I have an issue where SHIFT+ESCAPE command is not a closing Run window in Android Studio. I tried different key mappings, but it also doesn't work. Click on the close button does work.

For the past eleven months I have been the restaurant's main closer, my shifts never change from 4-11, or 4-12 on Fridays and Saturdays. Once in awhile I'll get scheduled for a 10-6 or 11-7 shift if one of our openers is sick, but that's pretty rare. However, it does happen. Since I live in such a small town, my Pizza Hut only deals with takeout and delivery orders, there's no dine in area at all except a couple bar tables and stools by the main entrance for people to wait for their order. The front lobby of the restaurant is tiny and the kitchen is no exception. The entire back area is pretty much one big room, with a little area behind a wall in the back that doubles as the prep area and office. There is no break room or employee bathroom. We do have one bathroom at the front for customers, right next to the pop cooler by the entrance to the kitchen.

Download The Closing Shift Android

Download 🔥 https://tinurll.com/2y3It5 🔥

Last night, I worked my usual close. Since it was Sunday I only had to stay until 11, but it felt like I was there for hours more. Last night my fears of what would happen when I was alone came true. My shift went normally for half the day. By the time 8:00 rolled around I had said goodbye to my morning crew and had already started on the closing checklist.

The Closing ShiftDeveloperChilla's ArtPublisherChilla's ArtEngineSteamVersionv1.11Release dateMarch 18th, 2022GenreHorrorThe Closing Shift |  is a J-horror game about a girl working the closing shift at her local coffee store.

A girl is working the night shift at a local Coffee Store. She must handle multiple customers and perform various tasks before closing up shop. However, as time progresses. She realizes that things seem to be going wrong around the coffee shop. With the recent uprising with stalking incidents. The girl is worried that she is becoming the victim too! But its just a local coffee shop...your safe there at work...right?

The protagonist (who is unnamed) wakes up to get ready to work at her local coffee shop. It is nighttime, so she is working the night shift. However, she is unfortunately late for work and has to get going. She heads out of her apartment to the parking lot to drive to work. While walking, she finds a cellphone on the ground, before eventually coming across a man who is moving in a strange way (and hard to see) in the parking lot. She gives the man the cellphone, believing that he must have been the one who dropped it. After that, she drives off to work.

The protagonist then arrives at Chilla's Coffee. She heads inside to greet her co-worker; Funahashi Senpai in the office. Who is very annoyed with her for arriving late for work. And threatens to tell the manager if she does it again. He also complains to her about messing up on some order during previous shifts and tells her to watch some training tapes if she needs assistance. He gives one more rule to her, and that is to not use her cellphone at any point during the shift. After that, the protagonist will put her belongings into her locker and then, start her shift. (The player at any time can watch the tutorials if they are unsure on what to do. And if they need help in making a person's order, there is a whiteboard in the office that shows the ingredients of each coffee and or latte).

The first customer the protagonist meets is a man named: Takashi. Who has never been to Chilla's Coffee and claims the place makes him a little bit uncomfortable. But nonetheless, he decides to order a latte and a coffee since he's unsure what to order. After making the two drinks and placing the order sticker on them, Takashi will then leave the place and another customer will walk in. A woman, by the name of Saran, tells the protagonist that she feels worried. as stalker cases are on the rise. And that she is constantly looked at by a lot of men. She then cautions the protagonist to be careful, before placing her order: A Dark Mocha Chip Chillapucino. After making her order, she will sit down at a nearby table to enjoy her cappuccino. Then, another car pulls up to the shop, and out comes a group of friends. (Their names are Kenta, Koji, Shoki, and Taka). The four of them are having trouble agreeing what they want or not want to order, with the latter constantly getting annoyed at each other. But nonetheless, the group decides to order: 1 Matcha Chillapucino, a salted caramel mocha, and a white mocha. Along with that, they also order 1 pumpkin cake, a matcha cake, an American waffle, and an apple pie. After completing their orders, they will head out. Then, a man in a trench coat comes inside to order latte. After completing the order and giving it to him. The man (whose name is Hasaku) tells the protagonist that he's a private investigator and warns her for any suspicious behavior. As there has been a lot of reports of harassment in the area, and to notify him if there is any danger going on in the area. He also suggests closing the store early to avoid an incident like this, before finally taking his leave.

