The Ghost is an innovative survival horror game with a unique multiplayer experience. You will have to explore the haunted hospital with a scary ghost who wants to kill you. You will have to find your way to get out of the hospital, but you will have to be careful, as the ghost can be everywhere and hide behind objects to attack you.

Other than shooting, a lot of time in Ghosthunter is spent exploring levels. Most levels in the game are linear affairs with a small amount of back tracking and a few simple puzzles. The puzzles themselves range from easy-and-fun to annoyingly-obfuscated (more on that in a bit), but they serve as a nice change of pace between heavy action sequences. One of the coolest ideas in Ghosthunter is the Astral mechanic: in certain levels, Jones is able to summon Astral, a ghostly woman who has somehow bound herself to his being. As Astral, the player can fly through the air, under water, and into other places that would be unreachable on foot. Astral has a few skills that allow her to influence the world, such as opening doors and throwing switches, and these abilities are used to create traversal puzzles. The Astral sections are great because they give the player a rest from shooting and allow him to explore the environment in detail.

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A quick overview of the game: You are trapped in an old mansion on a stormy night. You must search the mansion to find three fragments of a magic urn to unlock the front door and escape. Of course, the mansion is crawling with spiders and bats and haunted by ghosts, just to make it more interesting.

BlueStacks is an app player that allows you to operate several Android apps on a PC and play heavy games conveniently. Play as a survivor or ghost on a larger screen and win as both. Do not play this game on a smaller screen; ensure you enjoy all your gaming moments on a larger display with BlueStacks.

Survival-horror is a sub-genre of action-adventure video games that emphasizes vulnerability, resource management, and puzzle-solving in a horror themed environment. Games in the genre often have a metroidvania style of progression, and also make use of horror tropes common to cinema, such as fixed cameras.

The Magnavox Odyssey was the first home console available on the market, the games were sold along the console. Among these was Haunted House, the game (and most of the other titles who came along with it.) is more akin to a tabletop role-playing game, using the TV screen as the interface. But it's technically the first attempt at making a horror themed video game.

The game is controversial entry in the history of survival-horror games, some gaming historians like Bernard Perron says it shouldn't be considered as such. But beside that, Hunt the Wumpus was about trying to kill a monster (the Wumpus) hiding in a series of caves, using a limited numbers of arrows, if the player finds himself out of arrows, the Wumpus will eat him.

Zork is a classic text base adventure game and a classic of video games in general. It's not strictly a horror game, but it's influence on the video game industry is so important, that it's "DNA" can be found in various game genres like Adventure, Metroidvania and RPG, and of course Survival-horror. The game not only feature a proto Metroidvania style of progression, which would also become a stable of games like Resident Evil, but also more frightening moments where the player is asked to keep his lantern lited to evade monsters.

The game was developed by Akira Takiguchi for the PET 2001 and published by ASCII in 1981, exclusively for Japan.Inspired by the 1980 stealth game Manibiki Shoujo and the 1979 sci-fi horror film Alien, the gameplay of Nostromo involved a player attempting to escape a spaceship while avoiding the sight of an invisible alien, which only becomes visible when appearing in front of the player. The gameplay also involved limited resources, where the player needs to collect certain items in order to escape the ship, and if certain required items are not available in the warehouse, the player is unable to escape and eventually has no choice but be killed getting caught by the alien.

The gameplay emphasizes puzzle-solving and evasive actions rather than attack. The game uses monsters commonly featured in horror fiction, such as ghosts, spiders and bats, each of which has unique behaviors. it also incorporate inventory management and item picking in order to progress to the next area. Because it has several features that have been seen in later survival-horror games, it's often retroactively classified as such.

The game was a horror action RPG revolving around a female SWAT member, Lila, rescuing survivors in an isolated monster-infested town and bringing them to safety in a church. It had open environments akin to Dragon Quest and real-time side-view battles like Zelda II, though War of the Dead departed from other RPGs not only with it's more dark and scary atmosphere but also through the limited ammunitions and inventory as well as a day-night cycle; the player can actually sleep to recover health.

