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 this post is blacklisted because it contains and is not fully visible on the index page. the link takes you to the permalink page. click here to view it. Posted on Friday, 29 December 2023 Source thebaltigomanifesto Via thebaltigomanifesto thebaltigomanifesto

I've been looking for a favourite fanfic for a few weeks now and can't seem to find it- please help! End of season 4, after 47 seconds and Castle is heartbroken about Kate's lying and goes to a hotel with a woman (can't remember if it's Jacinta or not) and after having sex with her, he breaks down. He doesn't come home and Alexis, worried about him not answering his phone, calls Beckett and she finds him in the hotel, under the shower feeling lost and they end up having comfort sex. Please help!

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Hey, I've been searching for this fic for a long time. Caskett is in the bathtub enjoying each other and when they are about to climax I think their little son interrupts them as he storms into the bathroom and wants to cuddle? Idk I think it's a tumblr fic but I'm not sure so it's possible it's already deleted but I just loved that little one shot. It was very sexy, sweet and well written and I was wondering if you could try to help me find it please?

I just had a discussion with my friend about fanfiction and how we tend to assume that women are the writers without any actual proof. Then I said, hey, I know fanfiction written by gay and trans dudes. But then I remembered, wait, I think I know one writer who just must be cis het based on his work. Anyway, all writers, be honest, who are you?

i wished I had found out about your Tumblr sooner...I was never involved in the fandom. Then this mess happened, things on Twitter were too crazy so like the least sane person on earth I decided to try and search for fanfics of them for the first time lool I was never even attached to their relationship because of the distance i kept from the fandom but I am a big empath, so if you saw me crying my eyes out you would have thought I was the biggest shipper.

hey! I don't remember if I read it here on tumblr or on ao3, but it was a single chapter. steddie had moved in together, I remember that the children went to visit them and joked about how that house was "worse" than Steve's old house, I remember Eddie was upset because it was what he could buy, the kids heard them fighting when they were leaving and they tried to listen through the window They heard Eddie crying or something, that's all I remember

Hi! I'm looking for a fic on tumblr. It was multiple parts and basically started as a thought about what if Steve saw hopper as a father figure. But the whole time hopper only sees him as an annoyance. At some point steve introduced hopper to Robin as "my hop" and Robin can tell hopper doesn't reciprocate those feelings. Part one comes to a head when Murray and hopper are talking and steve overhears hopper talking about how he finds steve annoying.

***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year.Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. Retired (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year.***

Hey i love your fics, even though they make me cry heh and i wanted to ask do you have a masterlist or would you ever make one for your fics on tumblr? if not thats totally cool, i was just wondering, have a great day!

Hi! So as a result of my being too lazy to learn any of the main fanfiction websites, I thought I would compile all of my fanfiction on this page. So here are links to every single fanfiction I have uploaded anywhere on the internet with synopses and links to those fanfictions. Within each series, they are sorted newest to oldest, with my msot recent piece appearing at the top.

Hi, sorry this is gonna be really vague, but I was wondering if you knew of a fanfic that was set in the past. I want to say it was Victorian or in England but I'm not sure anymore. I only ever read the summary but I'm pretty sure it was set in the past, and it wasn't ABO.

Hi. I have a question about, I guess, crediting/reccing your tumblr stuff? Basically I am writing fic that is in many ways directly inspired by some of the work youve posted to your tumblr (specifically fox & leia's holiday special and the mace & fox stuff in your no chip au), and I want to tell my readers that I am inspired by/drawing from much better fics than my own, but I just wanted to make sure that you're okay with people like. broadcasting your tumblr fic. If that fic isnt posted to AO3 for a reason then I want to make sure that telling people about it or linking to it isn't drawing more attention to it than you'd like. I mean personally I'm like. obsessed with your fic genuinely the best fox stuff ever put into writing but I just wanted to check to see if you're okay with me saying that publicly to my humble readership. (I've already linked to twilight on owl creek bridge because it lives in my brain rent free but thats on ao3 already).

hello! i am currently rereading your sakura and hxh fanfic on fanfiction. net and I was wondering if it was on a hiatus? I really enjoy the story, it's so good I've reread it multiple times but I don't mind if it is on a haitus (/g) I just wanna know ?

Below are links to all of my fanfics pertaining to ACOTAR & ACOMAF, including all of my various Rhys POVs. Find them listed below with their link to where they can be found on Tumblr or find them on my AO3 page. Enjoy!

We will officially be back in full swing January 1st! Remember, we will now only be hosting three times per year, and thus the time between terms has extended. We will still be around in case you have questions or concerns, but feel free to take this time to read new fanfiction and find new fanart. We strongly encourage everyone to review/comment/reblog so to spread the love of this fandom around.

Shameless Sansan shipping and miscellaneous fandom fuckery. Sandor Clegane, Sansa Stark and Sansan meta, fanart and fanfiction. Welcome to hell, sweet summer child. Sansan shippers make the very best company.

Hey! Just wanted to start off by saying thanks for all the fic recs ur awesome ? Do you have recs for fanfics based on shows or movies? I fell in love with that fic based on Bones that was recommended a while back and have been wanting more like it!

i draw them a lot and post it here. but i am also a writer! here is my ao3. i am currently writing a longform stankyle fic called no-one saw me (not in the way you did). any support on it is so greatly appreciated, its a passion project from me and my close friend to all of you :). i mostly use my tumblr to update you all on my fic progress. ff782bc1db

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