In the beginning, we see someone laying down on the floor inside the storage unit at the coffee shop. After a few seconds, the game cuts to the protagonist getting ready for work. The protagonist heads to the parking lot and drives off to work and goes inside to greet Funahashi Senpai. He's upset with the protagonist again for arriving late again to work. He wouldn't accept her apology and makes fun of her before leaving the coffee shop. After putting away her belongings in her locker, it's time for her to start her shift.

The protagonist is seen back at her apartment getting ready for work. Though this time, the player can hear a quiet and undistinguishable noise coming from somewhere. As the protagonist walks out of her apartment to head to work, she is stopped by a mother and her baby who appears within a flash! Despite the mother's fault for almost bumping into the protagonist, she instead blames her for the mistake and makes fun of her. Luckily, the protagonist is able to head to her car and drive off to work, without further incident. Or so she thinks...because as she starts driving to Chilla's Coffee. We see the perspective of someone watching her from the distance from a nearby van. (Which was actually seen driving around the coffee store the previous shift).

The protagonist arrives at Chilla's Coffee and heads inside to talk with Funahashi Senpai. He tells the protagonist that it's her first closing shift. But before he can say anything else, the protagonist asks him if he ever gets strange customers. To which Funahashi claims he does but brushes it off. But when the protagonist tells him she has the feeling someone is stalking her. Funahashi replies back with snark, thinking no one would do such thing to her and sarcastically comments that "he will help" in the future. After that, he proceeds to walk out of the coffee shop. And after the protagonist puts away her belongings into her locker, she then starts her shift.

After Mametaro leaves the place, the protagonist is now tasked with cleaning the toilet, restocking the toilet paper, and to take the trash before closing up for the night. But after finishing up, the power goes out again! However, red lights will emit in the store, and a giant clock will appear outside of the store! That's when multiple black figures appear right in front of her and proceed to place their orders for the protagonist to make. The timer will run out after a minute and 47 seconds. Regardless how many "customers" the protagonist serves, the place will get dark again. The black figures will also disappear, and the sound of an alarm going off can be heard. The protagonist then goes to the back to restore the power, but none of the switches seems to be working. But when she tries to leave, the storage room door is locked! When the protagonist contemplates on what to do, she turns around...only to find another black figure standing in front of her. The figure quickly rushes at her and tackles her.

Hey gamers, get ready to feel the chills and spills with The Closing Shift | ! Picture this: you're a brave girl, armed with nothing but your wits, facing the horrors of the night during your closing shift. It's like a Japanese horror movie, but this time, you're the star!

Imagine roaming the eerie halls of an abandoned store, with flickering lights and creaking floors. Every step you take could be your last, as you encounter terrifying apparitions and unravel the dark secrets lurking within. But fear not, because you've got the game skills and smarts to survive!

With its heart-pounding gameplay, spine-tingling atmosphere, and kick-ass graphics, The Closing Shift |  will have you on the edge of your seat. It's like the adrenaline rush of a roller coaster, mixed with the suspense of a horror flick. But hey, that's not all!

The game developers have done an amazing job infusing Japanese horror elements into every pixel. Think creepy dolls, mysterious curses, and mind-bending puzzles that will challenge even the savviest of gamers. Plus, the story-telling is top-notch, keeping you hooked from start to finish.

Get ready to scream, laugh, and maybe even shed a tear, because The Closing Shift |  is the epitome of survival horror done right. So grab your oversized glasses, buckle up for an unforgettable ride, and let's show those ghouls who's boss!

GameGal, out! *mic drop*


From a topic with the same name (now closed) I learnt that AppInventor has no block capable to notice that an app user is closing the app (unless they do it in the expected way: By pressing the "back" button from Screen1).

They also explain that there are extensions to help with this issue (but using them might be a problem if you want to publish your app in GooglePlay later).

Detecting the app closing is something I really need, because inadvertendly closing one of the apps that are communicating with the server, could make the server crash. 2351a5e196

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