If you have any issue running Trinus and you have already reviewed the help&troubleshooting page, please contact support@trinusvr.com with your hardware details, a description of the problem and the SteamVR log file (in [SteamFolder]\logs\vrserver.txt).

Yes, maybe I'm waisting time, but I can't have a VR for now... Like I said, I would prefer to have some tips on "how to make a simple (maybe not playable at 100%) vr setup with trinus" and other applications for the 6Dof movement

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Trinus is running and all the drivers are installed. I got through steamVR's room setup with the seated position room setup but since I have no position tracking I just clicked through those calibration steps. I then tweaked the height manually in trinus so that it would be at eye level. The problem is the whole image is upside down. If I literally turn the headset upside down and look into it the image is upright and rotational tracking is the way its supposed to be. Any ideas?

So I really want to play half life alyx, valves new car game, but it is sadly on pc. I have a psvr and I can afford trinus. Should I buy trinus and get half life alyx? Or if anybody has tried half life alyx with trinus, how was it?

I have watched video after video of how to set up the PSVR to my PC. I have followed the step by step instructions on what to do and done it TO THE LETTER. I have both my psvr and my monitor hooked up to my video card. I am running a Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti. I have my setting set to extend displays, 1920x1080. I have went through the set up of trinus and steam vr, and it will show the welcome to steam vr home on my monitor but the windows + Shift + right arrow DOES NOT send it to my headset, the ONLY way ive gotten it show up in my headset is to set it to duplicate the screens. Even then if i shift tab to go back to steam to choose a game, what was showing the steam home vr goes to nothing but a solid red screen. I have tried EVERYTHING from updating windows to updating steam, to uninstalling and reinstalling trinus, NOTHING works. I can NOT get this to work on my PC, and honestly i think its this newest version that is shitty. If anyone can help me fix this then that would be awesome.

Trinus is able to connect and use Steam VR, however, I will not be discussing this here. (My PC is custom build and 10 years old. MSI GD70 MOBO, Phenom 970, Radeon RX 570, 4GB Ram.) I just have a lot of non-VR games. The first game I started playing trinus with is AMR2. This 2d Metroid gave me a lot of eye strain in a VR head set until I shrank the display in game's settings. Overall good experience. Next I played Halo Combat Evolved. This made me nauseous until I learned how to adjust the lens distortion to make it widescreen with deeper 3D. What's amazing is Trinus uses the phone's gyro (head tracking) and sends the information to your pc as if it were a mouse -- when your head moves, master chief's does too. I'm looking into getting an office chair that spins so I won't fall off my bed.

I did have some issues with setting up Trinus. It's in Beta. I did not think it would work for a few days until I luckily landed on the right path. I had to put my phone on the "5G" band of my router and leave my PC on the regular band. As I mentioned, I tweaked the display a lot to get my eye strain to go away. I had to sequence the steps when starting the phone + pc apps, including restarting each whenever the game would crash, which happens infrequently but none the less it does happen. Trinus is by no means a perfect experience, but it's exactly what I was looking for. I am using an xbox 360 controller, bluetooth taotronic earbuds, iPhone XR, and a Destek headset. The destek cancels blue light that would be harmful to your eyes. The trinus app lets you play for 15 minutes and then asks for $10 in app purchase for lifetime access. If you are a budget hobbyist, this could be a deeply rewarding project for you..

I would really like to try the trinus program so I can play GTA 5 in VR, but the website is saying "Not Secure" on my browser and I am having second thoughts about making a purchase on their site. Has anyone purchased Trinus before and know for a fact that they are safe to do business with?

\nEasy to use\nThe library can be imported to make your projects VR compatible using Trinus.\nInstructions on how to do so are available in the /Assets/trinusLib folder.\nAll the elements to create VR experiences are included.\n 2351a5e196

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