The journalists then travel to Nicaragua to join the international press corps covering a conflict between the government of President Somoza and rebels led by Rafael, an underground figure who has never been photographed. Russell is arrested for no legitimate reason and spends a night in jail. He and Claire meet Marcel Jazy, a French spy who is closely connected to Somoza, who tips them off that they might find Rafael in Len, even though the press corps believes the fighting is shifting to Masaya.

Though the film is largely fictional, it was inspired by the murder of ABC reporter Bill Stewart and his translator Juan Espinoza by Nicaraguan National Guard troops on June 20, 1979.[3] ABC cameraman Jack Clark was shooting "incidental" footage, and caught the entire episode on tape. The footage was shown on national television in the United States and became a major international incident, undermining what remained of dictator Anastasio Somoza's support. The US Government had already stopped military aid to Nicaragua and its National Guard in 1978, but the incident was the final straw for the Carter Administration's relationship with Somoza,[4] whose regime fell on July 19.

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In-depth features on the illegal arrests and abuse of 1,500 Black males during the 1960-1961 Crash crackdown (link), the escalation of police militarization under white liberal reformers in the mid-1960s (section II), the origins of Detroit's stop-and-frisk law to facilitate racial profiling (link), the secret police campaign to destroy a black power organization by instigating the 1966 Kercheval Incident (start here), the deadly occupation of the city during the 1967 Uprising (section III), the extraordinary surge of politically motivated police violence against black power activists in the late 1960s (section IV), and the most thorough history of the infamous and deadly STRESS unit that is available anywhere (section V).

Please visit the Overview section for a summary of the major research arguments and findings, interactive maps of all police homicides, an explanation of the deliberate silences in archives of state violence, supplemental research publications that synthesize key parts of this exhibit more succinctly, and more information about this public history project and the Policing and Social Justice HistoryLab student research team. Then start exploring the five chronological sections through the top drop-down menu, on a laptop if possible (the 'previous/next' buttons at the bottom of each page make it hard to navigate the website's full scope). Readers are invited to submit additional materials and provide feedback or send other inquiries to Professor Matt Lassiter, the lead author and editor of the exhibit, at

After seeing its reach increase for decades, international support for democracy and human rights faces a serious challenge: more and more governments are erecting legal and logistical barriers to democracy and rights programs, publicly vilifying international aid groups and their local partners, and harassing such groups or expelling them altogether. Despite the significant implications of the pushback, the roots and full scope of the phenomenon remain poorly understood and responses to it are often weak.

Deepen understanding of the problem. Organizations engaged in democracy support should invest the necessary institutional resources to assess the full scale of the pushback problem and develop clear policy responses. Coordination on responses needs to be strengthened and extended to a wider set of aid actors.

We meet three journalists who are there to get the story. This is not the first small war they've covered, and indeed we've already seen them packing up and leaving Africa. Now they've got a new story. Nick Nolte is Price, a photographer. Gene Hackman is Grazier, a TV reporter with dreams of becoming an anchorman. Joanna Cassidy is a radio reporter. During the course of the story, Cassidy will fall out of love with Hackman and into love with Nolte. These things happen under deadline pressure. Hackman cares, but not enough to affect his friendship with both of them.

Caught is the strangled tale of Richard Roe, a patrician businessman who volunteers as an auxiliary fireman in London during the first year of the war (following the example of his pseudonymous author, who was born Henry Vincent Yorke). As in Put Out More Flags, the action is mainly set during the so-called phony war, the eight-month period between the British and French declaration of war and the German invasion of France and the Low Countries, during which the Allies engaged in little actual fighting. These months of playing soldier allow Roe to relish the perks of wartime footing without the risk of being slaughtered. He leaves behind his irksomely affectionate wife and his mystifying young child at their staid country estate to go slumming with firemen in London. There he enjoys the easy camaraderie of the fire station, the delusion of valor, and the long expanses of free time, which inexorably draw him to lonely working-class women.

