I know, dumb question. I havne't sold in many months... but kept paying my monthly store fee so I wouldn't lose my history of my BINS. Payment comes out automatically each month from PP. But... I happen to WANT to pay the $20. NOW.... and I can't find where to pay it on this new dumb page. Went to help section, it said "go to My Ebay, click on Account Tab..." well, there is no account tab. There's Overview, Orders, Listings, etc.

You have to go to your My eBay page and in your Purchase History you will find the item. Print out the order details and that is your invoice. eBay really does not deal with invoices. The seller invoice you read about is only used when the seller needs to change the shipping amount you are charged.

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The option to send an invoice is available within 30 days from the end of the listing (winning the auction item, accepting the offer by you or your buyer). If this period has expired, you cannot send an invoice to the buyer and will not see this option for the respective item.

I'm hoping to get ahead of a potential problem with a seller and I'd like some advice. I messaged a seller asking if he would combine shipping for mulitple video game auctions, he said he would. The games were in great condition, but the set shipping cost per game was too high. I win 7 auctions and message the seller advising I was done and would pay as soon as I get the combine shipping invoice. A day goes by and he sends a response stating he would send me an invoice. I still have nothing, except 7 items sitting in my cart. I've received automated messages from ebay stating I need to pay. I send an invoice request today and receive an automated message after sending it....this seller does not combine shipping, but we'll send the request anyways. Still nothing.

My question is....should he never send me an invoice....or if he opens a non payment case without sending me an invoice....what can I do? Am I stuck paying the full shipping price for each game, even though he said he'd combine shipping? I've never been in this situation, I don't know what I can actually do. I'm not saying the seller is doing anything wrong, I've just never had to wait for an invoice this long. I'd like to be prepared for it to go south. Hope for the best, be prepared for the worst. Thanks.

No, but I typically don't. Most sellers I deal with ask for the opportunity to figure out fair shipping after the fact. I'm good with that. Some ask I pay it all upfront, then they return the difference. Some add $1 for each additional item. Most just say they combine, then figure out a reasonable total after the auction and invoice me for it. It's worked so far, many times. I just didn't know if I have some 'out' here since he said he'd combine. If he opens an unpaid item case without sending me an invoice, do I have any recourse? Or is it pay or get 7 unpaid item strikes? If he just makes some honest attempt to reduce the shipping, I'm good with it. It won't cost $49 to ship a few games, that's why I asked for combine shipping. I'm defintely going to be patient, I just wanted to have it figured out ahead of time in case he hit me with 7 cases.

You mentioned that these were auction wins and were in your cart. I'm not too sure how the cart works with regards to auctions since, by law, you have committed to buy by placing a bid. If they are in your cart, I would think that they would already classed as committed to buy so I don't believe that would stop you from requesting an invoice. Did you use the request invoice function of the cart or did you just message the seller to send an invoice? Frankly, eBay's messaging system isn't as reliable as it should be.

" I messaged a seller asking if he would combine shipping for mulitple video game auctions, he said he would. The games were in great condition, but the set shipping cost per game was too high. I win 7 auctions and message the seller advising I was done and would pay as soon as I get the combine shipping invoice. A day goes by and he sends a response stating he would send me an invoice. I still have nothing, except 7 items sitting in my cart".

In the future if you want a combined total for auction listings, after you win. You can select the seller's items from your purchase history, check them off and request a combined total from there. Not sure if you can do that using the app, but if you can't log into ebay the classic way, and you will be able to do that. It might help things along if you do That in addition to the one sent from the Cart, which may not give the seller the option of a returnable reply invoice.

You received the message, because the seller has not set up shipping rules, not because the seller will not combine the shipping. This seller's actions have me thinking they are new or inexperienced. Did you look at their feedback profile before bidding on their auctions? If a seller does not have rules set up, and is inexperienced, they may have trouble finding out how to send a combined invoice. If you feel this is the case, then message them, with this info.

Since you wrote this on a Sunday, the seller may be busy because it is a weekend, also the P.O. is closed, and the seller may not use ebay to print shipping labels, but take things to the P.O. to get info. Give them a day or so to do that.

"My question is....should he never send me an invoice....or if he opens a non payment case without sending me an invoice....what can I do? Am I stuck paying the full shipping price for each game, even though he said he'd combine shipping"?

If the seller is not experienced, they probably do not know how to open an Unpaid Item Dispute (UID), and have not set up the Unpaid Item Assistant, which automatically opens disputes. If they do open a dispute, or one opens automatically, You can ask them to close it, since you have indicated you are willing to pay, but are waiting on the seller to send a combined invoice. You may be able to reply to a dispute in the resolution console, stating you contacted the seller and are waiting for a combined shipping total.

" I've never been in this situation, I don't know what I can actually do. I'm not saying the seller is doing anything wrong, I've just never had to wait for an invoice this long. I'd like to be prepared for it to go south. Hope for the best, be prepared for the worst. Thanks".

I appreicate the help, but as I stated before, I did ask ahead of time. I always ask ahead of time when combined shipping is not mentioned. I never win auctions, then just expect combined shipping. I didn't know if ebay would side with me and cancel the transactions or something due to the message he sent me prior to my bidding. There are currently 7 auction items sitting in my cart to be paid. Yes, I checked his feedback. I do that every single time I'm going to buy from someone. I do it to avoid problems.

I checked, he doesn't offer returns. If he opens a unpaid case, guess I'll just have to call customer service and try that. If all else fails, I'll just pay the full amount. One last question though...if he never sends me an invoice and never opens a case...never communicates with me again..what happens? Do I contact cs at some point to void it all out? Do the items just sit in my cart forever?

This may seem silly but have you clicked pay just to see if a new total shows up? Lately when I've requested an invoice for combined shipping I never see the invoice but the seller will have combined

I've checked for a new total a few times. Nothing. I know I'll get an email when he sends an invoice though. I've done one other sale just like this while I've been waiting on him. I've sent one polite message once a day, he keeps responding he'll send the invoice 'tomorrow'. Since he's responding, I don't want to contact him direclty. I really, really don't like that idea for any situation. Who knows, maybe he'll actually send it 'tomorrow'. Which is today. But maybe tomorrow.

Run a 'Report' 1/1/21 to 12/31/21. That report will show much more than you ever wanted (I 'hide' many of the unused columns; I create a 'row' at the top for a 'Total' and then total up Final Value Fees, .30c Fees, 'Other Fees, shipping paid (if and ONLY if you took shipping from 'Pending Payments'- otherwise I get all my 'shipping' costs on a Paypal Report) as well as 'Gross Transactions'.

Thanks, yes I've done this and the Shipping from this transaction report and the Financial Statement lines up but trying to match up the Fees is impossible. There needs to be a source of truth. I should be able to see a complete breakdown of Total Sales, Shipping, each fee, and payout.

This was much better for eBay implemented their manage payment systems.. is still very immature and not ready for prime-time. PayPal reports are much better and I could do pivot tables on them to get exactly what I needed. 

Thanks for the response though.

Thanks, yes I've done this and the Shipping from this transaction report and the Financial Statement lines up but trying to match up the Fees is impossible. There needs to be a source of truth. I should be able to see a complete breakdown of Total Sales, Shipping, each fee, and payout. ff782bc1db

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