Each chapter follows a storyline that continues throughout the series. Kelly voices the role of the song's protagonist, Sylvester (Kelly's middle name), who wakes up after a one-night stand with a woman. As he prepares to leave, however, the woman's husband returns and Sylvester is forced to hide in a closet. This sets off an escalating series of events.

Sylvester wakes up in bed with a woman who is not his wife. As he prepares to leave, the woman tells him her husband is coming up the stairs and tells Sylvester to hide in the closet. The couple begins making love when Sylvester's cell phone rings, prompting the husband to investigate. After searching elsewhere, he slowly approaches the closet. Sylvester, prepared for a confrontation, takes out his Beretta pistol.

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This chapter shows Rosie the Nosy Neighbor's house where Rosie is seen in her chair reading the Bible when her husband Randolph comes in shouting, "he's got the package!" to Rosie. Unwilling to listen to reason, when Randolph tells her he has news on the pastor (Rufus), she demands to know what was going on with him. After some bickering, Randolph tells Rosie the story: while working as a janitor for the church, Randolph hears Rufus coming into the office. Randolph hid in the closet and unintentionally overheard the conversation seen in chapter eighteen among Chuck, Rufus and Cathy. After relaying the story, Rosie asks Randolph why he had said the pastor had "the package", Randolph says that Chuck told him he was at the hospital. Rosie immediately decides to inform the masses, despite Randolph's protests. The chapter ends with Randolph sitting on the couch, falling asleep.

But for now, we bring you the latest new "Trapped" chapter from IFC. In Chapter 28, we've finally left the therapist's office and are spending some time with Randolph (aka R. Kelly in a fat suit and old man makeup) and Rosie (the nosy neighbor). For this entire chapter, Randolph sings about his penis. Strap in.


Played by none other than R. Kelly himself, Sylvester is the hero and the main catalyst for most of the story's action. In other words, he's the dude who gets hidden in the titular closet in the very first episode. You know Sylvester well, you put up with his superfluous suit changes, chuckle at his love of smokable tobacco products and guffaw at his hatred of smokable marijuana products. It's hinted that Sylvester's got a dark past, with five years in the penitentiary under his belt and connections to various members of the Chicago crime underworld. He has a really nice house and tends to be level-headed and diplomatic until he gets stressed out. His main method of conflict resolution is drawing his gun on whoever confuses him.

The Narrator

This is where shit gets weird. This is a guy who looks, acts, sings and probably smells exactly like Sylvester, but he's not Sylvester. He first makes his appearance in a different closet altogether, pausing the action and popping out to ramp up the tension for when we find out that Bridget's been sleeping with Big Man the midget. Every once and a while he'll sing, "Oh shit!" at exactly the right time. He's important because we eventually find out that Sylvester is something of an unreliable narrator. More on that below.

The Package

This is what ties the whole thing together. We're introduced to The Package when Randolph, taking a quick Gin Break while cleaning Rufus's office, overhears Pastor Rufus talking to Chuck on the phone. So, naturally, he hides in the closet while Rufus and Chuck talk about "The Package" and then Rufus overhears Chuck reveal that he's really sick and in the hospital. Randolph then tells this information Rosie who in turn tells the entire fucking world about it (never even give Rosie your recipe for sweet potato pie if you don't want that shit getting out, seriously), which then sets everything up for the next season of TITC. Context suggests that "The Package" is AIDS or whatever other deadly disease that Chuck has, but that's way too unoriginal for R. Kelly. It might have something to do with whatever deal Joey The Mobster made with Sylvester, or it might have something to do with Tina and Roxanne, because they tend to get relatively high amount of mentions in the series despite not having much screen time. Or it could be a box of more wigs for Cathy to wear. Nobody knows.

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The casting: Tony Award nominee Boykin usually finds himself trapped in rapey character parts (in addition to playing Crown in Porgy and Bess, he was also in his college production of The Rape of Lucretia.) Here, Boykin finally catches a break as the pseudo-protagonist in our fake musical. Big numbers that need to be sung with swagger and acting-heavy betrayal scenes should add up to at least another Tony Award nomination, if not a solid win.

The song "Trapped in the Closet Chapter 2" by R. Kelly is a song about a man who finds himself in the middle of a love triangle between him, his lover, and her husband. He is stuck in a closet, trying to explain the situation to the husband and trying to calm him down but the husband is threatening him with violence. The mystery lady from the husband's phone call turns out to be his own wife, which reveals the shocking truth that the husband and wife have been having an affair. The song explores themes of guilt, betrayal, and shame, as well as the power of secrets.

We collected this specimen in a pan trap in sandhill habitat at the fall 2018 bioblitz. This is noteworthy because these flightless orthopterans have until recently only been known from a few sites on the Lake Wales Ridge. This specimen represents a disjunct and probably genetically distinct population.

On a dark, foggy, and stormy night. I was getting ready to go to my closet. The Boogeyman popped out at me from my closet. All of a sudden angry bees came out of the closet too. I ran to my car. The Boogeyman and the bees were chasing me. I was screaming for my mom! My mom helped me by swatting away the bees. Once we calmed down, I woke up from my dream.

On a cold rainy night I looked for shelter. I took shelter in the old abandoned hotel. There were floating sunglasses and the DJ was a ghost. Frankenstein was dancing to the Monster Mash. I hid in the nearest cupboard. I looked to see if the coast was clear, I went to the nearest bedroom when I heard a toilet flush. It was a ZOMBIE! I hid in the closet. There was a ghost in the closet. I screamed as loud as I could.

One night, I was walking down the street. I saw a mansion on Friday the 13th. All the lights were off. It was cold and gloomy. I went inside the mansion. There was a crooked headed clown standing by a door at the end of the hallway. Suddenly, five clowns appeared in front of me. They started chasing me. They almost caught up to me. I fell through a trap door. The other clowns were waiting for me at the bottom. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Something grabbed me and took me into a dark room. e24fc04721

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