I want to make a logo just like LoR (The Lord Of The Rings) Movie had, (I only need the text not with the background, but I need a realistic gold colour) but I can't do that, everytime I try it, it will fail when using Make 3D Stone Text Tutorial.

It began with the forging of the Great Rings. Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf-Lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else desire power. For within these rings was bound the strength and the will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made. Deep in the land of Mordor, in the Fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged a master ring, and into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.

Download Text The Lord Of The Rings

Download File 🔥 https://bytlly.com/2y2PWg 🔥

Macworld reviewed the Macintosh versions of The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring and The Shadows of Mordor simultaneously, criticizing The Hobbit, calling it "particularly clumsy" as it is "handicapped by a 400-word input vocabulary" as opposed to the latter two games' 800 words. Macworld calls The Fellowship of the Ring "particularly intricate" and recommends it as an entry point to the series as opposed to The Hobbit. Macworld praises The Hobbit's graphics, but states that in The Fellowship of the Ring and The Shadows of Mordor the art adds little to the games' overall appeal. Furthermore, Macworld heralds the three games as "literate and faithful in spirit to original books", but criticizes the dated and "rigid" nature of the text-adventure format.[5]

During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Serkis read The Hobbit in its entirety over a 12-hour live stream for charity, and the experience was so successful that HarperCollins brought him on to record new editions of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The original audiobook editions narrated by Rob Inglis remain up for sale, but for a generation of fans who were entranced by Serkis's performance as Gollum, it was a new way to engage with the text.

Human narrators bring a considerable amount of nuance and performance to the text that they're reading. It's not just about reciting the words that you have on the page: it's an interpretation on the text, one that brings a new dimension to the book in question. Alexa doesn't do that, and over the last couple of days, I've been listening to her recite Fellowship of the Ring.

Fortunately, I was able to get this squared away with a couple of text prompts: "listen to Lord of the Rings audiobook" seemed to do the trick, because Serkis's gravelly voice replaced Alexa's. It's like walking through a sterile, glass building out a door into a wild thicket: an enormous difference.

Among the loot and treasures you may find in your adventures, there are books. These books, also known as lore texts, can contain flowery poems, tricky riddles, cooking recipes, journals of adventurers, stories of heroes and long lost Elven realms, and much more. They can be found in random chests, by killing NPCs or as a reward for completing mini-quests, but be aware, some lore texts can only be found on certain parts of the world.

Note, that some books also exist in variants (see choose-options in the texts below). Note also, that books on servers may also have been written by other players or generated by the admins via commands. Those texts do not belong on this page, because they are not part of the mod itself.

Creating and submitting your own lore texts: The lore texts were written by both the Mod Team and several contributors from the community. If you enjoy writing, you can submit your own texts too. To know more about the process, head over to this page.

Long have our kin twined the fibres of these woods into Hithlain. The craft is only known to a few among us Galadhrim. Yet it is worn by every Elf here, from the bowstrings and cloaks of our warriors to the clothing of our Lord and Lady.

Do those ancient cities still stand, with their Chiefs and Princes still quarrelling, or have they been buried by the endless sands of the South? We may never know. But of late the South Wind brings fearsome rumours. Men speak of great hosts of Southron warriors, massing beyond the Harnen, as if readying themselves to march upon our lands. Some rumours speak also of great beasts marching alongside the Men of Darkness. If these tales are true, we can only hope that these are not the Men of Khopazl come out of the forgotten past upon their great beasts of war.

In the palace of Karakun, royal seat of Timur Khan the Proud, king of the Rhdel-men, the three most powerful warlords of the realm - Yerbolat, Serik and Aslan - drink in feigned merriment, waiting for the last pronouncement of their dying king.

'Oh, Yerbolat the Wise! It is a great pleasure to have you here in my palace. Now please, tell me, wiselord Yerbolat: the gold mines, which I personally granted you - are they yielding a satisfactory profit? Are they effectively contributing to the treasury of Ariskala?' says Timur Khan.

