Many of the demons in Solomon's encounters are of Greek, Egyptian, Jewish, Christian, Arabic, and other traditions. The majority of the testament consists of Solomon's interviews with the demons, some of which are grotesque, including one which has no head. Two demons associated strongly with sexuality appear among them- Asmodeus from the Book of Tobit, and a female demon named Obyzouth, who has similarities to Lilith, such as killing newborn children. Most of the other demons are otherwise unknown by name from other works. The demon Abezethibou is said to have hardened the pharaoh's heart, rather than Yahweh.

The Testament of Solomon contains 130 sections, according to Conybeare's translation (26 chapters according to McCown's edition of the longest recension). The work is called a testament because Solomon writes the diatheken (130=26:8) in order that those who read it may pray and heed the last tihngs (tois eschatois). This exhortation mirrors Solomon's egregious error, his lust for a Shunammite girl and subsequent idolatry. Earlier (66=15:13) Solomon states that he wrote his testament before his death so that the children of Israel would know the powers and shapes of the demons, and the names of the angels who have power over them.

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Iam from India,My dobut is on bible verse i.e,song of solomon 5:16

In Hebrew Bible here muhammadim word is there.But my freind who knows hebrew he says that this muhammad is not a complete word.It is a combination of two hebrew words i.e,Ma+Amad, Here Ma is a Quetion Tag, Amad is a root word, Ma means How much,more(Altogether),what Amad means Lovely.

It is a Question Verb,Nobody can put as a name this Qestion Verb(How much Love),Question verbs (Eg:How much,what,why,when,how)are not put as a names.If anybody asks your name are you say my name is howmuch love?,no In any where in the world Nouns only put as a names.And the 2nd reason is Song of solomon was written in BC900,But Muhammad came in 600C.E.

Perhaps,muhammad copied this name from song of solomon. So he says that this song of solomon5:16 is not talking about Prophet Muhammad.

So please give me a elaborate explanation and Mention Do you know Hebrew.

It appears that biblical archaeology is nothing more than a fabricated site attempting to prove by inference that imaginary Jesus and the characters of the Bible and especially the characters in the new testament existed when there is more evidence and probability that they did not exist. 17dc91bb1f

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