But these are merely words. An attempt to solidify that which is intangible and abstract. Nothing will speak louder than my actions. Especially loving them until it hurts me. Because at some point, love always hurts.

What does that mean?

This is another heart-felt quote, one which leaves me feeling a little warm inside. It starts with an old adage of doing something until it hurts, in this case, the giving of love. Can you think of a time when you gave love until it hurt? Then what? Did you stop there, or did you press on?

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The quote considers the result to be a paradox because, it notes, once you have given love to the point where it hurts, the hurt falls away, and all that is left is the love. That may seem a bit trite, but I believe it will work well, even in the general case.

Note: Unintentional Still Hurts is fully interactive eLearning. The preview provided at the top of this page shows how a learner would progress through the course. For this preview, however, only the end-of-module summary questions are shown. To demo the eLearning course in its entirety, please contact us.

While you will no longer be able to upload new Manifest V2 extensions to the Chrome Web Store as of January 2022 (next month!), entire classes of existing extensions are completely broken in Manifest V3. As previously mentioned, observational webRequest is still broken, and so is native messaging. Manipulating web pages in the background, WebSockets, user script extensions, WebAssembly: all broken.

This might be silly or maybe obvious to everyone else but I never had surgery before my TT. It has been 3 months and my scar, where they made the incision for my TT, still hurts. Mainly in the morning when I wake up and have been lying on my side. Also, I have a 5 month old baby who swings her hands around and hits it sometimes. That REALLY hurts. Is this normal??\n

Mine still aches mainly at night and my TT was 12/10/2010! I would like to think it has something to do with the nerves regenerating that were cut during the operation and nerves take a long time to regenerate but do not know this for sure.

Yes, it's normal. It will be 4 months on April 13 and the right side of my scar hurts somewhat often during the day even a bit more recently. I emailed my surgeon and he said give it 6-9 months because the scar tissue needs to stretch and kind of remold in a sense. Like the other person says the nerves are involved. Just my 2 cents!

I had surgery in August of 2011. My neck is still partially numb and now if I touch my ear or neck it sends like an electrical shock down my neck. It is quite painful, but have been told that it is the nerves trying to reconnect. I had dissection on the right side with 38 lymph nodes and a total thyroid removal. I know how you feel when you say you complain a lot. I know there are brighter days around the corner. Keep your chin up!

This might be silly or maybe obvious to everyone else but I never had surgery before my TT. It has been 3 months and my scar, where they made the incision for my TT, still hurts. Mainly in the morning when I wake up and have been lying on my side. Also, I have a 5 month old baby who swings her hands around and hits it sometimes. That REALLY hurts. Is this normal??

Patients can help their doctor by really understanding and making note of their pain and problem. Patients can help by marking their knee in the area that hurts or writing down their symptoms in detail. Also patients should know how much post-operative physical therapy they have had since their surgery. This information is actually very important. I can usually make a diagnosis just based on a good history. 

*Is there pain with stair climbing (patellofemoral disease or tightness)?

*Is there pain and swelling with long walks (probably degenerative/arthritic problems)?

*Is there pain in an area that not related to the surgery (other diagnosis)?

*Is the problem going down stairs (weakness of quad muscle)?

*Is there a history of other joints with similar problems (rheumatoid disease)?

*Is there a history of morning stiffness of the hands (rheumatoid disease)?

*Does the spine or hip hurt (referred pain)?

Recent research indicates that ostracism is painful even in the face of mitigating circumstances. However, in all previous experiments, there have been no costs to inclusion or benefits for ostracism. If being included meant losing money and being ostracized meant retaining money, would individuals still be distressed when ostracized? In 2 studies, the authors attempted to "load the dice" against inclusion in favor of ostracism. Participants played a variant of Cyberball called euroyberball (pronounced Euroball), in which ostracism and inclusion were crossed with whether the participants earned or lost money for each ball toss they received. In 2 experiments, the authors found that even when being ostracized meant retaining more money than the other players, it was painful. In Study 2, the authors also introduced conditions in which participants were overincluded. In these conditions, participants were sensitive to financial incentives. However, even then participants felt worse when given no positive attention than when given punitive attention.

Thank you, John. I did not know it would take so long. That helps to know why I am hurting still.

 I contacted the hand surgeon and have not received any answer. I'll keep exercising it. Maybe start up playing the piano again.

My doctor did a DIP Joint surgery because I had fallen and broken my pinky finger. It has been five months now and is still in constant pain. His solution: get a brace. But the screw he used seems to be too big for my small bones and my finger is swollen and in pain. Is this normal or do I need to have the screw removed? If removal, will the bones crumble with a screw? Please help if any of you have similar experiences.

You will notice I have moved your post into what I believe is your previous post under a similar but different username, @maryflorida, which you can find here: -surgery-on-finger-still-hurts-after-4-months/

Hello Mary, I am sorry to hear you are still suffering, but glad to hear that you made a second appointment.

In answer to your question, no this is not normal healing. I have not had this operation, but have had a handful of surgeries on my very arthritic hands. Healing takes a LONG time, swelling has lasted up to a year, but you should probably not be seeing discoloration and having so much pain at 6 months.

When you see the new doc, even if they don't recommend a second surgery, ask for therapy from a certified hand therapist. You may need to become quite firm and assertive and INSIST. They are the best qualified to help you learn to live with whatever the surgical outcome.

Are you comfortable becoming your own advocate?


It's been 4 weeks today since my cholecystectomy. I'm a 52yo male and I had a laparoscopic procedure. I am experiencing some light but sharp pains in and around the 4 incisions. The pain is intermittent and sometimes not there at all. If I am sitting I feel nothing but when I walk around I may experience some odd pain and sensations. It can be a little tender to the touch like a bruise but everything looks great. My surgeon was very pleased with procedure, no complications. My 2 week post-op appointment also went well and my doctor is pleased with the outcome and my healing. I fell better than ever, for the most part, and I can eat just about anything I want without any problems. Internally, deep inside, I can't feel a thing and I suspect it's just fine. The problem is that one month later, the muscles in my abdomen are still a bit sore healing and have a little way to go. Is that usual? It almost feels worse this week than last week? What the heck? I want to go back to the gym and exercise but I don't want to make it worse. Anyone else in a similar situation?

I just started my fourth week and feel my pain in my upper abs. Feel it when I'm lying back and when I have my comforters on me. In the early days day 4,5 & 6 my incisions we're so itching and tender. Luckily the itch is gone but this tenderness where it aches even stretch my upper body it is exhausting. I spent the day bundled up watching TV. But mostly every day I've been walking don't know why I feel so sore still. I will rest more then. I keep reading other people bouncing back quick. With me even thought I started driving since week 1 driving makes everything sore with how much the car shakes so that could be activating it. 006ab0faaa

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