Wind farms require up to 360 times as much land area to produce the same amount of electricity as a nuclear energy facility, a Nuclear Energy Institute analysis has found. Solar photovoltaic (PV) facilities require up to 75 times the land area.

A nuclear energy facility has a small area footprint, requiring about 1.3 square miles per 1,000 megawatts of installed capacity. This figure is based on the median land area of the 59 nuclear plant sites in the United States. In addition, nuclear energy facilities have an average capacity factor of 90 percent, much higher than intermittent sources like wind and solar.

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Taking these factors into account, a wind farm would need an installed capacity between 1,900 megawatts and 2,800 MW to generate the same amount of electricity in a year as a 1,000-MW nuclear energy facility. Such a facility would require between 260 square miles and 360 square miles of land.

I'm planning on playing a Hill Dwarf Druid / Ranger in my next one shot, and I want her land circle variant to make sense for being a Hill Dwarf. I'm just not sure which version would equate best to "hill".

Westhampton Dwarf Pine Plains Preserve is a 788-acre undeveloped property consisting of the globally rare dwarf pine barrens habitat. It is located south of Sunrise Highway and north of the Francis S. Gabreski Airport, between Old Riverhead Road and Quogue Riverhead Road. The area is open to hunting, trapping, hiking and wildlife viewing.

Hunt for both small and big game. Hunting is allowed anywhere on the property, except on areas marked as restricted or excluded. Please abide by all hunting regulations. Consult hunting on Long Island for information on hunting opportunities and obtaining hunting permits. See Long Island Public Hunting Areas for specifics on the types of hunting that are allowed on this property.

DEC is developing a management plan which will describe the management activities for these lands. In addition to management objectives, the UMP will contain detailed information on natural features, recreational infrastructure, geology, natural and human history, habitats, wildlife, fisheries and much more.

Numerous guidebooks and maps are available with information on the lands, waters, trails and other recreational facilities in this area. These can be purchased at most outdoor equipment retailers, bookstores, and on-line booksellers.

"It's a very dangerous place. It's the only designated area of land without a ruler or a government; it's a kingdom where everyone is their own king. It used to be populated by dwarfs who worked in the mines, but now it's full of criminals and fugitives mostly. It's a place where people go when they don't want to be found."[1]

The Dwarf Forests was a dangerous area, hideaway for criminals and fugitives. It lied in the west between the Elf Empire and the Corner Kingdom. According to King Chance Charming the forests were over fifty million acres of land and home to thousands of "undesirables."

Rodon arrives to take the Anubis Stone, quickly departing back to his battlecruiser where he orders the Iron Star be fired upon. The Dwarfers and the three clerics all flee back to Starbug and leave before the destruction of the Iron Star, but damage taken by the debris causes them to crash land onto a desert moon. Rodon's ship catches up with them and gives chase, forcing them to hide in a sandstorm, only to end up trapped underground. Looking for help, Rimmer, who has become a black-and-white low energy setting, contacts Holly and convinces him to upload the last saved back-up files of the original Holly into his system, thus restoring his memories and previous 'computer-senile' personality. In an attempt to help them, Holly launches a mining torpedo which destroys the entire moon, throwing Starbug clear in the shockwave. Regrouping on Red Dwarf, they learn that Rodon and his crew are on the ship, and have come to return the Anubis Stone, seeing it as worthless. Before leaving, he leaves a bomb aboard Red Dwarf to kill them all.

Featured image, above: The arrow points to the ancient dwarf Bolander Pine tree that has stood in Storybook Land since 1956. Image released into the public domain by its author, Jonnyboyca.

A smaller dwarf version of our popular False Cardamom ginger. Makes an excellent landscaping and screening plant with its dense growth habit. Without a doubt, its best feature is the fragrant and spicy foliage.

Palaeoloxodon antiquus lived on the European mainland between 800,000 and 40,000 years ago and the team believes it will have colonised Sicily some time between 70,000 and 200,000 years ago. Colonisation probably occurred during periods of cold climate when sea levels were lower, exposing land bridges that the elephants could have utilised to colonise the islands.

Using the estimated age of the Puntali elephant fossil, the size and mass of the straight-tusked elephant, and the estimated start of the dwarfing process, the team was able to calculate size and body mass reduction rate per year and per generation.