I'm trying to make a mission where helicopters land near a hot LZ and drop troops. However, as soon as the helicopters approach, they start taking fire, and then they start taking evasive action and are unable to drop the troops.

This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful.

The Chicago Teachers Union is under fire from within, and the union has been forced to make changes to its election filings or risk violating state law. The union has been front and center with its support of one of its own, Brandon Johnson, as a candidate for Chicago mayor. The big bucks and election actions are now causing some CTU members to speak out.

A commercial cargo vessel, the Maersk Hangzhou, had issued a distress call, saying it was under attack from four Houthi small boats, at around 6:30 a.m. local time (10:30 p.m. ET Saturday), the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a statement. The container ship had issued another distress call within the past 24 hours, the military said.

Helicopters from the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier and the USS Gravely, an Arleigh Burke-class warship, responded to the call, and attempted to communicate with the small boats before the vessels "fired upon the U.S. helicopters with crew served weapons and small arms," CENTCOM said.

Located atop the parapet of Fort Stevens is a commemorative stone dedicated to Abraham Lincoln, and his involvement with the fort on the second day of the Battle of Fort Stevens. On July 12, 1864, President Lincoln stood atop the parapet of the fort to witness the battle and came under direct fire of Confederate sharpshooters. It is the only time in American history in which a sitting president came under direct fire from an enemy combatant.

Moreover, this morning, I joined a raid group for the researchers under fire but the leader kicks everbody a the step A Research Sampler. Certainly, this player has progressed for his achievement but this solution (read : trick) is surely off-charter.

RIT Under Fire provides firefighters with the necessary advanced skills to operate effectively as a member of a responder intervention team. The RIT Under Fire course includes classroom lectures, firefighter fatality case studies, drag and carries, breaching, heavy lifting with hydraulic and pneumatic tools, and hands-on scenario-based training involving a firefighter mayday. All skills are practiced under live-fire conditions under the direction of a seasoned instructional team.

Philadelphia experienced a tragic surge in gun violence in 2020, with 499 of our fellow residents killed and another 2,200 shot. Like other cities across the country, there were several factors for the uptick in violence, including the Covid-19 pandemic, which devastated some neighborhoods and many residents physically and economically. But Philadelphia was already experiencing an uptick in shootings, even before the pandemic hit. That violence continues unabated today. Philly Under Fire attempts to understand the causes, effects and fixes for gun violence in Philadelphia and around the country.

In the era of multi-national journalism, of the Internet and satellite videophone, the book highlights central features of media reporting in contemporary conflict. Drawing on more than fifty lengthy interviews with frontline correspondents, the authors shed light on the motivations, fears, and practices of those who work under conditions of journalism under fire.

Journalists Under Fire is designed for undergraduate and graduate students and for scholars, academics, and researchers in the fields of Journalism, Journalism Studies, Communication, Media Studies, Sociology, Cultural Studies, International Relations and War Studies.

Just tried to do this event twice, both times it reset around halfway through the event. First time it was when the Sundered Flame leader attacked the platform, second time was when we were fighting the Titan watcher guy that comes from the cave.

The Onapsis Research Labs has extensive knowledge and expertise around ERP threats and vulnerabilities, working hand in hand with SAP and Oracle to remediate the vulnerabilities that are continuously being reported by Onapsis. In this instance, we combined our knowledge with the experience and technology provided by Digital Shadows, in order to get more visibility and understanding around how the threats to ERP Applications are evolving. We are publishing this report together with Digital Shadows to warn organizations and raise awareness around the risks and threats of not properly taking care of the security of ERP applications.

The biggest risk for organizations is not knowing the risks. Organizations must ensure the right level of governance around cyber risks that could affect ERP applications, starting with a clear understanding of their internet-facing ERP applications and followed by visibility and proactive management of potential vulnerabilities and risks affecting ERP applications. e24fc04721

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