The switch statement evaluates an expression, matching the expression's value against a series of case clauses, and executes statements after the first case clause with a matching value, until a break statement is encountered. The default clause of a switch statement will be jumped to if no case matches the expression's value.

A case clause used to match against expression. If the value of expression matches the value of any caseExpressionN, execution starts from the first statement after that case clause until either the end of the switch statement or the first encountered break.

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A switch statement first evaluates its expression. It then looks for the first case clause whose expression evaluates to the same value as the result of the input expression (using the strict equality comparison) and transfers control to that clause, executing all statements following that clause.

If no matching case clause is found, the program looks for the optional default clause, and if found, transfers control to that clause, executing statements following that clause. If no default clause is found, the program continues execution at the statement following the end of switch. By convention, the default clause is the last clause, but it does not need to be so. A switch statement may only have one default clause; multiple default clauses will result in a SyntaxError.

You can use the break statement within a switch statement's body to break out early, often when all statements between two case clauses have been executed. Execution will continue at the first statement following switch.

In the appropriate context, other control-flow statements also have the effect of breaking out of the switch statement. For example, if the switch statement is contained in a function, then a return statement terminates the execution of the function body and therefore the switch statement. If the switch statement is contained in a loop, then a continue statement stops the switch statement and jumps to the next iteration of the loop.

This example will output the error "Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'message' has already been declared", because the first const message = 'hello'; conflicts with the second const message = 'hi'; declaration, even when they're within their own separate case clauses. Ultimately, this is due to both const declarations being within the same block scope created by the switch body.

In the following example, if expr evaluates to Bananas, the program matches the value with case case 'Bananas' and executes the associated statement. When break is encountered, the program breaks out of switch and executes the statement following switch. If break were omitted, the statement for the case 'Cherries' would also be executed.

This example will output the error \"Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'message' has already been declared\", because the first const message = 'hello'; conflicts with the second const message = 'hi'; declaration, even when they're within their own separate case clauses. Ultimately, this is due to both const declarations being within the same block scope created by the switch body.

With Switch Control, you can use switches to select, tap, or drag items, type, and even freehand draw. Just use a switch to select an item or location on the screen, then use the switch to choose an action.

Add a new switch

 Turn Switch Control on or off

 Use Switch Control

 Change your settings

 Add a new switch Before you add an external switch, you need to connect it to your device before it will show in the list of switches. You can use any of these options as a switch:

If you use multiple switches, you can set up each switch to perform a specific action and customize how you select items. For example, instead of automatically scanning items, you can set up switches to move to the next or previous item on demand. If you just have one switch, keep using Auto Scanning.

Select the gesture or action from the menu that appears when you select the item. If you turned on Auto Tap, use your switch within the Auto Tap interval, then select the gesture. If more than one page of actions is available, select the dots at the bottom of the menu to go to another page.

By switching to edit mode, users can modify settings and export a new file. Switch lets you specify a new file format; a new video or audio codec; trim, scale or crop the video; add metadata (Pro only), and much more. Export to Apple ProRes*, Windows Media, H264, MPEG-2 Video, MP4, MPEG-2 program streams and transport streams.

Children and adults with motor limitations can still use technology through special switches. These disability-adapted switches can be used to operate home appliances, fixtures, toys, learning devices and different types of electronic gadgets. Before you browse our online store, here are some facts that can help you choose the best type of assistive switches for people with disabilities.

Adaptive switches can be used to operate a wide variety of appliances. They enable people with limited motor skills to use devices with buttons that are inaccessible to them. Examples of uses of adaptive switches include:

Optionally a new branch could be created with either -c, -C,automatically from a remote branch of same name (see --guess), ordetach the working tree from any branch with --detach, along withswitching.

You can use the @{-N} syntax to refer to the N-th lastbranch/commit switched to using "git switch" or "git checkout"operation. You may also specify - which is synonymous to @{-1}.This is often used to switch quickly between two branches, or to undoa branch switch by mistake.

Proceed even if the index or the working tree differs fromHEAD. Both the index and working tree are restored to matchthe switching target. If --recurse-submodules is specified,submodule content is also restored to match the switchingtarget. This is used to throw away local changes.

If you have local modifications to one or more files that aredifferent between the current branch and the branch to whichyou are switching, the command refuses to switch branches inorder to preserve your modifications in context. However,with this option, a three-way merge between the currentbranch, your working tree contents, and the new branch isdone, and you will be on the new branch.

When you run git checkout or git switch and only have oneremote, it may implicitly fall back on checking out andtracking e.g. origin/. This stops working as soonas you have more than one remote with a reference. This setting allows for setting the name of apreferred remote that should always win when it comes todisambiguation. The typical use-case is to set this toorigin.

Currently this is used by git-switch[1] andgit-checkout[1] when git checkout or git switch will checkout the branch on another remote,and by git-worktree[1] when git worktree add refers to aremote branch. This setting might be used for other checkout-likecommands or functionality in the future.

restore_mode (Optional): Control how the switch attempts to restore state on bootup.NOTE : Not all components consider restore_mode. Check the documentation of the specific component to understand howthis feature works for a particular component or device.For restoring on ESP8266s, also see restore_from_flash in theesp8266 section.

device_class (Optional, string): The device class for the switch.See a list of available options. Requires Home Assistant 2022.3 or newer.

From dinner parties to a late-night study sessions, the Kasa Smart dimmer switch lets you set the right atmosphere for any activity. Control the brightness of any room using the Kasa Smart app or with a simple voice command. Even group the switch with other Kasa Smart products for seamless control with a single tap of your smartphone. e24fc04721

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