NetworkManager is the standard Linux network configuration tool suite. It supports large range of networking setups, from desktop to servers and mobile and integrates well with popular desktop environments and server configuration management tools.

NetworkManager is a system network service that manages your network devices and connections and attempts to keep network connectivity active when available. It manages Ethernet, WiFi, mobile broadband (WWAN) and PPPoE devices while also providing VPN integration with a variety of different VPN services.

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NetworkManager is a program for providing detection and configuration for systems to automatically connect to networks. NetworkManager's functionality can be useful for both wireless and wired networks. For wireless networks, NetworkManager prefers known wireless networks and has the ability to switch to the most reliable network. NetworkManager-aware applications can switch from online and offline mode. NetworkManager also prefers wired connections over wireless ones, has support for modem connections and certain types of VPN. NetworkManager was originally developed by Red Hat and now is hosted by the GNOME project.

To provide integration with a desktop environment, most users will want to install an applet. This not only provides easy access to network selection and configuration, but also provides the agent necessary for securely storing secrets. Various desktop environments have their own applet; otherwise, you can use #nm-applet.

The applet can show notifications for events such as connecting to or disconnecting from a WiFi network. For these notifications to display, ensure that you have a notification server installed - see Desktop notifications. If you use the applet without a notification server, you might see some messages in stdout/stderr, and the applet might hang. See [2].

Alternatively there is networkmanager-dmenu-gitAUR which is a small script to manage NetworkManager connections with dmenu or rofi instead of nm-applet. It provides all essential features such as connection to existing NetworkManager wifi or wired connections, connect to new wifi connections, requests passphrase if required, connect to existing VPN connections, enable/disable networking, launch nm-connection-editor GUI, connect to Bluetooth networks.

Enabling NetworkManager.service also enables NetworkManager-wait-online.service, which is a oneshot system service that waits for the network to be configured. The latter has, so it will finish only when itself is enabled or pulled in by some other unit. See also systemd#Running services after the network is up.

By default, NetworkManager-wait-online.service waits for NetworkManager startup to complete, rather than waiting for network connectivity specifically (see nm-online(1)). If NetworkManager-wait-online.service finishes before the network is really up, resulting in failed services on boot, extend the unit to remove the -s from the ExecStart line:

By default, all users in active local sessions are allowed to change most network settings without a password. See General troubleshooting#Session permissions to check your session type. In most cases, everything should work out of the box.

For those behind a captive portal, the desktop manager may automatically open a window asking for credentials. If your desktop does not, you can use capnet-assist package (however, it currently it has a broken NetworkManager dispatcher script). Alternatively, you can create a NetworkManager dispatcher script with the following content:

By default NetworkManager uses its internal DHCP client. The internal DHCPv4 plugin is based on the nettools' n-dhcp4 library, while the internal DHCPv6 plugin is made from code based on systemd-networkd.

NetworkManager's /etc/resolv.conf management mode is configured with the main.rc-manager setting. networkmanager sets it to symlink as opposed to the upstream default auto. The setting and its values are documented in the NetworkManager.conf(5) man page.

NetworkManager also offers hooks via so called dispatcher scripts that can be used to alter the /etc/resolv.conf after network changes. See #Network services with NetworkManager dispatcher and NetworkManager(8) for more information.

There are quite a few network services that you will not want running until NetworkManager brings up an interface. NetworkManager has the ability to start services when you connect to a network and stop them when you disconnect (e.g. when using NFS, SMB and NTPd).

Note that there is a fail-safe for the case when the LAN interface was connected when the computer was last on, and then disconnected while the computer was off. That would mean the radio would still be off when the computer is turned back on, and with a disconnected LAN interface, you would have no network.

In this example we want to connect automatically to a previously defined VPN connection after connecting to a specific Wi-Fi network. First thing to do is to create the dispatcher script that defines what to do after we are connected to the network.

If you would like to attempt to automatically connect to VPN for all Wi-Fi networks, you can use the following definition of the ESSID: ESSID=$(iwgetid -r). Remember to set the script's permissions accordingly.

When roaming between different networks (e.g. a company's LAN, WiFi at home, various other WiFi now and then) you might want to set the NTP server(s) used by timesyncd to those provided by DHCP. However, NetworkManager itself is not capable to communicate with systemd-timesyncd to set the NTP server(s).

Every time NetworkManager sets up a new network connection (ACTION=up) or gets some update for an existing connection (ACTION=dhcp4-change or ACTION=dhcp6-change) and the provided connection data contains information about NTP server(s) (DHCP4_NTP_SERVERS), a connection specific overlay configuration file is written to /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf.d, containing the provided NTP server(s). Whenever a connection is taken down (ACTION=down) the connection specific overlay file is removed. After each change to the configuration of systemd-timesyncd, this service is restarted to pick up the updated configuration. The use of connection specific configuration files is intentional so that when two or more connections are managed by NetworkManager in parallel the different NTP server names in the configuration are not overwritten as up, dhcp4-change, dhcp6-change and down actions might come in in an arbitrary order.

NetworkManager applets are designed to load upon login so no further configuration should be necessary for most users. If you have already disabled your previous network settings and disconnected from your network, you can now test if NetworkManager will work. The first step is to start NetworkManager.service.

Some applets will provide you with a .desktop file so that the NetworkManager applet can be loaded through the application menu. If it does not, you are going to either have to discover the command to use or logout and login again to start the applet. Once the applet is started, it will likely begin polling network connections with for auto-configuration with a DHCP server.

Furthermore, NetworkManager needs to be configured not to store the password for all users. Using GNOME's network-manager-applet, run nm-connection-editor from a terminal, select a network connection, click Edit, select the Wi-Fi Security tab and click on the right icon of password and check Store the password only for this user.

Using KDE's plasma-nm, click the applet, click on the top right Settings icon, click on a network connection, in the General configuration tab, untick All users may connect to this network. If the option is ticked, the passwords will still be stored in clear text, even if a keyring daemon is running.

Some cron jobs require networking to be up to succeed. You may wish to avoid running these jobs when the network is down. To accomplish this, add an if test for networking that queries NetworkManager's nm-tool and checks the state of networking. The test shown here succeeds if any interface is up, and fails if they are all down. This is convenient for laptops that might be hardwired, might be on wireless, or might be off the network.

This is useful for a cron.hourly script that runs fpupdate for the F-Prot virus scanner signature update, as an example. Another way it might be useful, with a little modification, is to differentiate between networks using various parts of the output from nm-tool; for example, since the active wireless network is denoted with an asterisk, you could grep for the network name and then grep for a literal asterisk.

By default, NetworkManager will not connect to networks requiring a secret automatically on boot. This is because it locks such connections to the user who makes it by default, only connecting after they have logged in. To change this, do the following:

NetworkManager supports two types MAC Address Randomization: randomization during scanning, and for network connections. Both modes can be configured by modifying /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf or by creating a separate configuration file in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ which is recommended since the aforementioned configuration file may be overwritten by NetworkManager.

In terms of MAC randomization the most important modes are stable and random. stable generates a random MAC address when you connect to a new network and associates the two permanently. This means that you will use the same MAC address every time you connect to that network. In contrast, random will generate a new MAC address every time you connect to a network, new or previously known. You can configure the MAC randomization by adding the desired configuration under /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d:

Alternatively, you can install networkmanager-iwdAUR, a modified package configured to build NetworkManager working exclusively with iwd, with the main difference being that iwd is required and wpa_supplicant can be uninstalled after building. e24fc04721

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