A roommate is a person with whom one shares a living facility such as a room or dormitory except when being family or romantically involved. Similar terms include dormmate, suitemate, housemate, or flatmate ("flat": the usual term in British English for an apartment). Flatmate[1] is the term most commonly used in New Zealand, when referring to the rental of an unshared room within any type of dwelling. Another similar term is sharemate (shared living spaces are often called sharehouses in Australia and other Commonwealth countries). A sharehome is a model of household in which a group of usually unrelated people reside together, including lease-by-room arrangements. The term generally applies to people living together in rental properties rather than in properties in which any resident is an owner occupier. In the UK, the term "roommate" means a person living in the same bedroom, whereas in the United States and Canada, "roommate" and "housemate" are used interchangeably regardless whether a bedroom is shared, although it is common in US universities that having a roommate implies sharing a room together. This article uses the term "roommate" in the US sense of a person one shares a residence with who is not a relative or significant other. The informal term for roommate is roomie,[2] which is commonly used by university students.

Housemates and roommates are typically unmarried young adults, including workers and students. It is not rare for middle-aged and elderly adults who are single, divorced, or widowed to have housemates. Married couples, however, typically discontinue living with roommates, especially when they have children.

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Those moving to another city or another country may decide to look for a shared house or apartment to avoid loneliness. Social changes such as the declining affordability of home ownership and decreasing marriage rates are reasons why people may choose to live with roommates. Despite this rise, shared housing is little researched.

Roommates are a fairly common point of reference in Western culture. In the United States, most young adults spend at least a short part of their lives living with roommates after they leave their family's home. Very often this involves moving out of the home and to college, where the primary option for living is with a roommate. Therefore, many novels, movies, plays, and television programs employ roommates as a basic principle or a plot device (such as the popular series Friends or The Big Bang Theory). Sharing a house or a flat is also very common in European countries such as France (French colocation, corenting) or Germany (German WG for Wohngemeinschaft, living [together] community). Many websites are specialized in finding a flatmate. On the other hand, it is less common for people of any age to live with roommates in some countries, such as Japan, where single-person one-room apartments are plentiful.

According to the American Community Survey, 7.7% of Americans lived with a roommate in 2014. From 2000 to 2014, the proportion of Americans living with roommates increased by 13%, revealing that it is an increasingly popular lifestyle choice.[3]

The change in the cost of housing makes the consideration of roommates more attractive. As the housing market increases, so too does the roommate ratio rate. When house prices drop, the opposite can be expected. This has been seen extensively in cities such as Washington D.C., Phoenix, and San Diego.[4]

One difficulty is finding suitable roommates. Living with a roommate can mean much less privacy than having a residence of one's own, and for some people this can cause a lot of stress. Another thing to consider when choosing a roommate is how to divide the cost of living. Who pays for what, or are the shared expenses divided between the two or more roommates. Also, the potential roommate should be trusted to pay their share and trusted to pay it on time. Sleeping patterns can also be disrupted when living with a number of people. Some of the challenges that come with share housing may include advertising for, interviewing and choosing potential housemates; sharing communal household goods, rent (often this may be determined by the size or position of respective bedrooms); sharing household bills and grocery costs; and sharing housework, cleaning, and cooking responsibilities. Conflicts may arise if, for example, residents have different standards of cleanliness, different diets, or different hours of employment or study. Guests and partners may also begin to board frequently, which can raise complications pertaining to utility expenses, additional rent and further possible cleaning duties. Often when these responsibilities go untended, friction may result between co-tenants. For this reason, responsibilities should be delegated and fairly assigned as early as possible in any living arrangement with roommates. A clear and defined list of alternating chores and bill lists are easy to see and enforce.

Roommates matter, as they have a great impression upon the ones whom they live with and therefore surround themselves by. More and more research has been produced in order to properly understand this impact. The areas of impact can vary greatly in both positive and negative ways; most important is that individuals should be aware of the possible behaviour and social changes that may happen when living with a roommate.

