You can display and install recommended packages through Synaptic via the context menu or through Apt (with the --install-recommends option in case you disabled the default APT::Install-Recommends configuration setting):

I've just peeked in my personal script and I can see that I include a few more packages than you mentioned (I also install for a more languages, but you can ignore that). I don't know if this will help you:

Download The Spell Check Zip Install Package

Download File 🔥 🔥

And restarted all my open applications, I had spell checking working. Perhaps consider removing all the aspell, gtkspell3 and python-gtkspellcheck packages, and only having the hunspell and hunspell-en_us packages to start off with, and seeing if that works or not. Remember to close and reopen any apps after this so that they are utilizing only the hunspell package.

So if this Zim program left any dotfiles or config in your home directory, those were kept after you uninstalled the package (if you want to get rid of them, you have to delete them manually). When you reinstalled Zim, it already had config files in your home directory and it used those.

First of all, I've gotta say that LibreOffice makes installing languages for spellchecking, hyphenation, etc. very difficult, when it should be a matter of three clicks, tops (see Chrome for the smart way to do this). I had to do quite a bit of searching to find out that it's not done through Spell Checking, but the extension manager. Then off to a website in my browser. Then search for the language, shuffle through the results, open pages, find the download link, download the file, find the file from LibreOffice, open the file, click on various things... then find out the extension I installed is deprecated. Repeat the above process, except after searching on the webpage again, and opening the non-deprecated package's page, it's off to Github for any but the generic version of the extension. Massively inefficient.

Anyway, I've installed not one but two Spanish dictionaries from the LibreOffice website. I've got aspell, hunspell and some other spell checker installed on my OS. Hitting the EDIT button in Tools > Options > Language Settings > Writing Aids > Available Language Modules > [ENTRIES] shows that the non-English language is installed.

My bigger problem is that just this week, invoking the spell checker always crashes Libreoffice. I thought that it might be an extension I tried, so I uninstalled all extensions, but that didn't solve the problem. If I uninstall libreoffice-dictionaries, then spell check no longer crashes libreoffice, but it doesn't do anything else either. Similarily if I uncheck hunspell in the language options, no more crashes, and no more spell check period. Installing the english hunspell package didn't solve anything either. (I should probably mention that my locale is en-US). What really confuses me, is that when I spell a word wrong, it is underlined with the red squiggly stuff, but when I right click on the word, or select spell check from the menu, or toolbar, Libreoffice crashes.

Hi I am having a different problem. Spellcheck actually doesn't work at all with libreoffice for me. Any ideas? I don't have hunspell (1.2.15-1), mythes, hyphen installed (not libreoffice-dictionaries).

Stupid noobie question: I am cripplingly terrible at spelling. As im starting to play around with Renpy I noticed that it doesnt underline misspelled words that are in quotations. Aaaand I know knowing me that this will be a uuuh.. bad news bears for me down the line. Im a spell checker abuser and it is my crutch.

My latest one is a simple spell check using Aspell (a Homebrew package). It selects the word to the left of the cursor, runs it through Aspell's cli to verify correct spelling or produce a list (comma delimited) of possible corrections.

This macro requires Aspell (a Homebrew package) to be installed. Click the link for more info.

Also see this page for a list of language codes and also see this page for a list of Aspell command options.

v1.1: Sunday, January 23, 2022

I added a few extra actions to allow for different languages based on the %TriggerValue% token. There are obviously many different ways to do this, such as a prompt allowing you to select a language but I only speak two languages so my needs are few . See the comments in the macro for a more detailed explanation of spell checking other languages.

You don't need to install anything actually, just use the correct command after aspell -a. You can specify a specific language a couple of different ways. One I just tested was appending -d to the end followed by the two character language code. I tried Spanish using the following: aspell -a -d es and it worked fine from Terminal. and in KM

Good point. It makes me think I should edit my recent macro posts to make sure end-users are aware of the need to setup an ENV_PATH variable. I assume if they're familiar with Homebrew and installing packages they would already know this... but at the same time I think that was something that tripped me up initially.

