Note the two different parameter file locations, that are dependent on which tnsping executable you're running (and perhaps where it's being run from). For tnsnames-based oracle networking, using the TNS_ADMIN variable is the only way to ensure you're getting a consistent tnsnames.ora file. (NOTE: Windows-centric answer)

I kept getting Ora err can not resolve tns name while I have all the verified good names resides in tnsnames.ora. There are more than one Oracle in my PATH, maybe that's the reason. So I used tnsping to find out.

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For similar problems (i.e. on Stack Overflow here), tnsping is at least able to resolve the connection string from the alias. Not so in this case. This leads me to believe that some environment variable is missing or pointing to the wrong location. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I had tried Custom installing just the ODBC drivers and SQL Developer, and ran into this problem. SQL Developer would connect just fine, but tnsping would produce the 3511 error. Copying mesg files from another installation produced a 3505 error.

Is it possible to use sqlplus as an alternative for tnsping since tnsping wasn't installed with the oracle setup. I simply want to check via batch script, whether the definitions from the tnsnames.ora are reachable.

There is an "ugly" hack somewhere on the internet showing how to add tnsping into InstantClient installation. For some unknown reason Oracle insist on non-embedding it into InstantClient, although there were asked many times by various customers.

In trying to establish connectivity from my workstation (actually, am seeing the same behavior on both WinXP32 and Win764 workstations) to an Oracle server, the first thing I always try is a tnsping. When I do so, this is what I get:

The ORACLE_HOME environment variable does not necessarily HAVE to be set, it seems to depend per machine somehow. My particular issue was: Oracle 10g has/had a known defect in that tnsping.exe simply didn't work. There is a patch

I believe this can happen when your ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set properly. tnsping is still available from the PATH, but it can't find its message files. What does echo %ORACLE_HOME% show, and where is the Oracle client actually installed?

EditYou might also have several Oracle products that are interfering with each other. If so try going to Start->All programs->Oracle Installation Products->Home Selector and picking the one that is related to the tnsping you're executing. (Actually this is for the 9i client; I think for 10g you might need to use the universal installer, changing via Installed Products->Environment, but can't check).

I'm looking for the tnsping as it is needed by our .Net application. I tried downloading the basic and optional packages but tnsping is missing. We are using before the full oracle client but it's now missing from the download section. Thanks.

We have Oracle running on a Windows server and a couple of Linux clients. Windows clients work just fine. However, running tnsping on a Linux (running RHEL 6.9) client has an interesting issue. Take for example:

Sounds like there's a good chance that the connection is being blocked by a firewall, or perhaps the Oracle listener is just down. You can try setting the following parameters in the client sqlnet.ora to generate a trace file for tnsping and see if that gets you any further information.

Well I wrote my own and got it working. Pasted here for anyone else to use or modify. Just change the tnsname to what you want to ping, the temporary output file to something unique, and check the path to your tnsping. Returns status of up if it get's an OK result, and down if it gets anything else, plus the time in msecs to do the tnsping as a statistic. This was my first attempt at vbscript so don't make fun of me too much if it's ugly. :)

There's really not much to check or change, most of it is basic vbs. Have you tried making it an actual .vbs and running it form the command line on your APM server? Should give you more insight into what's happening than you get from testing it as a script monitor. Double check your Oracle path on your APM server to make sure that's where you have tnsping, double check the TNS name, double check your tnsnames.ora file on your APM server, double check the temp file location in both places in the script.

Today, I got an issue where when trying to connect to SQLplus or even running a tnsping command was hanging. Not getting any error to start the troubleshooting. The issue was definitely some sort of connectivity but not able to point it out

Before you test the connection to InfoAccess, ensure you have the Oracle client installed and your TNSnames.ora file is in the correct location with an entry for INFOACCESS or DWHP. If you have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions installed, ensure you know your Oracle client paths. Note that paths can be different on different machines. You can find your Oracle client path by searching for tnsping in Windows Explorer. Please refer to Downloading and Installing Oracle Client and Adding, Editing, or Replacing Your TNSnames.ora File for more information.

