Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically - additional packages are available using the APT package manager.

Termux is a free and open-source app that simulates the command line shell used in Linux, so you can enter all the usual commands to work from there in the comfort of your Android terminal. The app allows you to work with bash and zsh shells, develop in C, or use the Python console.

Download Termux Terminal Emulator With Packages

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The app has several improvements over the classic Android Terminal Emulator. Among them, you find access to an extensive library of Linux packages to install from the terminal and some keyboard shortcuts transformed into combinations with the device's physical volume and shutdown buttons. It is also compatible with external keyboards that you can connect via Bluetooth or through the USB port of your device.

Whether you work with NodeJS, Ruby, or Python or have to connect to servers via SSH, Termux is more than suitable for all these purposes thanks to its potential to manage packages as if you were in front of the terminal of a desktop machine. Thanks to this, you can enjoy the versatility of being in front of a clean Linux terminal mounted on an Android device.

Yes, using Termux on Android is totally safe. However, you must be careful with the commands you execute in the terminal, especially if you have root permissions since you could break some system features.

From a shell on my PC, I can run adb shell cmd package list packages, and get a list of all installed packages. I would like to run this and similar commands locally on my Android phone (Nexus 6P) in a terminal emulator (currently using Termux).

The problem is Termux. By design, Termux runs only (or is mostly?) the Linux command line programs that you install from within Termux using apt or the newer "native" package management interface, e.g. apt install bsdtar. What you need to run the adb shell commands is a terminal emulator that can truly access the underlying Android file system, not just the Termux that is practically a chroot save for the fact that it's aware it's not running commands from the filesystem root /.

It should return something like /system/bin/ls. But if it returns something like /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/ls then you have to change your terminal emulator to something else. I suspect that Termux was designed to take into account the more restrictive shell execution policies that Google put into place after KitKat or the Android 4.X.

i tried the command "adb shell dumpsys deviceidle force-idle" in order to force device into doze.I did this on the device via terminal emulator as:"dumpsys deviceidle force-idle" and it did take effect.also the dumpsys batterystats command worked.

EDITI originally answered this without the termux tag in mind. This worked for me while trying to execute shell commands on a vanilla emulator and saw this question while researching, so I tried to answer it differently.

Have you ever wanted a complete Linux terminal environment on your Android phone? Not just a terminal emulator with basic commands, but a comprehensive Linux command-line environment with all the utilities and packages you've grown accustomed to? If so, then Termux is the answer.

Termux is a powerful terminal emulation software, which is similar to the popular Terminal Emulator app, but it also includes an extensive Linux Package Collection. Termux's package management system is much like Debians Advanced Package Tool (APT) in that you can search, install, and uninstall with the command apt. Termux installs just a few basic packages out of the box, to reduce APK size on the Play Store, but allows you to install any extra packages that you desire. While there are several alternatives to Termux on the Google Play Store, none of them offer nearly as many packages as Termux.

For example, I use the command line on my Mac as I prefer to have my hands on the keyboard 90% of the time. I therefore use keyboard shortcuts and terminal applications to get most of my work done. I prefer to use Vim as it's an amazing text editor and has plugins for nearly everything including Microsoft .NET! I have various plugins that I use daily and I've tried some of these with Vim installed in Termux - with great success. Everything I tried works exactly as I expected. One of my favorite plugins is CtrlP, a powerful file finder, which worked beautifully in Vim on Termux.

Anyone that has used a terminal emulator application on Android knows the pain when you need to enter special keys to control the terminal such as CTRL or ESC. These keys aren't displayed on the standard touch keyboards used on android devices (save for Hacker Keyboard). Termux developer Fredrik Fornwall, though, has a very novel solution to this. He has bound CTRL to the Volume DOWN key and other special keys like ESC to the Volume UP key. Therefore, by pressing Volume Up + the touch keyboard 'L' you can input the terminal command CTRL + 'L' which clears the terminal window. The ESC key is sent by pressing volume UP + 'E' key for example. You can view all the keys available in Termux on the developer's website.

If you like to develop in the terminal, Termux has you covered there as well. I installed python on my phone with Termux's package manager and was writing python code exactly the same as I would on my remote server.

I was also able to install and use Ruby as well, however I did run into problems when I was initially installing Rails. Fortunately, I was able to get Rails running on my device with the help of the Termux Google+ community which is very active and a great source of help if you get stuck. To put it bluntly I am extremely impressed with Termux and its package management system. It provides an amazing package list that is constantly growing; I haven't missed any packages that I use daily so far. I did however notice that the popular SCREEN terminal multiplexer was not available but the alternative (and in my opinion better) TMUX is available.

To edit the .tex files, you can use Neovim (the final item listed in the post). To compile the .tex files, you can just run pdflatex/xelatex/luatex or whichever flavor; they should be installed as part of TeXLive. If you are after a GUI editor, then termux is not a good idea; this post assumes you are familiar with working with TeX files on the commandline. If you are not familiar with that, try the Not-so-short guide -archive/info/lshort/english/?lang=en

However, there are some third-party solutions. For example, Termux community provides terminal emulator and Linux environment for Android, as well as own package manager and extensive collection of many precompiled applications. This command in Termux app will install the last available Node.js version:

For many years I have been a heavy user of ConnectBot. It was a fine SSH client for Android but it was usually missing latest ciphers and other new SSH features. Two weeks ago I stumbled upon Termux, a open source terminal emulator that bundles an APT-based Linux distribution for Android and immediately it became my ultimate Android console tool.

Termux is an open-source terminal emulator app for Android that bundles an extensible Linux environment. It runs completely in user mode (no root required) and therefore should run on any Android device. For me Termux is as a full-featured single-user Linux distribution.

First, run apt update && apt upgrade to make sure all packages are the latest and greatest. Then, execute termux-setup-storage from any session. This creates a folder called storage/ in the $HOME directory. Several symbolics links are also available to easily access different areas of storage.

I tried this using an app and I am able to identify most apps and their network connections however there are certain apps listed as '?' so apparently it is not able to identify a package name I would like to know how I can get this information on command line using termux or any other emulator. I am magiskaly rooted on an Android 10 phone

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically - additional packages are available using the APT package manager.

3. Now launch it. You will be prompted for password that you entered on first launch of 'vncserver'. Depending on packages you installed, you may see either entirely black screen or terminal prompt (only if 'aterm' is installed).

In the old days when Debian, Red Hat, Suse, Caldera, Slackware, and then in the more modern days, with, Ubuntu, there used to be different package managers, that could be used to dowload and install packages (and, perhaps, Unix systems started using these after Linux distributions became popular or developed their own, I don't, exactly, know). ff782bc1db

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