Starting February 1, 2024, all senders who send email to Gmail accounts must meet the requirements in this section.


 Important: If you send more than 5,000 messages per day to Gmail accounts, follow the Requirements for sending 5,000 or more messages per day.

I'm trying to get email reports from our AWS EC2 instances. We're using Exchange Online (part of Microsoft Online Services). I've setup a user account specifically for SMTP relaying, and I've setup Postfix to meet all the requirements to relay messages through this server. However, Exchange Online's SMTP server will reject messages unless the From address exactly matches the authentication address (the error message is 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender).

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Another important email etiquette rule regarding attachments is that you shouldn't attach large files like videos to your emails. The best way to send those is to upload the file to a cloud service like Google Drive or Dropbox and provide the recipient with a link that permits them to access it.

You should never assume that the recipient knows who you are. Start your email's body with a short introduction containing relevant information about yourself. If you know the recipient but you're not quite sure they remember you, find a way to mention the last time you talked or remind them how you know each other.

When you can't remember some of the above rules and you get confused because of the many email restrictions, you just have to remember these three Ps: be polite, precise, and professional. They will get you through any email mishap.

I am trying to send email to multiple recipients. For this I have created an array of recipients, but with my code I am only able to send mail to last email ID of the array three times. What's wrong with my code?

to - Comma separated list or an array of recipients e-mail addresses that will appear on the To: field

cc - Comma separated list or an array of recipients email addresses that will appear on the Cc: field

bcc - Comma separated list or an array of recipients email addresses that will appear on the Bcc: field

With Email Testing, you can inspect and debug emails in staging without the risk of spamming recipients and also see the original values of email headers for each test email you send to a virtual inbox.

Email Headers can have varying importance depending on your role. As a sender, you would want to focus on deliverability and reputation. As an admin, you would be interested in fields to use in server configuration rules. Yet as a recipient, you can utilize Email Metadata to verify the legitimacy of an email and avoid spamming, phishing, and spoofing attacks.

Mechanisms like DMARC, DKIM, and SPF are valuable for senders to prevent imposters from using their domains. As a recipient, you can locate the above-mentioned security protocols to verify the safety of the email. By doing so, you can follow included links without damaging your email account or exposing personal information.

Most scammers do not mask their IP addresses as they do not expect their recipients to analyze the email headers. If you are unsure, you can always use a DNS checker to see if their IP address is blacklisted.

A: Depending on your interest, email headers are important for various reasons. A sender would focus on analyzing the email metadata to improve deliverability and reputation. An admin would utilize fields during the server configuration process. And a recipient can analyze the email metadata to verify the legitimacy of the received email.

A: Technically, Email Headers can not be spoofed, however, they can be used for spoofing. Email Headers can contain fraudulent sender addresses, which may mislead the recipient. In order to avoid such instances, always verify with authentication protocols. View our email authentication guide for more.

Thank you for this information. My 83 year old mother had some bad apps installed on her computer from clicking on an email article. She has virus protection but these people are very crafty. I hope if and when these people get caught, they are punished. Hopefully, someday, there will be even better ways to protect computers, identities, financial information and healthcare records.

It is crucial in my industry of manufacturing to have attachments included on replies. In Apple email it is an option to include attachments and I miss that option now that I have to use Microsoft Outlook. I hope they will add this option!

As Delegate claiming expense for others, receipts still need to be scanned and they will be emailed to myself. Without any other Enterprise tool to keep track of these incoming email and tag at which step are they in the claim process, I reply to myself with different subject to identify their claim status. It is time consuming and error prone to include attachments using above suggestions. IMHO reply rather than forward is the better choice because the sender is myself. Also, more conservative organizations do need attachments in reply. So, I guess it takes judgement whether to include attachments for such requirements when there is sufficient bandwidth and storage. In the meantime, I will be replying and copy attachment while waiting for more user friendly Expense Management Enterprise software.

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Correct, "Reply all with attachments" option was there before in the previous versions. it was more continent. now its really frustrating to copy pasting the addresses and making forward email instead of reply all with attachments!

It's just crazy that after more than 40 years (!!!) of email, something as trivial as this is not addressed in Outlook. If it were for me I wouldn't use Outlook at all, but unfortunately that's what was chosen in my organization. The responses providing "solutions" are crazy here. Both are terrible work-arounds to something so simple that has been solved by many competitors in free products.

Agree completely. It is VERY common for me to need to ADD recipients when replying to all. To have to go through all of these steps when replying or forwarding an email is ridiculous. A simple "Reply with attachments" is all that is needed to greatly simplify. Come on Microsoft!

I agree with your comments, It is absurd that Outlook does not have this basic feature for Reply with attachments, which is very necessary for approval. it is not easy to go back to the original email looking for attachments after the email has traveled half the world.

This absurdly simple matter should be addressed, for god's sake. I have a very bureaucratic job where it's demanded that everything must be formalized by email - and in many cases we have to add third parties as well as remove some of the original people copied in the message; sometimes all of the attachments are forwarded, some times only a few of them, but in all cases, we keep the original people, the original attachments and then we add new people. There should be a "replay all with attachments" button! It shouldn't be that hard. It doesn't need to be the default option for most users but the option should be there. The sad thing is that I tried many other email clients and not only Outlook, but none of them show that option. I don't understand how come no developer thought of that.

Dear {{First Name}},I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am reaching out to introduce [Your Offering]. Our solution is designed to [briefly explain benefits]. I believe it could greatly benefit your [specific area of interest].I would love to discuss how [Your Offering] can specifically address your needs. Are you available for a brief call or meeting next week? Please let me know your preferred time and date, and I'll gladly accommodate.Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.Best regards,[Your Name]

Hey {{First Name}},I hope you are doing good. I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding [Your Offering]. I understand you may have been busy, and I didn't want this opportunity to slip away.I genuinely believe that [Your Offering] can provide substantial value to your [specific area of interest]. I would appreciate the chance to discuss this further. Can we find a time that works for you next week? I'm flexible and eager to accommodate your schedule.Looking forward to your response.Kind regards,[Your Name]

Hey {{First Name}},Greetings!I understand that timing is crucial, and I don't want to intrude unnecessarily.However, I genuinely believe that [Your Offering] can make a significant impact on your [specific area of interest]. If you would like to explore this further or have any questions, please let me know. I'm here to assist you and provide more information.Thank you for your time, and I appreciate your consideration.Best regards,[Your Name]

Hello {{First name}},During our previous conversation, you requested that I reconnect with you in [amount of time requested] regarding our previous discussion on [topic covered last time]. Hence, I'm reaching out now.Have you had an opportunity to review the proposal I shared and contemplate the points we discussed earlier?I would be delighted to provide a brief summary of our previous conversation over a phone call and address any remaining queries you may have.Are you available this week for a discussion? Please let me know your availability.Best regards,[Your Name]

When it comes to sending a gentle reminder in email, or even your initial message for that matter, by using polite language, you show respect for the recipient and create an ideal channel for your interaction.

Hello {{First Name}},Recently, we successfully completed this project and are enthusiastic about what lies ahead! We trust that you are satisfied with the outcome.It's truly gratifying to witness the achievements we've attained with {{Company Name}}. We are eager to propel ourselves forward with the next undertaking.In the meantime, I wanted to inform you that I devised a social media strategy for another client. I thought you might find it intriguing, so please feel free to watch this video where I have broken down the strategy.I would love to gather more details on implementing a similar technique for our upcoming.Can we connect on this next Monday? By the time if you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for your cooperation!Looking forward to hearing from you.Best regards,[Your Name] 2351a5e196

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