The game often considered the first true survival horror title, due to having the most influence on Resident Evil. Sweet Home's gameplay is focused on solving a variety of puzzles using items stored in a limited inventory, while battling or escaping from horrifying creatures, which could lead to permanent death for any of the characters, thus creating tension and an emphasis on survival. It was also the first attempt at creating a scary and frightening storyline within a game, mainly told through scattered diary entries left behind fifty years before the events of the game. Its horrific imagery prevented its release in the Western world.

Released for the Commodore 64 in 1989, Project Firestart is a side scrolling action-adventure title, set in an abandoned spaceship, called the Prometheus. Players are tasked with retriving importants documents and finding out about what happened in said spaceship, the game not only had all the now known specifications of modern survival-horror games, but even in it's presentation, the game almost pre-date Alone in the Dark's cinematic cameras angles.

The game featured a lone protagonist against hordes of monsters, and made use of traditional adventure game challenges such as puzzle-solving and finding hidden keys to new areas. Graphically, Alone in the Dark uses static pre-rendered camera views that were cinematic in nature. Although players had the ability to fight monsters as in action games, players also had the option to evade or block them. Many monsters could not be killed, and thus could only be dealt with using problem-solving abilities. The game also used the mechanism of notes and books as expository devices. Many of these elements were used in later survival horror games, and thus the game is credited with making the survival horror genre possible.

The term "survival-horror" was first used by Capcom to market this 1996 release. It borrows heavily from Sweet Home, such as its mansion setting, puzzles, "opening door" load screen (directly taken from Sweet Home), death animations, multiple endings, dual character paths, individual character skills, limited item management, story told through diary entries and frescos, emphasis on atmosphere, and horrific imagery. Resident Evil also adopted several features seen in Alone in the Dark, notably its cinematic fixed camera angles and pre-rendered backdrops. The control scheme in Resident Evil also became a staple of the genre, and future titles imitated its challenge of rationing very limited resources and items. Many games have tried to replicate the successful formula seen in Resident Evil, and every subsequent survival horror game has arguably taken a stance in relation to it.

Released in 1999, Silent Hill drew heavily from Resident Evil while using realtime 3D environments in contrast to Resident Evil's pre-rendered graphics. Silent Hill in particular was praised for moving away from B-movie horror elements to the psychological style seen in art house or Japanese horror films, due to the game's emphasis on a disturbing atmosphere rather than visceral horror. The game also featured stealth elements, making use of the fog to dodge enemies or turning off the flashlight to avoid detection. The original Silent Hill is considered one of the scariest games of all time.

The player explores a mansion and takes photographs of ghosts in order to defeat them. The Fatal Frame series has since gained a reputation as one of the most distinctive in the genre, with the first game in the series credited as one of the best-written survival-horror games ever made.

In 2005, this title attempted to redefine the genre by emphasizing reflexes and precision aiming, broadening the gameplay with elements from the wider action genre. It's often seen as the game that killed the survival-horror genre. Nevertheless, Its ambitions paid off, earning the title several Game of the Year awards for 2005, and influencing at least the entire next decade to come in the genre.

Although it wasn't the first of it's kind, Frictional Games's Amnesia: The Dark Descent was for many survival-horror enthusiasts a return to form for the genre. After the success of Resident Evil 4 in 2005, most horror franchises, and even new IPs for that matter, took a turn toward more action driven gameplay. Amnesia: The Dark Descent goes for a more simplistic approache by stripping the player from his ability to fight back, all the while spearheading a new horror indie scene in gaming. It was also accused of reducing the survival-horror genre to it's most basic mechanics, launching a new wave of "hide'n'seek" type of horror games, such as Outlast or Slender: the Eight Pages.

Apparition takes the redundant plot from the worst Ghost Hunters reject series and makes it basically awesome. Your task is to collect evidence of the supernatural in the aforementioned scary location. Evidence is accumulated through audio and visual data you gather using cameras and other things, but the end goal is not completion. Rather, Apparition is non-linear and you are primarily seeking to amass a score, not complete a story like most horror games. With points accumulated you can leave to come back, or get killed, because there is no way to kill the spirits at all. Your ultimate goal is to level and compete for best ghost hunter on the leaderboard as you unlock secrets and advance. It thus has no ending, it is a quest to advance. This is a much different approach. e24fc04721

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