If I give width/height in xml without style prop and simply giving my Custom theme to activity is bringing all styles I specified in theme. But I did n't mention width/height in xml it is raising an exception saying that u have specify layout width/height, which I already specified in style itself.

Not sure what your aim is: is it important to you to avoid having to mention layout_width and layout_height in the layout.xml file, or are you just looking for any way of using the values from the theme without referring to an individual style?

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Android styles and themes always seem to make my head spin. I wanted to use the Holo UI across different versions of Android for my app. So I decided to extract the necessary resources by browsing the source.

So I apply AppTheme.TestTheme to the activity in the manifest file. AppTheme makes the window full-screen & not have a title bar. Theme.Light makes the window background light instead of the default dark. When the parent="android:Theme.Light" attribute is specified, the window is white and not fullscreen -- this means that the parent="..." attribute takes precedence over the name prefix, and the hierarchy appears to be TestTheme

Now, looking at the default themes.xml, it seems that Theme.Holo.Light inherits from Theme.Light, and then all of the Holo stuff is specified manually in its description. So they named it Theme.Holo.Light not because it inherits from Holo, but because they wanted a name that describes it as 'the light version of Holo'. And because they wanted to be $@&!ing confusing.

I have a Qt Android application, and I want to set its theme to be Holo (i.e. the dark variant, not Holo Light). Here's a comparison between Holo Dark theme (left), and how my application looks now (right):

When I restart the app my theme always defaults back to this ugly Instagram-like purple/pink. I tried everything to stop it, even reinstalled the app. Is someone else also having this problem and did someone manage to stop it?

I figured out how the unzipped theme works but I cant get the icons mod to work correctly

Also thanks for coming into my stream and showing me this I hope it works well and you can catch me using it live ttv/eleventeenrl

As for the Switch Icons mod, make sure that it is checked off in Mod Management on the main menu and restart the game to apply the changes. Make sure to select android on your interface settings, too.

Hi ! i'm playing on Android version, the icons mod works perfectly when i import it from a zip file, but the theme mod seems to not work... or I do it bad.

When I try to import it (i extracted the files, then zipped only the android part and tried to install it on my app because I can't import a folder (or I don't know how we could do this)) and it tells me something like (i'm french so sorry if the translation is not perfect) "error of mod importation. Make sure this is a valid PokeMMO mod and that he is compatible with your client".

Does anyone have a solution please ?

As stated before, there is no official custom theme support for Android devices, so my tutorial is your best bet for now. If there was another way, either I would have posted it or someone else would (unless they wanna keep all the good stuff to themselves, hehe).

This is a theme issue. Themes are supposed to be stored in the vault config folder in a sub-folder called Themes. After using the built-in community theme browser to get Themes, they are not being stored there.

I have confirmed that the bug I suspected, and wrote of in the post above, is correct. The app is not acquiring edit rights to my SD card. This breaks themes, the ability to edit files, and probably several other things.

Material Theme is a user interface style that determines the look andfeel of views and activities starting with Android 5.0 (Lollipop). Material Themeis built into Android 5.0, so it is used by the system UI as well as byapplications. Material Theme is not a "theme" in the senseof a system-wide appearance option that a user can dynamically choosefrom a settings menu. Rather, Material Theme can be thought of as a setof related built-in base styles that you can use to customize the lookand feel of your app.

You can derive from Material Theme to create your own theme, overridingsome or all color attributes. For example, you can create a theme thatderives from Theme.Material.Light, but overrides the app bar color tomatch the color of your brand. You can also style individual views; forexample, you can create a style forCardViewthat has more rounded corners and uses a darker background color.

You can use a single theme for an entire app, or you can use differentthemes for different screens (activities) in an app. In the abovescreenshots, for example, a single app uses a different theme for eachactivity to demonstrate the built-in color schemes. Radiobuttons switch the app to different activities, and, as a result,display different themes.

