I just installed telegram-desktop.

Started Telegram >> Clicked the START MESSAGING button >> Entered my mobile phone number >> Clicked the NEXT button. BOOM!!! Message displayed right under my phone number: "Internal server error." The thin blue line under my phone number, turned to red.

I have been working on a telegram bot too. Mine has these functionalities at the moment:

Model GPT Turbo 3.5

Memorize prompts & answers (reset by /command in telegram)

Vocal message analysed by whisper and answer returned by voice (same memory used so you can use alternatively voice or text

Image generation via DALL-E (requests memorized as well)

Error handling with messages in telegram

GPT answers split to be compliant with telegram characters max size.

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@codinghorror Recently openssl version was changed in latest discourse docker container due to which this issue is arising. On host machine I tried using OpenSSL 1.1.1 for telegram api and it loads the certificate.

British code breakers obtained two copies of the coded Zimmermann telegram, and they were able to break the cypher using a broken code and comparing the telegrams. Not only was Zimmermann willing to finance an adventure by the Mexican government to reclaim territory lost to the United States, it wanted Mexico to intercede with Japan to get Japan to switch sides in the war. (Japan played a limited role against Germany in World War I.)

What led to the proposal of alliance to Mexico? Zimmermann sent the telegram in anticipation of resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare, an act the German government expected would likely lead to war with the U.S. Zimmermann hoped tensions with Mexico would slow shipments of supplies, munitions, and troops to the Allies if the U.S. was tied down on its southern border.

Some suspected the telegram might be a forgery to manipulate America into the war. However, on March 29, 1917, Zimmermann gave a speech in the Reichstag confirming the text of the telegram and so put an end to all speculation as to its authenticity.

Im having telegram on my windows 7 desktop machine.

I wanted to know is there a way to disable the "automatic media download" option that exists in telegram desktop? which causes the app to download all photoes and voices at the moment that the screen reaches them.

The telegram which is on android platform has an option in its settings in which you can untick photo and audio inorder to prevent it from auto downloading such media, but there is no such option in the settings of the desktop version.

Any help would be appreciated.

unlike the older versions of telegram, the newer version has automatic media downloads in advanced setting and not in chat settings. thussFIRST open SETTINGS then click on ADVANCED then look for AUTOMATIC MEDIA DOWNLOADS. under it you will see ( in private charts, in groups, in channels) click on them to set your automatic download preferences for each of them

Hello, I have deployed a pytelegrambotapi bot here in render after the heroku stopped the free tier, However, I am seeing that my bot often stops as there are 2 instances running but I am pretty sure that I have been running only one. I searched the community and found out that render uses preboot and zero down time promise which I think may cause the error. Is there a way to disable this and fix my issue? Thanks ff782bc1db

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