For more than two years, Eugene Peterson devoted all his efforts to The Message New Testament. His primary goal was to capture the tone of the text and the original conversational feel of the Greek, in contemporary English. He hoped to bring the New Testament to life for two different types of people. The first group were those who hadn't read the Bible because it seemed too distant, irrelevant, and antiquated. The second group were those who had read the Bible all their lives but now found it "old hat," so familiar that they were no longer startled by the truth of its message.

I was going to try to say the story of the Bible in one sentence. But then when I read the question again, I understood why some did not try to summarize the story but state a message. So here's my attempt:

Along with God's people, increasingly know, believe, and enjoy the glory of God in Jesus Christ now and forever.

(Now to try to summarize the story of the Bible in one sentence...)

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Even within the Scripture itself, the Gospel message has no equal, and we will be chasing down the precious Gospel of Jesus Christ through out an eternity of eternities and still will not get our arms around it.

in the words of Hillel the Elder (the first supposedly liberal sage) when asked by a gentile to explain the entire Jewish bible for him "while standing on one foot" (or in one simple sentence):

"Love and treat thy friend (/peer/neighbor) and as you love and treat yourself, and the rest is just interpretation"

I enjoyed these... My answer would have been entirely different though. I would have said:

"The bible is Our Father's guide for our lives, a love letter to the bride of Christ (us), and an instruction manual on how to have a close relationship with Him."

The bible? A book about a petty, vengeful god smiting or commanding genocide upon everyone who doesn't believe in it, having an unnatural interest in human sexuality, and being so insecure as to threaten eternal condemnation for anyone who doesn't believe in it.

How about this sentence:

The bible is a ragtag mix of historical tidbits and bronze age superstition cobbled together over several hundred years as an attempt to understand the world and to impose order.

Eric wrote:

"when it comes to theology, philosophy, religion in general and Christianity in particular, Myers is decidedly ignorant."

So where is the sophisticated theology of which Myers is supposedly ignorant? It's not to be found in this post or comments.

"A holy God sends his righteous Son to die for unrighteous sinners so we can be holy and live happily with God forever."

Is that it? As PZ pointed out, that doesn't explain anything. In fact, it's a six-year-old's level of sophistication.

What you fail to notice is that sophisticated theology is hot air when there is no evidence for the very existence of any god, let alone the specific jewish one. The bible makes specific claims which have been refuted (creation myth, adam and eve, noah's ark, moses' 40 year wanderings etc) by science. The evidence for historicity of jesus is scant.

The story _doesn't make sense_. You've read the multiple comments here about how "jehovah sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself for a problem he created deliberately". That's the jesus story in a nutshell. Why should anybody take that seriously? The sophisticated theology of which you claim Professor Myers is ignorant is merely a desperate rationalization, an attempt to hide the basic idiocy of the message with layers of feel good flowery prose. "Jesus died for your sins" sounds so great and personal, but the story breaks down immediately. Jesus was god anyway, so he didn't really die. Cause he came back. At least all the gospels agree on that, even if they conflict on other main points. And why did jesus have to die "for my sins" anyway? Why die? Why not go to prison for a while? Why not do nothing at all? The answer of course is in the barbaric times when the OT and NT were written, death was the standard punishment for many infractions. This is not part of a magnificent plan, but a childish rationalization of a world barely comprehended by these ignorant savages. Dolling it up in the 21st century is an insult to our intelligence.

Without evidence, all your sophisticated theologians are making it up as they go. "God spoke to me" is not evidence. Interpreting the bible is not evidence. Conclusions based on nothing more than what would make them feel good are not sound. You buy into this claptrap, and then have the gall to accuse PZ Myers of ignorance?

Eric wrote:

"when it comes to theology, philosophy, religion in general and Christianity in particular, Myers is decidedly ignorant."

So where is the sophisticated theology of which Myers is supposedly ignorant? It's not to be found in this post or comments.

"A holy God sends his righteous Son to die for unrighteous sinners so we can be holy and live happily with God forever."

