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Using American Community Survey data from 2001, 2005, and 2010, this paper assesses the relationships between employment, race, and poverty for households headed by single women across different economic periods. While poverty rates rose dramatically among single-mother families between 2001 and 2010, surprisingly many racial disparities in poverty narrowed by the end of the decade. This was due to a greater increase in poverty among whites, although gaps between whites and Blacks, whites and Hispanics, and whites and American Indians remained quite large in 2010. All employment statuses were at higher risk of poverty in 2010 than 2001 and the risk increased most sharply for those employed part-time, the unemployed, and those not in the labor force. Given the concurrent increase in part-time employment and unemployment between 2000 and 2010, findings paint a bleak picture of the toll the last decade has had on the well being of single-mother families.

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The UofL College of Business enhances the intellectual and economic vitality of our city, the region, and the broader business world through our academic programs, research, and community outreach activities. We strongly believe that lives improve through entrepreneurship, innovation, critical and rigorous thinking, diverse ideas, and people.

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We show that the concurrent relation between quarterly stock returns and inflation shocks is economically and robustly significant only over weaker economic times, strongly negative prior to the late 1990s and strongly positive afterwards. Conversely, in the stronger economic times over our 1981 to 2017 sample, this stock-inflation relation is relatively much smaller and usually marginally negative. Our evidence suggests a role for two complementary channels. First, we find consistent state-dependent patterns in how inflation shocks are related to expected economic growth and the equity risk premium, indicating that inflation non-neutrality is stronger over weaker economic times. Second, our findings imply that the inflation signal about the underlying economic state intensifies during weaker economic times, due to the elevated economic-state uncertainty then. We also contribute by contrasting subjective (survey-based) vs. objective inflation shocks and by evaluating the relation between inflation shocks and forward equity yields.

The College of Business and the School of Accountancy are accredited by AACSB International.

The University of Louisville is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

As unemployment numbers soar and the media continues to report on the devastating economic climate, many people may react with a flood of strong emotions and a sense of uncertainty. Yet, people generally adapt well over time to life-changing situations and stressful conditions.

Although an economy can show signs of weakening months before a recession begins, the process of determining whether a country is in a true recession often takes time. For example, it took the NBER committee a year to announce the beginning and end dates of the most recent U.S. recession. This is understandable. The decision process involves establishing a broad decline in economic activity over an extended period of time, after compiling and sifting through many variables, which are often subject to revisions after their initial announcement. In addition, different measures of activity may exhibit conflicting behavior, making it difficult to identify whether the country is indeed suffering from a broad-based decline in economic activity.

One question sometimes asked is how a recession compares with a depression, especially the Great Depression of the 1930s. There is no formal definition of depression, but most analysts consider a depression to be an extremely severe recession, in which the decline in GDP exceeds 10 percent. There have been only a handful of depression episodes in advanced economies since 1960. The most recent was in the early 1990s in Finland, which registered a decline in GDP of about 14 percent. That depression coincided with the breakup of the Soviet Union, a large trading partner of Finland. During the Great Depression, the U.S. economy contracted by about 30 percent over a four-year period. Although the latest recession is obviously severe, its output cost was much smaller than that of the Great Depression.

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is a metric that assesses a website's responsiveness to user input. Good responsiveness means that a page is quick to respond to user interactions. The lower a page's INP is, the better it is able to respond to user interactions.

When Google initially introduced INP as an experimental metric with the potential to evolve into one of the Core Web Vitals metrics, the Economic Times team took up the challenge to fix it before it graduates into one, since providing a world class user experience is crucial to our core business values.

One thing that emerged while fixing INP in the field was that one of the lab metrics to target could be Total Blocking Time (TBT). TBT was already well documented and supported by the community. Despite already meeting the thresholds for Core Web Vitals, however, we weren't doing as well on the TBT front, as it was over 3 seconds when we began.

TBT is a lab metric that measures the responsiveness of a web page to user input during page load. Any task that takes more than 50 milliseconds to execute is considered a long task, and the time after the 50 millisecond threshold is known as the blocking time.

This was the most difficult task for us, since we have our own algorithms to detect user identity for serving ads based on subscription status and third party scripts for A/B testing, analytics, and more.

Specifying a timeout is recommended when using requestIdleCallback, since it makes sure that if the given time is elapsed and the callback is not already been called, it executes the callback immediately after the timeout.

We also lazy loaded third party libraries using Loadable components. We also removed unused JavaScript and CSS by profiling the page with the coverage tool in Chrome DevTools. It helped us to identify areas where tree shaking was needed to ship less code during page load, and therefore reduce the initial bundle size of the application.

At this point, we nearly ran out of easy wins to further reduce TBT (and INP by proxy), but we knew we had a lot of room for improvement. This is when we decided to upgrade our custom-built UI boilerplate to the latest version of React along with Next.js to make better use of hooks to avoid unnecessary re-rendering of components.

Due to more frequent updates and comparatively lesser traffic as compared to the other portions of the website, we began to migrate our topic pages to Next.js. We also used PartyTown for offloading additional heavy main thread work to web workers, along with techniques like requestIdleCallBack for deferring non-critical tasks.

At the time of publishing this post, the TBT for our origin was 120 milliseconds, down from 3,260 milliseconds when we began our optimization efforts. Similarly, the INP for our origin was 257 milliseconds after our optimization efforts, down from over 1,000 milliseconds.

The traffic received on topic pages represents a significantly smaller portion of overall traffic. Hence, it was an ideal place for experimentation. The CrUX results along with the business outcomes were very encouraging, and led us to expand our efforts across the entire website to reap further benefits.

We use Akamai mPulse as our RUM solution, which measures TBT in the field. We observed a consistent decrease in TBT, clearly mapping to the outcomes of our efforts to reduce INP. As can be seen in the screenshot below, TBT values eventually dropped from approximately 5 seconds in to around 200 milliseconds in the field.

Overall, our efforts to bring down TBT by 30 times, along with migrating to Next.js helped us reduce INP nearly by 4 times, which eventually led to a 50% decrease in bounce rate and 43% uplift in pageviews on topic pages.

To summarize, INP extensively helped to determine runtime performance issues on parts of the Economic Times website. It has proven to be one of the most effective metrics to positively impact business outcomes. Due to the very encouraging numbers we've observed as the result of this effort, we are motivated to scale our optimization efforts to other areas of our website and reap additional benefits.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

When focusing on best practices, issues to address include deal strategy and leadership, capital, customer experience, operations and workforce. Actions and tools include scenario planning, cost optimization, data analytics, reskilling and automation. In these critical areas, companies need to consider three key things:

The psychological effect of uncertainty: Economic uncertainty understandably tests the risk tolerance for company boards, management teams and investment committees, often causing hesitation in deploying large amounts of capital. At the same time, a declining stock market makes shareholders more anxious. Previous downturns have seen increased shareholder activism, as some investors pushed for action to cut losses and inject capital, such as divesting certain businesses. 152ee80cbc

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