The study, involving Nottingham Trent University, the University of Potsdam in Germany, the Natural History Museum, the University of Iceland, the University of Palermo and the University of Cambridge is published in Current Biology.

The study was a collaboration between Nottingham Trent University, the Natural History Museum and the Universities of York and Cambridge in the UK, as well as the University of Iceland, the University of Palermo and the University of Potsdam.

'Estimating the dwarfing rate of an extinct Sicilian elephant' is published in Current Biology.

Mat Kaplan:He's the only person to have received both JPL's Exceptional Technical Excellence Award and its Exceptional Leadership Award. Marc Rayman, welcome back to Planetary Radio. I realized just last week we had to have you on. This began when New York listeners set upon wondered why you left Dawn on orbit instead of attempting to land on Ceres. And I assume that [inaudible 00:03:32] was probably thinking of what Rosetta did at comet 67P, or better yet, looked back 20 years to NEAR Shoemaker's little bump down onto asteroid Eros.

Marc Rayman:Well, the first thing I could say is, why didn't anybody think of this when Dawn was at Ceres? I mean, [inaudible 00:05:45] why didn't you send this suggestion to us? Maybe we never thought of it. But in fact, of course, we did. There are two parts to the answer, but part of it is contained in your description of series. Yes, in some sense, it's an asteroid, but it's a dwarf planet. That's an important distinction.

Marc Rayman:I think when people think of asteroids, they think of these small bodies like Eros, Ryugu, Itokawa, Bennu, Churyumov-Gerasimenko. I'm not saying that size is a measure of importance or interest, but still it's an important physical parameter and Ceres is not at all like those. There are millions, literally millions of objects in the main asteroid belt. 35% of the total mass is in dwarf planet Ceres.

Marc Rayman:Rather the requirement is intended to allow enough time for a follow-up mission. That is to allow enough time to conduct possible future biological exploration of this dwarf planet. Two decades is long enough that we could mount a mission to build on Dawn's discoveries and we wouldn't wanted to be misled by microorganisms or non-biologic organic chemicals that might have been deposited there by our spacecraft.

Marc Rayman:Well, the other one is Dawn was not physically capable of accomplishing a controlled landing. Once again, Ceres is not just one of these chunks of rock. It's a big place and its gravity is significant. Now, when missions like the ones you and I have mentioned, which I should say are incredibly cool missions, you and I and essentially everybody listening, we're all enthusiastic space buffs.

Marc Rayman:These other missions, which are super neat, which accomplish their landings or their contact with these bodies did so because the gravitational attraction was exceedingly low. It's much more like... That is for those missions. It's much more like when two spacecraft rendezvous in orbit. You think of a spacecraft flying up to the Space Station. The gravitational attraction is almost entirely negligible, not quite but very close. You just fly up next to the body and go from there.

Marc Rayman:Ceres' gravity was much too great for that. For reference, if Dawn had gone to a very low altitude orbit, even lower than we did, its orbital velocity would have been 800 miles per hour. Well, you can't just gently drop out of orbit like that. And even if we could have, you need a rocket engine to slow your descent, right? To make a controlled landing.

Marc Rayman:The ion propulsion system, which propelled Dawn from earth past Mars into orbit around Vesta, allowed us maneuver in orbit extensively at Vesta, break out of orbit, fly for another two and a half years to get to dwarf planet Ceres. Go into orbit around Ceres. Fly to 10 different orbits at Ceres. That ion propulsion system would've been totally ineffective in controlling the spacecraft's dissent to that intriguing alien surface.

Marc Rayman:But you and I and most of the people who are listening grew up during a narrow window in human history when the planetary status of Vesta and Ceres had been forgotten, but Pluto still had planetary status. Now we're in a time where Pluto and Ceres and other bodies are collectively described as dwarf planets. And with the category of dwarf planets was defined, Ceres was the first body to have been discovered that fit that category because it was discovered 129 years before Pluto.

Marc Rayman:And our job as scientists, engineers, explorers, and communicators is to understand what that reality is and to find clear ways to communicate it. The underlying motivation for the debate about whether to call Pluto, and hence these other bodies like Ceres a planet or a dwarf planet, was because scientific knowledge had advanced, right? When Pluto was discovered now 91 years ago... It was discovered 1930. e24fc04721

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