The following commands will configure your Linux OS to install packages from There are instructions for deb-based systems (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu) and rpm-based systems (e.g. Fedora, RHEL).

To search what Microsoft packages are available after installing, change to the root directory of your Linux distribution: cd / and look in the directory: /var/lib/apt/lists. You will see a list of files with titles something like: You can open this file in a text editor (for example, nano ) to see a list of the available packages.

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See to find the list of supported Linux distributions and versions. Once the repo has been installed an updated, you can use the package manager to list the packages available from Microsoft.

Installing or updating Python on your computer is the first step to becoming a Python programmer. There are a multitude of installation methods: you can download official Python distributions from, install from a package manager, and even install specialized distributions for scientific computing, Internet of Things, and embedded systems.

Not every Linux distribution has a package manager, and not every package manager has Python in its package repository. Depending on your operating system, building Python from source code might be your only option.

If you want source code, download a current version from the ISC website or our FTP site. Or, install our updated ISC packages for Ubuntu, CentOS/Fedora, and the standard Debian package. If you prefer Docker, get our official Docker image.

Installing NGINX Open Source from a package is much easier and faster than building from source, but building from source enables you to compile in non-standard modules. Prebuilt packages are available for most popular Linux distributions, including CentOS, Debian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), and Ubuntu. See Linux packages at for the list of currently supported operating systems.

My package files install the rEFInd binaries to /usr/share/refind-version, the documentation to /usr/share/doc/refind-version, and a few miscellaneous files elsewhere. (The PPA package omits the version number from the file paths.) Upon installation, the package runs the refind-install script to copy the files to the ESP. This enables you to re-install rEFInd after the fact by running refind-install, should some other tool or OS wipe the ESP or should the installation go awry. In such cases you can use refind-install or install manually.

If you're replacing rEFIt, you may discover that rEFInd works on the first boot, but the system reverts back to rEFIt or a direct boot to macOS on the second boot. To fix this problem, you can remove the rEFItBlesser program, which is located at /Library/StartupItems/rEFItBlesser. This program attempts to keep rEFIt set as the default boot loader, but it also has the purpose of protecting the computer from launching the wrong OS after waking from sleep. If you want that protection, my suggestion is to install rEFIt and rEFItBlesser and then replace the refit.efi file with refind_x64.efi or refind_ia32.efi (renaming it to refit.efi). Used in this way, rEFInd will still look for its own configuration file, refind.conf, so you'll need to move it but not rename it. If you don't move the icons from the rEFInd package, your icons will continue to look like rEFIt icons, and you'll be missing the new icons for specific Linux distributions that rEFInd provides. One final caveat: It's conceivable that rEFItBlesser is what's causing filesystem corruption for some users, so if you've been having this problem with rEFIt, it might be worth disabling this program and not using it with rEFInd. e24fc04721

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