20+ Potential New Drugs: A strong drug development pipeline is our best hope for the creation of lifesaving treatments. Continuing to add new promising targets translates into many more opportunities to discover truly effective treatments.

Instructs webpack to generate runtime code for a specific environment. Note that webpack runtime code is not the same as the user code you write, you should transpile those code with transpilers like Babel if you want to target specific environments, e.g, you have arrow functions in source code and want to run the bundled code in ES5 environments. Webpack won't transpile them automatically with a target configured.

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A target market is the specific group of people you want to reach with your marketing message. They are the people who are most likely to buy your products or services, and they are united by some common characteristics, like demographics and behaviors.

The more clearly you define your target market, the better you can understand how and where to reach your ideal potential customers. You can start with broad categories like millennials or single dads, but you need to get much more detailed than that to achieve the best possible conversion rates.

Nike started out as a running shoe company. In the 1980s, they tried to expand their target market beyond runners to include anyone who wanted comfortable shoes. They launched a line of casual shoes, and it flopped.

While Nike would certainly not stop casual users from buying its shoes, the company refocused everything from product development to marketing on its target market: athletes of all levels, from pro to beer league.

So Target started sending coupons for baby items to customers according to their pregnancy scores. Duhigg shares an anecdote -- so good that it sounds made up -- that conveys how eerily accurate the targeting is. An angry man went into a Target outside of Minneapolis, demanding to talk to a manager:

TypeScript includes a default set of type definitions for built-in JS APIs (like Math), as well as type definitions for things found in browser environments (like document).TypeScript also includes APIs for newer JS features matching the target you specify; for example the definition for Map is available if target is ES6 or newer.

Modern browsers support all ES6 features, so ES6 is a good choice.You might choose to set a lower target if your code is deployed to older environments, or a higher target if your code is guaranteed to run in newer environments.

The target setting changes which JS features are downleveled and which are left intact.For example, an arrow function () => this will be turned into an equivalent function expression if target is ES5 or lower.

For developer platforms like Node there are baselines for the target, depending on the type of platform and its version. You can find a set of community organized TSConfigs at tsconfig/bases, which has configurations for common platforms and their versions.

Unfortunately, scammers tend to ramp up their activities around the holiday season, targeting shoppers both on and offline. Our cybersecurity team recently shared some of their top tips for safe holiday shopping. Read more about how to spot scams and keep yourself safe this season.

The intent of this Success Criterion is to help ensure targets can be easily activated without accidentally activating an adjacent target. Users with dexterity limitations and those who have difficulty with fine motor movement find it difficult to accurately activate small targets when there are other targets that are too close. Providing sufficient size, or sufficient spacing between targets, will reduce the likelihood of accidentally activating the wrong control.

This Success Criterion defines a minimum size and, if this can't be met, a minimum spacing. It is still possible to have very small, and difficult to activate, targets and meet the requirements of this Success Criterion, provided that the targets don't have any adjacent targets that are too close. However, using larger target sizes will help many people use targets more easily. As a best practice it is recommended to at least meet the minimum size requirement of the Success Criterion, regardless of spacing. For important links/controls, consider aiming for the stricter 2.5.5 Target Size (Enhanced).

For a target to be "at least 24 by 24 CSS pixels", it must be possible to draw a solid 24 by 24 CSS pixel square, aligned to the horizontal and vertical axis such that the square is completely within the target (does not extend outside the target's area).

If a target is not large enough to allow for a 24 by 24px square to be drawn inside it, it is considered undersized, and does not pass the size requirement of the Success Criterion. However, if it has sufficient space around it without adjacent targets, it may still pass the criterion thanks to the spacing exception (below).

The requirement is independent of the zoom factor of the page; when users zoom in the CSS pixel size of elements does not change. This means that authors cannot meet it by claiming that the target will have enough spacing or sufficient size if the user zooms into the page.

While the Success Criterion primarily helps touch users by providing target sizing to prevent accidental triggering of adjacent targets, it is also useful for mouse or pen users. It reduces the chances of erroneous activation due to either a tremor or reduced precision, whether because of reduced fine motor control or input imprecision.

When the minimum size for a target is not met, spacing can at least improve the user experience. There is less chance of accidentally activating a neighboring target if a target is not immediately adjacent to another. Touchscreen devices and user agents generally have internal heuristics to identify which link or control is closest to a user's touch interaction - this means that sufficient spacing between targets can work as effectively as a larger target size itself.

We repeat this process for all adjacent undersized targets. To determine if an undersized target has sufficient spacing (to pass this Success Criterion's spacing exception), we check that the 24 CSS pixel diameter circle of the target does not intersect another target or the circle of any other adjacent undersized targets.

The next two illustrations show sets of buttons which are only 16 CSS pixels tall. In the first set, there are no targets immediately above or below the buttons, so they pass. In the second illustration, there are further buttons, and they have been stacked on top of one another, resulting in a fail.

The following two illustrations show how menu items can be adjusted to properly meet this requirement. In the first illustration, the About us menu has been activated, showing that each of the menu item targets (text and padding) has a 24 CSS pixel height. In the second illustration, the same menu is expanded, but the menu items only achieve 18 CSS pixels in height.

Users with different disabilities have different needs for control sizes. It can be beneficial to provide an option to increase the active target area without increasing the visible target size. Another option is to provide a mechanism to control the density of layout and thereby change target size or spacing, or both. This can be beneficial for a wide range of users. For example, users with visual field loss may prefer a more condensed layout with smaller sized controls while users with other forms of low vision may prefer large controls.

Having targets with sufficient size - or at least sufficient target spacing - can help all users who may have difficulty in confidently targeting or operating small controls. Users who benefit include, but are not limited to:

The distinction between mainstream user agents and assistive technologies is not absolute. Many mainstream user agents provide some features to assist individuals with disabilities. The basic difference is that mainstream user agents target broad and diverse audiences that usually include people with and without disabilities. Assistive technologies target narrowly defined populations of users with specific disabilities. The assistance provided by an assistive technology is more specific and appropriate to the needs of its target users. The mainstream user agent may provide important functionality to assistive technologies like retrieving Web content from program objects or parsing markup into identifiable bundles.

If two or more targets are overlapping, the overlapping area should not be included in the measurement of the target size, except when the overlapping targets perform the same action or open the same page.

Building on the strong progress made under President Obama to curb the emissions that are driving climate change and lead on the international stage, today the United States submitted its target to cut net greenhouse gas emissions to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The submission, referred to as an Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), is a formal statement of the U.S. target, announced in China last year, to reduce our emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2025, and to make best efforts to reduce by 28%.

*Vanguard Target Retirement Funds average expense ratio: 0.08%. Industry average expense ratio for comparable target-date funds: 0.48%. All averages are asset-weighted. Industry averages exclude Vanguard. Sources: Vanguard and Morningstar, Inc., as of March 31, 2023.

Investments in Target Retirement Funds are subject to the risks of their underlying funds. The year in the Fund name refers to the approximate year (the target date) when an investor in the Fund would retire and leave the work force. The Fund will gradually shift its emphasis from more aggressive investments to more conservative ones based on its target date. The Income Fund has a fixed investment allocation and is designed for investors who are already retired. An investment in a Target Retirement Fund is not guaranteed at any time, including on or after the target date. ff782bc1db

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