1) Adding a layer to a map does not get added to the map offline. I tried syncing the offline and updating the offline area via the AGOL field maps site. The only way to get it to add is to create a brand new offline area which is not ideal with sharing with others.

2) I had some LIDAR tile layers that I added to the basemap. The AGOL field maps site creation of offline areas failed over and over again. For two days in a row, it would work after 6:30 PM but not before. The offline maps were 20 to 150 MB. When I tried to create things from the iPad, I could turn on the troubleshooting log. The only indication of something wrong was timeout errors on layers.

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Does anyone know if there have been issues getting offline areas during work hours and then working after work when the servers are less busy? Its been extremely frustrating to try and update maps for field work having the packages sometimes fail and sometimes work with no explanation of what happened differently.

Joining the conversation because we have had no end of headaches setting up offline maps. We're using Enterprise, not AGOL, but I believe the problem is on the Field Maps side. Pre-packaged areas don't allow editable layers to be edited (no blue plus button in the bottom right corner) and then when we try to create the areas from the tablet, it's so hit and miss - some days it'll work fine, the next day for the same map and area we get a mixed bag of errors (very rarely the same).

We have very large datasets in our maps which I understand can make the process a little slower but it really shouldn't be this problematic and unreliable. Really hoping the dev team are putting some work in Field Maps and offline functionality given the uptake in GIS for field workers.

Interesting. I have enabled selection, which is how I was able to get selected list item to highlight, but did not create a custom layout. I assume that's the extra content under the Selected State...

No other thoughts on the Filter / List Actions with the Map? Do you know where else I might find help with this? I've been over and over and over the documentatino and unfortunately paid tech support isn't an option.

Thanks again!

So in ground war i got the quarry map like 6 times in a row. Then in tdm 6v6 i tried to find a match and kept leaving the lobby again and again because it was picadilly(probably dont need to explain myself). And then in 10v10 tdm i got the palace map which again i probably dont need to explain why i left these lobbies several times. Is it simply just tons of these lobbies because noone really likes these maps and there is no way to skip maps?

Ever since POF, we've had maps where there were only 2 or 3 waypoints and they are often in inconvenient locations or they are contested (e.g., Dragon's End). The "reason" for this was because we had mounts.

Let me just say, as a long time player, it was so, so, so, so, so freaking nice to have waypoints all over the map again like the old days. It made exploring and playing these maps so much more enjoyable than anything that's come out in a long time. You see an event across the map? You can WP to it. You don't have to trek across the map for the event only for it to finish before you get there. So much better.

Before I start, I want to give a big shout-out to all graphics reporter, visual journalists, data vis designer, news developer and however the call themselves, who have worked on election graphics and maps in the last weeks and months. They barely slept, and it was all worth it. These people did an amazing, innovative job, and seeing their work made me very happy. Thank you to all of you.

Election maps. So many blog posts have been written about the challenges that come with displaying election results on a map of a country with extreme different population density, by the Financial Times, The Washington Post, The New York Times and The National Geographic. They mostly discuss the different ways to display the electoral votes: Cartogram? Physical map? 3D?

Alabama is once again appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court a lower court ruling that found the state's map of congressional election districts likely violates the Voting Rights Act by weakening Black voters' power.

For the 2024 elections, the judges have assigned court-appointed experts to draw three potential maps that each include two districts where Black voters have a realistic opportunity of electing their preferred candidate. Those redistricting proposals are due to the court by Sept. 25.

I was having the same issue using ESRI/arcgis (althought BING vis was working fine) with multiple powerbi files in the desktop client, it just started about the same time you posted this - following an update, which I'm not sure if it was related or not. I tried everything from messing with my address formats/data types, switching between X/Y coords etc. Finally I got them working again by adding PowerBI to my firewall exceptions. Note that PowerBi analysis services were already in my exceptions list, but that I had to manually add powerbi desktop itself.

I cannot just make a new file since all my data and models are in the old file. Does anyone have a solution for this? or did anyone succeed with putting Esri into the white-list with the enterprise level and then the map in the old file worked again?

Can confirm after some 3v3 games today that the maps are still the wrong size. In a previous patch 3v3 and 4v4 map sizes were reduced, which significantly improved gameplay. This change was reversed with the last update, and has not been addressed since

Yes it is the entire quick match system, and I am shocked that they cannot see that the maps are way too big in every queue. You already posted evidence of this. It has nothing to do with camera POV at all. The maps are all too big.

Occasionally I get a map that i think is cool and I play it some but then I get to a point where I'm losing or that frustrating loop of duplicants need something badly for many cycles to come which make it too frustrating to play anymore. So I would love the option to play that specific map again

You can use the Save As button too. But keep on mind that it will change the default name under which the game will be saved from that point on. So you can make a normal save, then Save As with name such as "my colony - pass 1" and then when you want to start again, load the original save and use Save As again to give it another name.

The first fictional map I remember is from The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander. I spent hours looking over the Great Avren River, tracing the path of Taran in his quest to find and rescue Hen Wen, a prophetic pig. I was fascinated by areas beyond the scope of the story, promising of a larger, unexplored world. When I began writing, I would mimic these maps, including the clusters of trees to symbolizing forests.

I draw my city on OSM. I draw only places I know (where I really supposed to be walking or cycling). I draw paths by overlaying my GPS routes or do it "by memory", in second case I need to align routes on the basis of some reference point. Usually Bing maps is enough to do it, but sometimes I need fresh Google Satellite images to align paths properly.

because as an other example: you know that there is a building in reality and you know about its proportions, and you want to add its outline to OSM, you are also not allowed to use googlemaps images.

Google does not just use Landsat data. I have seen Google maps images that I know were sourced from aerial photographs flown by my local council. The copyright claims that Google makes are as much for the orthorectified photo-processing applied to the raw satellite images as for the images themselves. What you see in Google maps satellite images are not simply the images taken by the satellite or aeroplane, but images that have been adjusted to match the map scale that Google uses to display the images. Different adjustments have been applied to each pixel, and it is these adjustments that the Google copyright applies to in addition to the source images. Google is essentially making a new copyrightable work even though this might have been derived from public domain source images.

Redistricting in North Carolina seems to be endless. Since 2011, six different versions of maps for the state's congressional delegation, the state House and state Senate have been enacted by courts or lawmakers, although not all were used in elections.

Lawsuits may be the only way that citizens can gain more information about why lawmakers drew boundaries beyond their public talking points. Changes to public record rules in the state budget repeal a law that gave the public access to legislative records and communications related to redistricting as soon as maps were adopted.

If I play Russia, I am *always* playing Stalingrad. On other countries too, it's the same thing over and over again. When exactly do I get to play the other maps that I see everywhere on YouTube? (Without paying a ton of money, I must add).

Hello Chris. I also had a problem after updating courses. TOPO maps work fine for me. I deleted the files manually and reinstalled via GC. Now, after turning on the watch, I do not have a message (when loading maps), only after disconnecting the cable from the computer - PC. In GC, after connecting, it also shows me that I have 3 courses uploaded, after re-entering - it only sees one on the list in GC. e24fc04721

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