Mood susceptible: "Each happy friend a person has increases that person's probability of being happy by 9 percent and each unhappy friend decreases it by 7 percent," says Nicholas A. Christakis, a co-author of "Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives".[8] Whether the roommates are friends or not the interactions and behaviors shared and expressed will undoubtedly have an effect on the roommates. Although shown not to be as impressionable as eating habits, our moods can change, specifically more in roommates based on the others emotions.

Effects on studies: Studies showed that having a roommate that plays video games causes the other to most likely participate, which reflected in a half-hour less of studying, also showing GPA's .02 lower than others. When dealing with a college roommate the choice to study or sleep should take precedence over the choice to party or play loud music.[9] This understanding allows those to choose to focus differently on school to do so without harm to the roommate relationship or grades.

Addressing an issue:[10]The best approach to address an issue with a roommate is an upfront and in person conversation, preferably a one on one conversation. While approaching the issues understand and respect each other's differences. When discussing the issues allow both sides to express their thoughts and feelings on the issue. And after both listening and speaking to each other present a resolution. and in doing so create a win-win situation this allows for the conflict to be more easily resolved. The resolution may not be the personal idea, but it should help the situation to some degree.

Before you can start a court case to make your roommate leave, you may need to give (serve) your roommate a Notice of Termination. Read the information section on Roommate Holdover Termination Notices before continuing below.

To start a case to make your roommate move out of the home or apartment that you share, you need to fill out a Notice of Petition and a Petition. Use the free DIY (Do-It-Yourself) roommate holdover computer program provided by the NYS Courts Access to Justice Program to make your court papers. The DIY program will help you make your court forms and give you instructions on what to do next.

You must make sure your roommate receives a copy of the Notice of Petition and the Petition in the manner required by law. The copies of the Petition and Notice of Petition must be served not less than five calendar days and not more than twelve calendar days from the court date. Go to Service of the Notice of Petition and Petition to learn more.

The most common cause of roommate conflicts stems from the little things that are not addressed until they seem huge: the clothes strewn around the room or the number of guests your roommate has or the lights being left on or the window left open. Coupled with these types of issues is the need to incorporate and accept the diverse living traditions of the many different cultures and backgrounds right here on campus.

When you find yourself in conflict with your roommate, University Housing is here to help! You should always feel comfortable contacting your Resident Assistant (RA) for advice or to mediate a conversation between your roommate and yourself. If mediation with the RA does not work, you can contact your Residence Director (RD). Their information is available in the Residence Halls section of this website.

Hello, new landlord, my tenant wants to add a roommate three months into his lease. He is a single guy renting my two bedroom townhouse. He wants his friend to move into the other bedroom. I have had no problems with this tenant at all. Is it as simple as, sure no problem but you are ultimately responsible for any damage or do we have to do paperwork on this? Thoughts? Thanks!

Going forward, however, I am changing this. I will bill the new roommate a calculated portion of the deposit. The new roommate cannot move in until this deposit is paid (along with first rent, etc.). After move-in of the new roommate I will refund the departing roommate or existing tenant if there was no prior roommate during the lease that just ended. I think this will be a better accounting and control of the security deposit.

My process is pretty much the same as those mentioned. The new roommate goes through essentially the same process; apply, get approval, sign lease, get deposits, etc. Also, YOU charge the new tenant whatever the tenants have agreed upon for a portion of the deposits, plus any new deposits required, (pets, keys, etc. ), because at move out, I send ONE check. I do not involve myself with who gets what part of the deposits. The deposit is for the apartment, not the individual. They must work it out between themselves before and after. Because BOTH tenants are equally responsible for the full amount of the rent during the lease period, as well as any damages at move out. The only time I deviate from this is if I am renting rooms individually, where each tenant has an individual lease with individual deposits, like in a college dorm or traveling nurse/doctor situation. ff782bc1db

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