Don't worry - it's quick and painless! Just click below, and once you're logged in we'll bring you right back here and post your question. We'll remember what you've already typed in so you won't have to do it again.

Currently you can select the Hide this song option next to a song only on mobile devices. Keep in mind that this option is device and playlist specific, which meant that it can still come up on another device or playlist. Something that might be more convenient for you is to stop a certain artist from playing altogether on the mobile device you're using. Do that end navigate to to Artist page and select Don't play this.

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Other users have went ahead and posted an idea requesting that the option to select Don't like this is added everywhere. If this is something you'd also like to see you can consider adding your +VOTE to this idea. We'll keep you informed on any developments there, as soon as there are any.

I have the same problem with my "Your Top Songs 2020". I can hide the songs I don't want to listen to on my mobile, but they still play on desktop. 

Somehow skipping songs you don't like over and over again makes them into your top100 -.-

Both the issues above are marked "implemented." So, I doubt 'liking' them will create any action on Spotify's side. Since I just went through the trouble of updating my MacOS Spotify app, and it still doesn't have any way to dislike, hide, or otherwise remove songs that I hate, I'm skeptical whether Spotify has any actual interest in keeping Mac desktop users like me as a customer.

The only workaround I have found is to use my cell phone as a remote. If the phone and the device playing Spotify are on the same wi-fi network you can skip songs using the phone. This works when I am using my PC and the app on my smart TV. This still doesn't resolve the issue at hand - it seems that this option should be available on all platforms - it is an integral part of using Spotify. I don't like everything they serve me on my daily mixes...

The overly convoluted "Top Answer" in this thread is a perfect example of how complicated the experience of using Spotify is. And that listening to and managing actual artist albums just does not matter.

WHAT DO WE NEED TO DO IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO HIDE A DAMN SONG IN THE DESKTOP VERSION? At this point I might as well make a simple code in AHK to check every 5 seconds if a song from a list of disliked songs is playing, and then have it automatically skip to the next song. This is much more coding on my end then it would be for Devs who get paid for it and it only solves the issue for one out of millions of users. Spotify, you've heard the people, please at least comment on why this is not a feature in the desktop version only.

I've had a premium family membership for years, but at this point, I'm about ready to switch to something else. I can't believe this hasn't been implemented. If I hide the song on mobile, why would Spotify think I want to listen to it on my PC or my soundbar, or my tesla, etc... How hard could it be to check for the "hidden" flag? Pull your heads our Spotify. Fix this, please!

I found a very simple solution. Open the iTunes Store, press search at the bottom and search for the song you want to redownload. Then purchase it again, and a little pop up will appear saying you already own the song and you can download it again for free. Hope this helped

The same exact thing is happening to me and I'm so aggravated by it. I removed the album from my downloads and phone because I thought it gave my phone a virus for some reason. The album isn't in my downloads or purchases but when I search the album it says purchased and I can't do anything further than that.

This is an even worse issue, now. Apple simply does not care whether itunes is usable or not, just subscribe to their sub-par music service, give them your money and shut up. I too, have given up. I will never buy another song or movie from itunes as long as I live. If I didn't have so much invested in Apple software, i would switch to Windows.

Go to your account in iTunes. Find the iTunes in the Cloud section under your Apple ID Summary section. Find Hidden Purchases: Unhide any hidden, redownloadable Purchases and click Manage. The next page will show all your hidden albums you didn't intend hiding. ***! Click the "unhide" button and voila! You can then go back to Purchases not on my device and click the cloud arrow next to the previously "hidden" album. Who is the sadistic programmer at Apple configured this confounding puzzle and why?

Solution posted just above your own in the thread: Re: Song shows as "Purchased" in iTunes and won't let me re-download it, but it doesn't show up in my Purchased list. I want the song back, don't mind re-downloading, but it won't let me

Same problem here. What I did to get my 2 albums that mistakenly deleted. It said purchased but I couldn't re download. So I went on my laptop. Went into iTunes. I clicked on "Store". Then on the right side of screen clicked on "Account". Then you log in. Scroll down a bit. Can remember exactly what it said but you can see where it says to manage unhide purchases or something like that. Click on "Manage". Then I saw the 2 albums the I previously couldn't download. Underneath the each album was a button to "Unhide". I clicked both albums. Then shortly after doing so. I looked on iTunes Store on my iPhone under purchases and there they were. I re downloaded and I was happy. Good Day, Sir.

It took me hours but it appears they have separated the viewing from the downloading I guess. When you go into iTunes if you will click the little dots on the bottom right and there go to purchased. I FINALLY found the download symbol. I can once again enjoy my music without being pursued to buy their monthly service. Just about pushed me to Samsung for a minute there. Hope this helps!!

See Hide and unhide iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store purchases - Apple Support to unhide any currently hidden past purchases from the iTunes Store and Redownload music, movies, TV shows, apps, and books from the iTunes Store, iBooks Store, and App Store - Apple Support to download them.

Go to the Account menu and select View My Account; look for the iTunes in the Cloud section and the Hidden Purchases (Unhide any hidden, redownloadable purchases) category, click the Manage link there. On the next page, hidden albums and songs will be shown with an Unhide button on each.

I had the same problem but figured out a way around it and it worked for me. I searched for the specific song then I added the song to my wish list. Then in my wish list it had a button for the purchase price. I tapped on it. It asked if I wanted to pay for it. I said yes, it asked for my finger print or if you don't have that set up, it'll be your Apple ID password, then as it began to download a message box popped up that said to download for free tap here, (since I had already purchased it prior, of course) I tapped it, and it downloaded without additional charge.

A man in California is haunted by the memory of a pop song from his youth. He can remember the lyrics and the melody. But the song itself has vanished, completely scrubbed from the internet. PJ takes on the Super Tech Support case.

TYLER: I would wake up in the middle of the night with a new lyric in my head and I'd go to my computer and write it down and then go back to bed. Like this, these lyrics were kind of like filtering into my brain.

PJ: I met them on a Sunday morning in a parking lot of this recording studio called United Recording in Hollywood. The band, uh, I would describe them as cool in an unintimidating way? They were just a gang of really smiley dudes.

Brendan was referring to the fact that he's 28, there are a lot of critics at Rolling Stone who are older than 28, so he grabbed 5 of them, he said between them there was over 100 years of pop music writing experience in one room.

PJ: Their honest-to-god best guess was that this was a hoax. That Tyler was just lying to me. But I believed Tyler. So I went for a second opinion. I called Jessica Hopper. She's a legendary music critic, she used to edit Pitchfork, she ran MTV News.

So Steven did not recognize the song. But, he was actually able to help me with the mystery, that question of like, how does a pop song just disappear? He said that, as someone who was actually in the late 90s music scene, this completely made sense to him.

STEVEN: Oh god I know so many bands, so many great bands too who, you know, record, were in debt up to their ears with the record company and the record company would either not put the record out eventually or they'd put it out and dump it and they'd get dropped and then they'd be seen as a band that got dropped and it was hard to get second chances then.

PJ: He said what we had to do is try to go find a radio program director who worked in the late 90s.Record labels were bombarding them with singles. They were the ones who heard everything. So I played tried that, played the song for Preston Elliot from Y100, and- 152ee80cbc

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