The integration runtime (IR) is the compute infrastructure that Azure Data Factory and Synapse pipelines use to provide data-integration capabilities across different network environments. For details about IR, see Integration runtime overview.

A self-hosted integration runtime can run copy activities between a cloud data store and a data store in a private network. It also can dispatch transform activities against compute resources in an on-premises network or an Azure virtual network. The installation of a self-hosted integration runtime needs an on-premises machine or a virtual machine inside a private network.

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A data developer first creates a self-hosted integration runtime within an Azure data factory or Synapse workspace by using the Azure portal or the PowerShell cmdlet. Then the data developer creates a linked service for an on-premises data store, specifying the self-hosted integration runtime instance that the service should use to connect to data stores.

The self-hosted integration runtime node encrypts the credentials by using Windows Data Protection Application Programming Interface (DPAPI) and saves the credentials locally. If multiple nodes are set for high availability, the credentials are further synchronized across other nodes. Each node encrypts the credentials by using DPAPI and stores them locally. Credential synchronization is transparent to the data developer and is handled by the self-hosted IR.

Azure Data Factory and Synapse pipelines communicate with the self-hosted integration runtime to schedule and manage jobs. Communication is via a control channel that uses a shared Azure Relay connection. When an activity job needs to be run, the service queues the request along with any credential information. It does so in case credentials aren't already stored on the self-hosted integration runtime. The self-hosted integration runtime starts the job after it polls the queue.

The self-hosted integration runtime copies data between an on-premises store and cloud storage. The direction of the copy depends on how the copy activity is configured in the data pipeline. For this step, the self-hosted integration runtime directly communicates with cloud-based storage services like Azure Blob storage over a secure HTTPS channel.

On the Integration runtime setup page, select the link under Option 1 to open the express setup on your computer. Or follow the steps under Option 2 to set up manually. The following instructions are based on manual setup:

You can automate self-hosted IR setup on an Azure virtual machine by using the Create self host IR template. The template provides an easy way to have a fully functional self-hosted IR inside an Azure virtual network. The IR has high-availability and scalability features, as long as you set the node count to 2 or higher.

Dmgcmd.exe is included in the self-hosted installer. It's typically located in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Integration Runtime\5.0\Shared\ folder. This application supports various parameters and can be invoked via a command line using batch scripts for automation.

The default log on service account of the self-hosted integration runtime is NT SERVICE\DIAHostService. You can see it in Services -> Integration Runtime Service -> Properties -> Log on.

Make sure the account has the permission of Log on as a service. Otherwise self-hosted integration runtime can't start successfully. You can check the permission in Local Security Policy -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Log on as a service

You can associate a self-hosted integration runtime with multiple on-premises machines or virtual machines in Azure. These machines are called nodes. You can have up to four nodes associated with a self-hosted integration runtime. The benefits of having multiple nodes on on-premises machines that have a gateway installed for a logical gateway are:

You can associate multiple nodes by installing the self-hosted integration runtime software from Download Center. Then, register it by using either of the authentication keys that were obtained from the New-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntimeKey cmdlet, as described in the tutorial.

You don't need to create a new self-hosted integration runtime to associate each node. You can install the self-hosted integration runtime on another machine and register it by using the same authentication key.

When processor usage is high and available memory is low on the self-hosted IR, add a new node to help scale out the load across machines. If activities fail because they time out or the self-hosted IR node is offline, it helps if you add a node to the gateway.

When the processor and available RAM aren't well utilized, but the execution of concurrent jobs reaches a node's limits, scale up by increasing the number of concurrent jobs that a node can run. You might also want to scale up when activities time out because the self-hosted IR is overloaded. As shown in the following image, you can increase the maximum capacity for a node:

If you want to enable remote access from intranet with TLS/SSL certificate (Advanced) to secure communication between integration runtime nodes, you can follow steps in Enable remote access from intranet with TLS/SSL certificate.

If you don't store credentials or secret values in an Azure Key Vault, the credentials or secret values will be stored in the machines where your self-hosted integration runtime locates. Each node will have a copy of credential with certain version. In order to make all nodes work together, the version number should be the same for all nodes.

If your corporate network environment uses a proxy server to access the internet, configure the self-hosted integration runtime to use appropriate proxy settings. You can set the proxy during the initial registration phase.

When configured, the self-hosted integration runtime uses the proxy server to connect to the cloud service's source and destination (which use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol). This is why you select Change link during initial setup.

If you set up a proxy server with NTLM authentication, the integration runtime host service runs under the domain account. If you later change the password for the domain account, remember to update the configuration settings for the service and restart the service. Because of this requirement, we suggest that you access the proxy server by using a dedicated domain account that doesn't require you to update the password frequently.

If you select the Use system proxy option for the HTTP proxy, the self-hosted integration runtime uses the proxy settings in diahost.exe.config and diawp.exe.config. When these files specify no proxy, the self-hosted integration runtime connects to the cloud service directly without going through a proxy. The following procedure provides instructions for updating the diahost.exe.config file:

If you see error messages like the following ones, the likely reason is improper configuration of the firewall or proxy server. Such configuration prevents the self-hosted integration runtime from connecting to Data Factory or Synapse pipelines to authenticate itself. To ensure that your firewall and proxy server are properly configured, refer to the previous section.

When you try to register the self-hosted integration runtime, you receive the following error message: "Failed to register this Integration Runtime node! Confirm that the Authentication key is valid and the integration service host service is running on this machine."

If you use PowerShell to encrypt credentials from a networked machine other than where you installed the self-hosted integration runtime, you can enable the Remote Access from Intranet option. If you run PowerShell to encrypt credentials on the machine where you installed the self-hosted integration runtime, you can't enable Remote Access from Intranet.

When you run the self-hosted integration runtime setup version 3.3 or later, by default the self-hosted integration runtime installer disables Remote Access from Intranet on the self-hosted integration runtime machine.

When you use a firewall from a partner or others, you can manually open port 8060 or the user-configured port. If you have a firewall problem while setting up the self-hosted integration runtime, use the following command to install the self-hosted integration runtime without configuring the firewall:

If you choose not to open port 8060 on the self-hosted integration runtime machine, use mechanisms other than the Setting Credentials application to configure data-store credentials. For example, you can use the New-AzDataFactoryV2LinkedServiceEncryptCredential PowerShell cmdlet.

In order to perform interactive authoring actions such as data preview and connection testing, the self-hosted integration runtime requires a connection to Azure Relay. If the connection is not established, there are two possible solutions to ensure uninterrupted functionality. The first option is to add the Azure Relay endpoints to your firewall's allowlist Get URL of Azure Relay. Alternatively, you can enable self-contained interactive authoring.

One required domain and port that need to be put in the allowlist of your firewall is for the communication to Azure Relay. The self-hosted integration runtime uses it for interactive authoring such as test connection, browse folder list and table list, get schema, and preview data. If you don't want to allow and would like to have more specific URLs, then you can see all the FQDNs that are required by your self-hosted integration runtime from the service portal. Follow these steps:

Ensure that you properly enable firewall rules on the corporate firewall, the Windows firewall of the self-hosted integration runtime machine, and the data store itself. Enabling these rules lets the self-hosted integration runtime successfully connect to both source and sink. Enable rules for each data store that is involved in the copy operation. e24fc04721

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