing a bunch of work away from your computer), but it is what it is.

You can add Linux on your Chromebook and work that way but you will most need an external storage device to support all the extra data as Chromebooks usually have limited storage, and this might also slow down your computer and you won't be able to multitask as well as you used to. However, I have found that it's the best solution to get the Upwork time tracker on a Chrombook.

The time tracker is only recording the time when there is a movement in your screen, so if you are reviewing or watching someting on the screen the time tracker will not record the time and you will need to add the hours manually. You also need to communicate this to your client. If you both agree that the hours you will work on a project, be counted with the time tracker, it advised that you communicate to him and explain the limitation with the time tracker. In my opinion, you need to let him know that adjustment is needed in order to count for the time that were not tracked by the tracker because you were watching and reviewing the vido.

When I work with time tracker from time to time I stop it to find solutions in google or read some docs when I forgot something. It can e various, sometimes I stop it every 3-5 minutes, sometimes I work 30-40 minutes. Finally my client see only pure coding screenshots. And my question: may I don't stop my tracker in this case or not?

The tracker does not count minutes worked, it counts 10 minute segments which had activity. If you stop start it every 3 - 5 minutes your activity levels will be a complete mess, with lots and lots of very low activity segments which are disputable.

Anton, Petra is correct about how the time tracker works, but you raise an interesting question about Googling. I'm a developer and I do not want to independently solve a problem that has a known solution, so I think it's appropriate to Google for known solutions, and I try do this while the time tracker is stopped, because I would rather not explain to a client why the work diary contains a Google screenshot.

1. Due to an error in the tracker's algorithm, you always (100% of the time) get a snapshot in every start-of-session segment (a segment in which you start tracking and continue to the end of the segment). This means that on average the tracker overcharges the client, unless you compensate for this error. I compensate by deleting any start-of-session segments where the activity level is 5 or less (out of 10).

The best possible solution can be , keep the time tracker on while you are searching on google , let the time tracker shot your screen and delete that segment from the work diary after you stop the time tracker.

Wendy, I can only speak for myself, but looking up solutions is a bit different from research in that it's optional, not required, so a developer should exercise some judgement. A few minutes googling is no problem, but an hour of googling probably would be a problem. And personally, if it's a couple of minutes, I'd just as soon omit it from the timer tracker because chances are, it won't add up to enough minutes or keystroke activity to qualify for payment anyway. 006ab0faaa

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