Is that it? As PZ pointed out, that doesn't explain anything. In fact, it's a six-year-old's level of sophistication.

What you fail to notice is that sophisticated theology is hot air when there is no evidence for the very existence of any god, let alone the specific jewish one. The bible makes specific claims which have been refuted (creation myth, adam and eve, noah's ark, moses' 40 year wanderings etc) by science. The evidence for historicity of jesus is scant.

"Great reading all these sentences ... they are good, but is there a reason you missed half of humanity? Where are the women's voices?" - Janet Oberholtzer

Well, Janet, I'd guess it's because the basic message of the Bible to half of humanity is "Shut up and do as you're told."

I know I'm late to the party but googled "message of the Bible" and came across this discussion. A friend of mine (J. B. Nicholson Jr) says the message of the Bible can be told in three words: Generation, degeneration, regeneration.

My mind went to 2 Cor 5:19, "God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself."

The message is: Divine Sonship (by adoption into God's/King's family in the New Heaven and Earth to come) through belief in the atoning Old Creational death and New Creational resurrection of Jesus (Christ is the New Creational King enthroned in Heaven and New Earth to come).

I take issue with you. Peterson has no true understanding of Hebrew and has no Ruach to guide him in his translation. I teach biblical Hebrew and have analyzed the message and it is in serious error with no basis in the biblical text. Period.

It is my prayer that this message finds you all faring well. I would like to share my most recent accomplishment. I have completed a one year residency in Clinical Pastoral Education at Baptist Healthcare- Pensacola, Florida 2018-2019. I am grateful for the foundation that I received from Revelation Message Bible College and I am grateful for my first official ordination and credential from Revelation Message, Inc, during Memorial Day weekend, in May of 2005. I will continue to cherish the conversations and the very impactful and impressionable memories and impressions I received from RMC and through my Proctor (Dr. Marilyn Watson). Since my early morning ordination review committee gathered to examine and hear my faith walk, in 2008. I have kept those conversations and the encouraging expressions and love in my mind: "this how an ordination should be"! Thank you and pray for us as we 'reset' BBTDM in Thomasville, Georgia. "Every round goes higher and higher." Thank you, thank you for the foundation I received from Revelation Message, Inc.

The Bible is a big book that consists of many topics, diverse literature, and spans centuries. Yet, the Bible, despite being written by multiple authors and addressing various subjects, is one grand story whose central message is about what our triune Creator-covenant God planned in eternity, executed in time, to glorify himself by the redemption of his people, the judgment of sin, and making all things new in Christ Jesus (Rom. 11:33-36; Eph. 1:9-10; Col. 1:15-20).

Wham! It was so clear, as if Paul himself had rung the doorbell, come in, pinned me against the wall and said, "Time to get your act together, my brother in Christ." And he wasn't smiling. Our group listened to both versions of Romans at our meeting a few days later, and there was unanimous agreement that The Message carried Paul's message in a sensible, powerful, personal new way.

The Message translation is certainly not a literal one. It has been called an idiomatic translation, a paraphrasal translation, a rendering of the Bible using conversational language and figures of speech. Some critics have labeled it a "watered-down," distorted message, even a "comic book" Bible.

His translation is not a study Bible, he noted, but rather a "reading Bible," aimed at helping Christians see an old message in a new way or sparking interest in seekers who found traditional Bibles boring.

Following the introduction, this is how Paul begins in the Peterson rendition: "I can't believe your fickleness -- how easily you have turned traitor to him who called you by the grace of Christ, by embracing a variant message! It is not a minor variation, you know; it is completely other, an alien message, a no-message, a lie about God."

The old adage says a picture is worth a thousand words. Toward that end, most churches project images and videos to complement biblical teaching. Recognizing the widespread use of media in churches, Faithlife incorporated new features in Logos 7 to assist in not only developing messages, but also delivering them! This goal is especially true in the new and improved Media tool combining Media Browser and Visual Copy from Logos 6. 006ab0faaa

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