Because Material Theme is supported only on Android 5.0 and later, youcannot use it (or a custom theme derived from Material Theme) to themeyour app for running on earlier versions of Android. However, you canconfigure your app to use Material Theme on Android 5.0 devices andgracefully fall back to an earlier theme when it runs on older versionsof Android (see theCompatibility section of this article for details).

The easiest way to use Material Theme is to configure your app to usea built-in theme without customization. If you don't want toexplicitly configure a theme, your app will default to Theme.Material(the dark theme). If your app has only one activity, you can configurea theme at the activity level. If your app has multiple activities,you can configure a theme at the application level so that it uses thesame theme across all activities, or you can assign different themes todifferent activities. The following sections explain how to configurethemes at the app level and at the activity level.

To theme an activity, you add a Theme setting to the [Activity]attribute above your activity declaration and assign Theme to theMaterial Theme flavor that you want to use. The following example themesan activity with Theme.Material.Light:

By default, statusBarColor is set to the value ofcolorPrimaryDark. You can set statusBarColor to a solid color, oryou can set it to @android:color/transparent to make the status bartransparent. The navigation bar can also be made transparent by settingnavigationBarColor to @android:color/transparent.

Add a resources node to styles.xml and define a style node with thename of your custom theme. For example, here is a styles.xml filethat defines MyCustomTheme (derived from the built-inTheme.Material.Light theme style):

If your theme uses colors defined in a colors.xml file,be sure to place this file in Resources/values (rather thanResources/values-v21) so that both versions of your custom theme canaccess your color definitions.

When your app runs on an Android 5.0 device, it will use the themedefinition specified in Resources/values-v21/styles.xml. When thisapp runs on older Android devices, it will automatically fall back tothe theme definition specified in Resources/values/styles.xml.

This article introduced the new Material Theme user interface styleincluded in Android 5.0 (Lollipop). It described the three built-inMaterial Theme flavors that you can use to style your app, it explainedhow to create a custom theme for branding your app, and it providedan example of how to theme an individual view. Finally, this articleexplained how to use Material Theme in your app while maintainingdownward compatibility with older versions of Android.

MDC-Android Compose Theme Adapters have moved from:* The compose-theme-adapter artifact to the accompanist/themeadapter-material artifact* The compose-theme-adapter-3 artifact to the accompanist/themeadapter-material3 artifact* The compose-theme-adapter-core artifact to the accompanist/themeadapter-core artifact

This library attempts to bridge the gap between Material Components for Android M2 XML themes, and themes in Jetpack Compose, allowing your composable MaterialTheme to be based on the Activity's XML theme:

If you are using an AppCompat (i.e. non-MDC) theme in your app, you should useAppCompat Compose Theme Adapterinstead, as it attempts to bridge the gap between AppCompat XML themes, and M2 themes in Jetpack Compose.

The MdcTheme() function will automatically read the host Context's MDC theme and pass them to MaterialTheme on your behalf, but if you want to customize the generated values, you can do so via the createMdcTheme() function:

This library attempts to bridge the gap between Material Components for Android M3 XML themes, and themes in Jetpack Compose, allowing your composable MaterialTheme to be based on the Activity's XML theme:

The Mdc3Theme() function will automatically read the host Context's MDC theme and pass them to MaterialTheme on your behalf, but if you want to customize the generated values, you can do so via the createMdc3Theme() function:

Samsung A13, Android 13 with default Button setting. Originally Classic theme worked fine to render Button using Companion, then tested with Dark theme which showed in the Designer but the Button did not appear when used with Companion. Additional testing showed Button appears when app is compiled.

My Rachio Android App is in dark theme mode. I suspect there is also a light theme, but cannot find a setting to change to it. Does the Rachio app follow the system settings for the applied theme, or can it be set independently? If independently, how?


I use the pawn theme in shopify and my main theme color is white but when a android on dark theme acess the website the main color turns black. I have tried all diferent type of solutions but none were effective. I do not have this problem when a iphone acesses the website in dark mode, the website in this case remains with a white background. 006ab0faaa

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