Do this: open Terminal, type brew info aspell and note the location where it is installed. On mine it is /usr/local/Cellar/aspell/0.60.8. Verify that your ENV_PATH includes the /usr/local/Cellar part or at least /usr/local/ in it. Report back and we'll go from there.

I recently installed an additional markdown package (language-markdown), and now Atom's default spell-check package no longer works on markdown files even though the list of Grammars scope in spell-check includes markdown:

Spell checking common document formats including latex, markdown, manual pages, and description files. Includes utilities to automate checking of documentation and vignettes as a unit test during 'R CMD check'. Both British and American English are supported out of the box and other languages can be added. In addition, packages may define a 'wordlist' to allow custom terminology without having to abuse punctuation.

Working with Flyspell is easy as well. Just type away and Flyspell will check your spelling on the fly. Incorrectly spelled words will get a nice little red squiggly line underneath them. To correct words or to add words to your personal dictionary, just right-click (or two-finger-click on a Mac) on the word you want to fix and an option box will pop up. There, you can either pick from one of the suggested spellings or add the word to the dictionary. Simple, right? Here is a little gif showing all that in action:

Now, if you put those functions into your .emacs and evaluate the buffer, you can use them to switch back and forth between dictionaries and rerun the spell checking in the current buffer in one command like this: M-x flyspell-spanish switches to the Spanish dictionary, and M-x flyspell-english switches back to the English dictionary.

My guess is that you installed the regular code package from repository, as the docker instance has all spell check pre installed.

I bumped into this also:

Collabora Online 3.0 out with full-featured editing dialogs

LOKit Collabora Office loads dictionaries deom /usr/share/hunspell. You can install dictionary packages, or you can copy .dic and .aff files manually there. The file names should be proper language tags, otherwise the name might not be recognized.

In case of the CODE docker image, the internal hunspell disctionaries from Collabora Office are copied (with proper names) to /usr/share/hunspell. See -CODE/blob/6c5588a344970a94a11f1ef08a383423f7e07c43/scripts/

I did an experiment. I uninstalled Brave, uninstalled Chrome. (I had installed Brave then installed Chrome to try to fix the dictionary issue with no success.) After uninstalling, rebooted, then downloaded and installed chrome, then downloaded and installed Brave. Spellcheck and Dictionary in Brave now work.

I typically use other languages besides English. As I am coming from Debian, I am accustomed to install packages which enable spellchecking for a language in one run by installing relevant meta-packages, e.g. apt install task-ukrainian task-ukrainian-desktop, saving me time on choosing the packages and maintaining. Can I have a similarly easy way to manage language support packages in Fedora? If not, where can I find out whether they are planned for future development or considered out of the project scope for some reason? Where should I voice my request for such feature if it not available?

We have released updates for the rOpenSci text analysis tools. This technote will highlight some of the major improvements in the spelling package and also the underlying hunspell package, which provides the spelling engine for the spelling package.

Users that are already using spelling on their packages might discover a few new typos! The new version of spelling now also checks the and and files in your package root directory.

First of all, it now properly parses the yaml front-matter and only runs the spell check only on the title, subtitle and description fields. The other fields usually contain code or options, not actual language we want to check.

The spelling and hunspell packages require a dictionary for spell checking text in a given language. By default we include en-US and en-GB, but installing additional dictionaries has become even easier. The package will now automatically find dictionaries that you have installed in RStudio:

The RStudio IDE has a menu to install additional languages (Global Options -> Spelling -> Main Dictionary Language -> Install). The installed dictionaries will automatically become available to hunspell and you can use them in all hunspell/spelling functions that take a lang or dict argument.

Also we have updates the en-US and en-GB dictionaries included with the hunspell package to the latest version 2018.11.01 from libreoffice. This update include many new words that may have been previously marked as spelling errors.

pyspellchecker supports multiple languages including English, Spanish,German, French, Portuguese, Arabic and Basque. For information on how the dictionaries werecreated and how they can be updated and improved, please see theDictionary Creation and Updating section of the readme! e24fc04721

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