There is no way to unconfigure LV used for system root while system is using it and you cannot stop using root while any program (like PID1) is running. You would need to jump back into RAM disk and do it from there (basically reversing what initrd does on boot). Technical prerequisites for doing it exist but apparently so far nobody was interested (motivated) enough to create generic implementation.

Introduction:  The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of ProTaper Next (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and Reciproc (VDW, Munich, Germany) systems in removing filling material from oval root canals using sonic or ultrasonic irrigation as additional cleaning methods.

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Results:  None of the retreatment protocols completely removed the filling material from the root canals, and there was no significant difference between the instrumentation systems or between root thirds assessed in terms of the average volume of remaining filling material (P > .05). Likewise, no significant difference was observed between the additional cleaning methods in any of the root canal thirds assessed (P > .05).

Conclusions:  In this laboratory study all test techniques left GP/sealer remnants within the root canal. The ProTaper Universal rotary retreatment system proved to be an efficient method of removing GP and sealer from maxillary anterior teeth.

I'm working to modify an OS so that no user would ever be able to mess up with the internal files... the user need to have very limited control over the system. This can be done by giving sudo access to only limited commands to the users and taking off any other way to access sudo or su... This question is just my crazy thought that if the root is completely disabled there can be no way some one can figure out a way to abuse the system.. just trying to know if there is a possibility to work this way.

That said, it sounds like you are asking this from a security perspective so I'll mention a couple of things. Firstly, if a user has physical access to the machine they can get root access via a number of means such as replacing the boot drive, booting from something else. Full disk encryption can make it impossible for this person with physical access to see your data but not to wipe it.

I realized I had a read-only filesystem issue recently, but I played with a vitual machine on macOS with an experimental feature. It was perfect at the beginning, but somehow I managed to break it and I could not fix it. In my case whe whole root filesystem of the OS was broken and I tried an ARM virtual machine.

You thought you were done with that tree when the chainsaw fell silent. Not so fast. You still have to deal with tree roots. Tree roots are an entirely different beast. Depending on the size of the tree or the reason for the removal, you may even need to call in professional help to remove the tree roots in your yard.

The most obvious reason to remove tree roots is that there is a stump in your yard that serves as a reminder of a tree that once stood there. And like the rest of the tree, you need it gone for one reason or another.

Taking out tree roots can be a big job, especially if it was a big tree. Its underground root system can spread 20 feet deep, sometimes even more in the right conditions. To remove tree roots that are left after taking down a tree, in most cases, you have three options:

Physically taking out a tree stump and its roots is the fastest, but most laborious, way to get rid of it. Tree stump removal and taking out the tree roots on your own generally involves either digging them out or using a stump grinder. It depends on the type and size of the tree roots you are dealing with. This type of DIY project works best with smaller stumps and roots.

In some cases, digging out the tree roots may prove difficult. But there is another option to physically remove them, and that is with the use of equipment. Stump grinding a pesky tree trunk is work, but you can eliminate it quickly, and even create some fresh wood mulch in the process.

5. Other ideas: One option to consider is planting a new tree in the same spot, but be sure there are no leftover roots that impede its growth. Alternatively, you could incorporate the new spot into a garden bed. While deciding on your next steps, regularly monitor and care for the hole until it blends seamlessly into the rest of the yard.

Sometimes you love the tree in your yard but hate the roots that are tearing up your sidewalk or clogging up the plumbing. So what do you do about them? Can you eliminate these roots without harming your tree?

While labor-intensive, the easiest way often is to dig around the stump, exposing the roots, then using a chainsaw or hatchet to cut the large roots. You can use gardening shears to cut smaller roots.

Some jobs are best left to the pros: A tree expert, like an arborist, knows how to get rid of tree roots safely and effectively. Contact a local tree care expert to take care of uprooting the problem roots in your lawn.

There are 2 main internal DNS servers in this private address space, but not on my netowrk. I can perform DNS lookups against both of these servers for devices internal to our address space and names on the internet. I would like to permanently remove the root hints from our Server 2008 R2 DNS server and replace them with these 2 internal DNS servers. I have removed them from the dnsmgmt console, the C:\Windows\System32\DNS\cache.dns file, and from the RootDNSServers folder under the System folder in ADUC. Even so, they continue to repopulate into the root hints tab in the server properties for DNS after roughly an hour. Does anyone know how to permanently remove these entries?

Permanently deleting root hints from a Microsoft DNS server is not supported, however, if you want to remove them, you can. Before you continue down this path, please have a full backup of your servers and be prepared for unintentional outages.

The root hints must be removed from 3 different places, the Root Hints tab in the server properties, the cache.dns file in C:\Windows\System32\dns, and the System Folder in ADUC. Remove them in the following order.

Microsoft does not support the removal of the root hints and the Microsoft DNS server requires at least one root hint to be listed. You can change the root hints and those changes should be permanent.

1) Set the disable recursion and setup the forwarders to prevent the servers listed in the root hints from being used.

2) Update/modify/add new root hints to the internal servers and delete the remaining root hint servers.

Reconstructed three-dimensional micro-computed tomography (CT) images of the GuttaCore (A) and Thermafil root canal filling materials (B), after non-surgical root canal re-treatment of GuttaCore (C) and Thermafil root canal filling materials (D). The results were expressed in thirds both in GuttaCore (E) and Thermafil root canal filling materials (F).

Box plot of the pre-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) and the remaining post-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) at the coronal third of the straight root canal systems, regarding the root canal filling material systems.

Descriptive analysis of the pre-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) and the remaining post-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) at the coronal third of the root canal systems.

The paired t-test found no statistically significant differences (p = 0.782) between the volume of remaining root canal filling material in the straight root canal systems in teeth sealed with the GuttaCore root canal filling system (0.12  0.20 mm3) and the teeth sealed with the Thermafil root canal filling system (0.11  0.21 mm3), at the coronal third of the respective root canal systems (Figure 2).

Table 2 and Figure 3 show the mean and SD values for the pre-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) and remaining post-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) at the middle third of the straight root canal systems.

Box plot of the pre-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) and the remaining post-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) at the middle third of the straight root canal systems, categorized by root canal filling material system.

Descriptive analysis of the pre-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) and the remaining post-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) at the middle third of the root canal systems.

The paired t-test found no statistically significant differences (p = 0.838) between the remaining root canal filling material volume of the straight root canal systems in the teeth sealed with the GuttaCore root canal filling system (0.02  0.03 mm3) and the teeth sealed with the Thermafil root canal filling system (0.01  0.03 mm3), at the middle third of the respective root canal systems (Figure 3).

Table 3 and Figure 4 show the mean and SD values of the pre-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) and the remaining post-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) at the apical third of the straight root canal systems.

Box plot of the pre-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) and the remaining post-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) at the apical third of the straight root canal systems, categorized by root canal filling material system.

Descriptive analysis of the pre-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) and the remaining post-operative root canal filling material volume (mm3) at the apical third of the root canal systems.

The paired t-test revealed no statistically significant differences (p = 0.882) between the remaining root canal filling material volume of the straight root canal systems in the teeth sealed with the GuttaCore root canal filling system (0.06  0.06 mm3) and the teeth sealed with the Thermafil root canal filling system (0.05  0.04 mm3), at the apical third of the root canal systems (Figure 4). ff782bc1db

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