I'm not sure how relevant this is to this subreddit but idk where else to post it. I've been trying to get unity explorer to work for this game on steam, I really enjoy exploring games and seeing how they are made, and I was trying to do that here but I cant get it to work, I've watched so many YouTube tutorials and read so many different guides, and none of them have worked for me, does anyone know any way to get this to work? Its an IL2CPP game im pretty sure.

One other little feature that the Unity explorer inherits from the Solution explorer view is a new toolbar, with buttons to show all files, scroll to/from source and open the file nesting settings dialog. When auto-scroll to source is checked, Rider will make sure the currently selected file is visible in the editor. Similarly, when auto-scroll from source is enabled, the Unity explorer view will highlight whichever file currently has the focus in the editor.

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Unity has recently introduced a new Package Manager as a new way of packaging and distributing features, including both assets and scripts (not to be confused with Asset Packages, which is how content is packaged up for distribution via the Unity Asset Store. This blog post might help clear things up). Unity 2018.2 added these Unity packages directly in the Project view, and Rider 2018.2 is doing the same, by adding a Packages node to the Unity explorer view.

Without checking the "Use Game Camera?" checkbox, the unity explorer will create a new camera object for you to control, this means that some post-processing effects won't be displayed (because they are being applied to the game's camera, not the new one), making the game look "ugly" (it might also be useful in some cases where you don't some stuff from the game camera, like in Somerville where the gameplay cam didn't render behind the black bars, but this new camera did).

To turn off undesired effects for screenshots go to the object explorer window and search for a class containing the word grain (or whatever you are looking to disable). Open every object listed, look for the "active" property and turn it off (remember to also click on "Apply").

Also, if you want to turn off lights from the game you can do so by using the "Object Explorer" window in the "Object Search" tab, search for objects of class "UnityEngine.Light" and turn them off one by one. Altho this can be quite tedious. We are planning on working on a mod of our own to do this at some point, as well as improve the whole screenshotting workflow of unity games.

Keep in mind that postprocessing effects like ReShade won't be shown in shots taken with this plugin. Also, almost all unity games can be hotsampled to custom aspect ratios, so you can hotsample the game instead of using this plugin, especially if you want to use reshade in your shots.

I have a project in Unity 2019.4.0f1 and when I double click on a script in the unity editor it opens as expected in Visual Studio 2019. However despite having Unity Tools installed for VS, the class file does not have any intellitext and non of the objects are colour coded etc. It is as if it has simply opened a text file. If I look in solution explorer is shows nothing and says there are no projects. If I look in windows explorer I can see no solution or project files for the Unity Project...

The data explorer example scene uses a combination of the Mapbox 3D Buildings and Mapbox Streets v7 tilesets to visualize a large array of features. As shown in the screenshot below, you can specify multiple data sources by selecting Custom as the Data Source, then adding multiple comma-separated tileset IDs in the Map Ids field. This allows you to use multiple custom tilesets, or add your custom tileset as well as the default Mapbox Streets tileset. For more information on how to use custom data with the Maps SDK for Unity, refer to the custom data documentation. ff782bc1db

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