My boyfriend and I call each other every day on discord. About a month then ago, the discord ringtone stopped ringing for me whenever he calls. Now I just get a single "BLING!" noise when he calls and then it's silent. Last week it started doing the same for him and his normal ringtone disappeared and was replaced with the bling. It's not even a cute sounding bling, it's like a jarring bling and it sounds ugly. Lol. This happens both on mobile and on the computer. It's especially frustrating because it literally only does the bling one time for not even half a second, so if I don't hear it bling the first time then I miss his call completely. Is this a new update or something? Wtf is happening and how can I get the old ringtone back??

I have custom ringtones on my phone, but currently only use 2. One for my girlfriend's ringtone, one for her text tone. I got my new mbp this week and discovered the being able to get texts and calls on the computer, and the lack of a built in ability to use custom ringtones. With a little googling, I found the way to put the ringtones to use, and did it. (changing the TKRingtone.plist and having the tones in the right directory) When I go into contacts on the mbp and set her tones, they play and save. The tones (same names as on the iPhone) IMMEDIATELY revert to default on the iPhone. Then I go in on the phone and reset the tones to the custom tones and the tones on the mbp IMMEDIATELY revert to default.

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After this, the new tone is ready to be added. You can set alert/ringtones in Contacts, FaceTime, Messages, Mail, etc. If your new tones do not show up in the selection when changing the tone in any of these applications, quit the application and restart it. 2351a5e196

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