In Command Prompt, you must change the directory to where the tnsping command is located in the 32-bit Oracle client installation. Type cd C:\, which will allow you to change the directory to the 32-bit Oracle path. You'l know this is successful when Command Prompt shows C:\> before the cursor.

In Command Prompt, you must change the directory to where the tnsping command is located in the 64-bit Oracle client installation. Type cd C:\, which will allow you to change the directory to the 64-bit Oracle path. You'l know this is successful when Command Prompt shows C:\> before the cursor.

If your testing is unsuccessful and / or generating an error message, you will need to reach out to your IT staff for assistance, including the error message. Likely issues are an incorrect bit version installed, incorrect path for the tnsping program, or a missing TNSnames.ora file.

If you are like me, then tnsping is an old friend you turn to every time there is an issue with accessing databases. It does not validate if the database can be found but if the listener responds for the service-name you want to reach. If you are not on the same machine, making sure the listener responds tends to be the first thing to validate.

Use tnsping to determine whether an Oracle Net service can be successfully reached. If tnsping can successfully connect from a client to a server, it displays an estimate of the round trip time it takes to reach the specified Oracle Net service.

In below example we will invoke tnsping command from python script using inbuilt subprocess module. Note that this only checks connectivity between your machine and database server. To make an actual connection you should use cx_Oracle and connect to oracle database from python.

The tale of a very interesting problem with a segmentation fault on RHEL 5.3 64bit when invoking tnsping. I initially thought the box the client was installed on (a development virtual machine) was seriously ill but it turned out to be something else altogether.

The only shortcoming of Instant Client for me is there is no tnsping utility. It is very useful when you publish your program in a big company, and some users can connect to an Oracle server and some cannot. And the tnsping is very useful to trace errors.

Of course, you can complete your instant client with tnsping utility. There are many articles on the web about it. The only problem is that you have to copy many DLLs form the complete Oracle client to use tnsping, and the Instant Client is no more "instant". That was the idea - to write your own tnsping utility.

In this program I use a little trick. The tnsping utility inspects if the Oracle listener working or not. This program only simulates it. I try to connect into Oracle using a connect string with a dummy user and dummy password. I get an error message. If the error message is "ORA-01017" that is good for us: that means the listener is good, but the username/password is not. No problem: I don't want to connect, just inspect the listener.

For tnsping, in addition to the final result information, we can also use the trace method to view the execution status of each step and the steps in which the problem occurs. This article describes how to track the tnsping process from the client.


2. Configure tracking Parameters

By default, the tnsping tracking function is disabled. We need to perform manual configuration in the Oracle Net configuration file sqlnet. ora. Note: The configuration is on the client, and we execute the tnsping command on the client.


-- Client sqlnet. ora, at $ ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

The final tnsping. trace_level and tnsping. trace_directory indicate the Trace Level and directory of tnsping. Like other Oracle tracking operations, tnsping also supports different tracking levels and can be adjusted based on our purposes.


Currently, trace_level has the following optional parameters: off, user, admin, and support. In the experiment, we chose the support level, which is a relatively fine tracking granularity.

Oracle tnsping is a utility developed by Oracle that emulates the famous ping communications. It will allow us to test the connection against a database server. This is particularly useful when the clients accessing the database are on other machines, and best of all, it is OS independent.

In order to use tnsping, we do not need to have a connect string in the tnsnames.ora file. We can pass the ip, port and service/sid directly to the command. This data will be used to perform the connection test.

apparently oracle removed tnsping from the instant client

this very handy command to do some troubleshooting is crucial in our environment so we tried to add it from a full blown oracle client installation.

The net-tnsping library provides a way to ping Oracle databases and ensure that they're up and running. Unlike the tnsping command line program, which only pings the listener, the net-tnsping library pings both the listener and the database itself. ff782bc1db

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