Slowly, Yerbolat Noyan places his hand on the grip of his scimitar, crafted by a master smith of Harad; Serik Noyan grasps the dagger hidden beneath his kaftan; Aslan Noyan whispers to the captain of his household guard, a famed warrior-champion. Meanwhile, the other nobles in attendance, all of them lords of wide lands and mighty hosts - yet weaker and lesser men than Yerbolat, Serik and Aslan - reach nervously for their own weapons.

'My vassals, my lords, my friends, to whom I have faithfully listened for many long years. Hear me now, for no living man in this palace has fair reason to complain about my rule,' says Timur Khan. 'All that I see before me now is a pack of hungry dogs, waiting for an old man to die, ready to fight in the mud for the least scrap of his dirty bones! In truth, I should let you all slay yourselves and defile my palace with your filthy blood! But no; here you all sit, waiting so eagerly for death - for my death - so that is what I shall give to you! For wrath and fury, come and claim your inheritance!'

That man Gunnar, who, I noticed, was a very proud fellow, offered to hire me as his company's chronicler when I told him that writing was my trade. I was supposed to record in text the deeds and stories of his men. I promptly accepted; I needed the coin!

Our presence was noted by the scared townsfolk. Not long thereafter we were found by armed men loyal to the local lord, and so we were brought to his castle. That lord, as you can imagine, had an urgent need for fighting men. The noble - a certain Lord Hakon - was a fat and unpleasant man, known by the local folk as an abusive tyrant. But when he threw a weighty bag of coins at our feet, Gunnar and his archers promptly pledged their service to him!

Though, among the peoples who dwell near to the desert, there exists a curious legend. They speak of some few lucky ones, who, long thought perished in the burning sands, instead returned alive to tell what they found therein. These fortunate ones say that even as they wandered, parched and dazed, close to death, they came upon a place of blessed life. Wondrous places they speak of, where cool water springs, and living trees grow, even beside the very dust of the desert... these are the jewels among the sands, which in the trader-tongue are named Oases.

When at last Thingol awoke, it was only to find his people gone, save for his most loyal followers and friends. The greater part of the Teleri had come to believe their king was lost forever; and under the lordship of Thingol's brother Olw, they passed over Sea to the Blessed Realm. But Thingol and his folk yet remained; and there in the forests of Region and Neldoreth, King Thingol made his realm, and Melian sat by his side, fairer and wiser than all Queens of Arda in ages since. They named their dwellings Menegroth, the Thousand Caves. The power of Melian protected the Kingdom, set like a great fence unseen about the forests which Thingol ruled, a ward against all foes; and so their realm was called Doriath, the Land of the Girdle, in the tongue of the {choose:Sindar/Grey-elves}.

Thingol and Melian alone ruled all Beleriand, until the Exiled Noldor arrived, led by Fanor. To the Noldorin lords Thingol in his grace gave the lordship of wide realms he needed not, keeping for himself only the forest-lands of Region and Neldoreth. And while the Exiles waged their ill-fated War against {choose:Morgoth/the Enemy/the Dark Foe in the North}, the Girdle of Melian kept Doriath safe and undisturbed.

Now, it has been three summers since that terrible day. I have been sold like a beast in the slave markets of Umbar, and now serve some Southron savage, along with countless others like me. I curse the Sun for every new day that she brings. But there are few things that yet give me hope.

This was a real challenge to code! It was very difficult to design an algorithm which can take any text file and put it into book form, splitting it nicely into pages, ensuring no page has too much text, and ensuring no page ends halfway through a word. It took a great deal of revising and changing to perfect this and fix unlikely bugs.

But this means we can now have books of lore generating in structures, using lore texts written by us or people of the community. We can have histories, poems, songs, journals of travellers, helpful in-game hints concerning rare features, scattered tales of terrible haunted ruins in the far North of the world... ff782bc1db

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