Most people have their phones with them all the time, so having a Bible on your phone makes it available anywhere, anytime. There are lots of good Bible versions available - almost all are free online and many free to download for offline use.

Bible apps can encourage other family members to read the Bible on their phones as more and more people do most of their reading on electronic devices. It can encourage your children to feel like reading the Bible this way is normal and good.

Download The Kjv Bible On Your Phone

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It may not be obvious you're reading your Bible on your phone, so using this format could spur you to be more proactive about talking to your kids about reading the Bible and what you have been reading.

Technology surrounds us. Whether through our smartphones, smartwatches, or computers, we have unlimited information accessible to us every day. The world is literally at our fingertips, with new content being produced each second. But how should Christians engage with technology? Is there a way to use our phones without becoming addicted to them? Is there a way to honor God with our screen time and phone habits?

This booklet points to the transforming power of the gospel in all areas of our lives, including our phone time. It provides practical help, tips, workbook pages, and encouragement for how to honor God with our phones. In a society where we spend hours on our phones each day, become equipped and feel challenged to redeem your phone time through this booklet. Grow in the fruits of the spirit, in wisdom, and humility as you seek to honor God with your phone each day.

I have known I've struggled with my phone time for a while. It's always been in the back of my mind. I just couldn't seem to get consistent time away from my phone. I picked this up as a last ditch effort. The charts in here were so helpful for me! They forced me to break down every day how I was using my phone and see how I was doing. As someone who likes to see practically how things are going it was so helpful and also a huge gut check as every day I had to look back and see where I did well and where I "failed" based on what I had decided was acceptable for me that week. I've actually contemplated continuing to do the charts even though I have completed this as a way to continually keep myself in check.

If you are not creating a deep relationship with God through your Bible on your phone then it may be time to use your PHYSICAL Bible. It provides an opportunity to see the Bigger picture and connect pieces of HIS story to your story.

It comes with audio features, allowing you to hear the holy bible online readout, and also in multilingual translations. Alexander Scourby, the voice behind the Scourby app has been lauded as having one of the best and most engaging voices by the Chicago Tribune.

I wanted to know how common this dilemma was among Christians. So back in April of 2015, I conducted an online survey of eight thousand readers of The survey focused on smartphone and social media habits. I asked a bunch of questions and received a lot of revealing results, a few which made it into my smartphone book.

Here are my six guesses for why so many of us are drawn almost addictively to consult with our phones or devices when we wake up in the morning. The first three I call candy motives, and the second three I call avoidance motives.

I suggest that before you go to bed tonight, you make some choices and some plans and that you free yourself from the candy addictions and the habits of avoidance that have been ruining the strengthening potential for the beginning of the day.

The paper Bible has fallen on hard times over the last decade as smartphones have made a surge in appeal and Bible apps have become ubiquitous and (finally) usable. But there are still very good reasons why Christians should seriously consider giving the paper Bible the priority it once had. Let me explain.

Not only does your phone provide you with email, Facebook, Twitter and other notifications, but even Bible apps have distractions built in. The very nature of the phone beckons us to touch it and interact with it in a way that arouses curiosity and cues activity. These cues are absent in a paper Bible.

First, you have to actually pick it up, or remember to take it with you. This forces you to remember and requires your soul to engage more fully in what a Bible is used for. Going back to our model of the three functions of the heart, a paper Bible requires that we engage our volition in deciding to pick it up or take it with us. This stimulates our desires and thoughts about the Bible.

If you have family who loves the Lord, they will also be interested in your Bible. They will want to know what was important to you. Even if they are not believers, there is a good chance that one day those closest to you will leaf through your Bible. Leaving a Bible that is well used, well loved and well marked up will tell them what you loved and treasured, and can lead them through the gospel.

However, after that conversation, I started to notice Sunday after Sunday that my neighbor had been right, that I did get distracted when I had a phone in church. A notification would pop up and I would click on it and 5 minutes would be gone before I came down from the clouds and continued listening to the sermon. I then started to peek and look out for what people were doing on their phones during service and more often than not, they were not reading their Bible, they were doing things that had nothing to do with the service they were supposedly attending. The truth is Bible apps were primarily designed for personal Bible study, not for Sunday morning services. These apps are created to produce a deep absorption experience, drawing you into the app with beautiful graphics and study guides. However, in church, your focus is meant to be on the speaker in front of you.

So, I decided to listen to my wise neighbor and stop taking my phone to church. It has now been 10 years since I have been doing this and I want to explain to you dear reader, why this has probably been the most profitable spiritual decision I have made in the last 10 years. Spiritual decision you say? Let me give you the three reasons why I can make this claim.

As an introvert, I know my default posture after church service is to avoid interactions with other Christians and instead pretend to be busy looking at something on my phone. Not having this crutch to lean on means I have to engage with other Christians and not have distractions getting in the way of quality conversations and finding out how others are faring in their lives.

Even if you are not the type of person that avoids conversations, having a phone can be distracting. You may come out of the service and see you have 25 notifications on your phone. While you are checking your phone, a first-timer walks by you and that door of ministry is missed.

Even for those of us Christians who are not Sabbatarians, we should still regard Sunday morning as a day that should be focused on rest and worship to God. This must mean that it should be clear to the people that we interact regularly with that we would be unavailable on our phones on Sunday mornings.

Earlier, I said the decision not to take a phone to church was perhaps the most profitable spiritual decision I ever made in the last decade. My point is not that the action itself was spiritual, but rather that this decision has freed me to focus on God and my neighbors on Sundays like no other decision I have taken since then. And as Jesus taught us, that is the whole point of our faith (Matthew 22:36-40).

Well I disagree with this! Although there is truth in all you said. And I say, this is where discipline comes in. Other things have to be considered as well.

1. Your phone can be a means of transportation. That is, you can use it to book a ride to and fro on Sundays (not everyone has a car you know)

2. Your phone can be a means of sponsoring your finances on Sunday. That is, using your E-banking to pay for your transportation, to pay for your offerings an to fuel your car.

3. Your phone is basically a means of communication. I will give an example to this, if you live in an Estate where you need an access code to go in, your phone is the only way to get that done.

In prayer, you must devise strategies that will help you have laser-like focus. First, do not think of Bible reading and prayer as two separate and unrelated activities. Instead, look at one as feeding the other. I recommend finding at least one thing in your Bible reading that can jumpstart your prayer time. Did you see sin that you need to confess? Did you read a promise that you need faith to believe? Were you reminded of a struggle that you need strength to face? Was there a command that you need help obeying?

Also, make use of a journal or a list when you pray. This can be a list of people you are praying for and of things going on in your own life that you need to bring before the Lord. You may want to write out your prayers while you say them so you stay engaged and your mind does not wander. In addition, when you do this you can read over your prayers years later and be encouraged by how the Lord has been at work.

If you have so much going on in your life that you are too tired to worship with the church on Sunday, cut something out. If you are too busy to do what God has commanded, you are too busy. Make time for the Sunday worship gathering. Allow nothing but providential hindrances to come in the way. (Sickness, etc.) When you come into worship, bring a physical copy of the Bible, turn off your phone, talk to the people around you before the gathering begins, and completely engage in worship with the body.

The modern digital revolution is similar to what happened 500 years ago. Having access to the Bible digitally is a tremendous blessing for the church, and yet, this resource is often undervalued. Even as there are many reasons why you should open the Bible in print, here are five advantages to reading it on your phone or computer. 2351a5e196

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