
This is because the image part of the theme is overridden by our New Tab Page. Other theme changes work but anything else that might alter the NTP in some way is not currently working. See this issue/post made here:

If you install a theme through the Market Place, a file downloads, installs itself, then disappears. If you revisit that theme page, you're told it's already installed, even if you have installed a different theme in the intervening time.

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I ran into much of the same trouble trying to switch back to a previously-used theme in later versions of Google Chrome. I'm not usually one to plug an addon unless it really works for me. The only thing I found that worked is the Chrome extenstion Extensions Manager (aka Switcher).

It showed me the themes I had previously installed and allowed me to switch back to them. At very least it did a proper job of uninstalling the theme so that I could actually go back to the Chrome Web Store and re-download the one I wanted to use again.

I didn't know about Vivaldi's incompatibility with Chrome theme add-ons and installed one, then discovered it's useless. I want to delete this theme asap, but no option to delete it since it doesn't list on the extensions.

Use different profiles. You can do this in chrome by clicking the Proflile icon in the top-right of any window. It'll ask you to log in with your Google account but you're able to make a local account with any name.

I did some research into this issue, and it seems the only way to do this is to open different browsers e.g - firefox for presonal stuff, chrome for work etc...will be happy to see a better solotion though...

Hey there, just an short question does Google chrome Themes from the official Chrme Store (For Desktop) can have Viruses inside them? or does Google always scan the themes that People have created and uploaded, is it even possible to get virus from Themes from the Google store :/ bc i want a good Black theme for my Chrome browser but i cant finy any good one, and im scared that i get a virus from themes hope somebody can help me out

While there's no way to be 100% positive, Google does check all the themes, plugins, apps and other items hosted on their web store which does greatly reduce the risk. Additionally, while I'm no expert on Google Chrome themes, I sincerely doubt there are very many ways to infect a browser via a theme (the only way I can think of that *might* be possible, though it's still highly doubtful would be for themes that change your homepage/new tab page as they can host live content, and if that live content comes from somewhere malicious or simply displays ads (i.e. adware, not really any sort of dangerous malware), then that could be a risk factor).

I doubt you'll find anything malicious in any theme you choose from Google's store, but you can read the reviews of it to make sure because usually if something contains anything undesirable, at least some users who have installed it will mention it.

Certain websites such as YouTube that detect and apply dark theme based on system theme do not work in Zorin the same as they do in windows. I have a dark mode extension but I like to whitelist the websites that have their own dark mode and it's annoying to keep changing it back when switching from Windows to Zorin. It also does not apply dark mode to settings. I have an extension in VS Code that also applies a theme based on system theme but doesn't work in Zorin for whatever reason so maybe it's not just a Chrome issue. Any fix for this?

Snap or Flatpak installed packages do not respect system themes.

If you installed Chrome from Snap - then there is nothing you can do other than remove the snap Chrome Package and then install Chrome as a .deb or Flatpak package.

Thanks anyway, not too big of a deal just a minor annoyance. I just noticed that the YouTube site has a menu where I can toggle dark mode on and off so at least I can activate it that way however my dark mode extension has a setting to activate by system theme so I have to set that with the time scheduler instead.

I just recently installed flatabulous theme on Ubuntu. Everything looks great! That is, except Google Chrome. I'm trying to get the close minimize and expand buttons to look like the theme I'm using. Can someone help me out?

When I switch Ubuntu 20.04 to dark mode (via gnome-tweak-tool > appearance > Shell > Yaru-dark and the Appearance section of the system app) Google Chrome doesn't seem to think that my OS/System Preference is for a dark theme, as evidenced by the chrome settings section and dev tools being light-themed. My dev tools are set to use a theme based on system preference. I know the enable-force-dark experimental setting exists, but I don't want chrome to try and convert web pages to a dark theme by itself. Is there some sort of setting in dconf or elsewhere that will tell Google Chrome to render it's internal pages with a dark theme?

I am using gnome theme in my machine. I have enabled dark theme in gnome. So all the other things in chrome like search result page is in dark mode. But there are some exceptions. Some tabs like inspect tab, settings tab etc are still using the light theme, although all the other things in chrome are working just fine in dark mode. Imagine if I open the inspect tab in a google search result page, the inspect tab will open. But the page remains in dark theme, but the inspect tab remains in light theme. I have also selected 'GTK' theme in chrome.

So how can I fix this?

You can usually find a firefox theme in the add-ons to match. I am using one of the new manjaro themes matcha-dark-aliz including the gtk theme and the default firefox theme on firefox 81 picks up the theme colours ok.

The Shopify Theme Inspector for Chrome is a browser plugin that visualizes Liquid render profiling data in a flame graph. You can use this graph and the profiling data to identify the parts of your theme code that are slowing down an online store.

Even if a theme is designed with performance in mind, apps and customizations made to theme code can cause the online store to slow down. Liquid customizations often contribute to these slowdowns. Slow Liquid templates impact server response times, which increases the time it takes for a page to start rendering.

Themes are uploaded to the Chrome Web Store using the same procedure as an extension. During upload, you'll be asked to select a category. You'll find a list of theme categories in Chrome Web Store documentation under Best practices.

I want my computer to look like a Windows 95/98 machine, and I want to install a Google Chrome theme that looks like Windows 95/98, but the theme hasn't been updated for 11 years on the Web Store. Would it be safe to install this retro Google Chrome theme that hasn't been updated for such a long time?

Thank you, @FireLegend! And yes, I want to use the official Google Web Store to get the theme, but I was afraid to install that theme because it hasn't been updated in more than 10 years. In fact, most of the themes that look like Windows 95/98 haven't been updated for a long time.

Since I had seen no one else doing it, I thought that it would be fun to make a sort of chrome music lab 8-bit version, or at least that's what it sounds like to me. There are a good few versions I did, all improving on each other, but this is going to focus on the "full version" (the epic version is simply taken down 4 notes).

Here is, in my opinion, possibly the best version I've ever made. 


It incorporates several elements from several themes; it is played on the same key as the 5th, has similar emphasis to 12's, has a similar percussion to 11, and the repitition of 4.

Hello -- I'm having an issue in my store where on the Chrome browser, my collection list images appear blurry. When I hover over them, they briefly become high res, then go back to being blurry. I'm using the new dawn theme and I'm not having this issue with any other images, just the collection list on the home page. No issues on mobile / in Safari. My site is live at goodboyvintage.com, and I've screen-recorded a video of the issue here: youtube.com/watch?v=NGX3ysTP31Q

To enable dark mode for Gmail, click the gear icon in the top right and choose Themes. Scroll down to the section below the photo themes and select either the Dark or Terminal theme.

Either theme provides a black background with white text, but the Terminal theme uses a slightly darker shade of black. Neither theme, however, maintains its black background when you open an email or click Compose to start a new message. In both cases, you are greeted by the standard formatting with a bright, white background, which can be jarring when merrily perusing your inbox in dark mode.

an option to customize google chrome home page's background image was working completely fine until (i guess) there was an update to customization of themes. After that i was i was able to upload my image of interest to the background, BUT as soon as i close the application and restart any other time, IT WAS UNABLE TO RETAIN THE IMAGE. There was only a grey screen in background. The uploaded image is not even showing in the preview window. I have not changed the location of image i am using, its the same as it was alwaysuploaded image not showing in preview windowafter restarting applicationno image showingtheme is still set to "upload image". 006ab0faaa

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