I am trying to migrate my application from Java 8 to Java 11. In of one of my project classes, I have the line Security.addProvider(new com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE());. I am getting a compile error for this line. How to resolve this?

You can't access com.sun packages without explicitly setting them on your compile options. After adding --add-exports=java.base/com.sun.crypto.provider=ALL-UNNAMED to compilerArgs it compiles without any error.

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Reminder: Cryptographic implementations in the JDK aredistributed through several different providers ("Sun", "SunJSSE","SunJCE", "SunRsaSign") for both historical reasons and by thetypes of services provided. General purpose applications SHOULDNOT request cryptographic services from specific providers.That is:

Otherwise, applications are tied to specific providers that may notbe available on other Java implementations. They also might not beable to take advantage of available optimized providers (forexample, hardware accelerators via PKCS11 or native OSimplementations such as Microsoft's MSCAPI) that have a higherpreference order than the specific requested provider.

The javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(String transformation) factory method generates Ciphers using transformations of the form algorithm/mode/padding. If the mode/padding are omitted, the SunJCE and SunPKCS11 providers use ECB as the default mode and PKCS5Padding as the default padding for many symmetric ciphers.

The Cryptographic Token Interface Standard ( PKCS#11) providesnative programming interfaces to cryptographic mechanisms, such ashardware cryptographic accelerators and Smart Cards. When properlyconfigured, the SunPKCS11 provider enablesapplications to use the standard JCA/JCE APIs to access nativePKCS#11 libraries. The SunPKCS11 provider itselfdoes not contain cryptographic functionality, it is simply aconduit between the Java environment and the native PKCS11providers. The Java PKCS#11 ReferenceGuide has a much more detailed treatment of this provider.

JDK 1.1 introduced the Provider architecture. Thefirst JDK provider was named SUN, and contained twotypes of cryptographic services (MessageDigests andSignatures). In later releases, other mechanisms wereadded (SecureRandom number generators,KeyPairGenerators, KeyFactorys, and soon.).

United States export regulations in effect at the time placedsignificant restrictions on the type of cryptographic functionalitythat could be made available internationally in the JDK. For thisreason, the SUN provider has historically containedcryptographic engines that did not directly encrypt or decryptdata.

The Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) was originally releasedas a separate "Optional Package" (also briefly known as a "StandardExtension"), and was available for JDK 1.2.n and1.3.n. The SunJSSE provider was introduced aspart of this release.

In earlier JDK releases, there were no RSA signature providersavailable in the JDK, therefore SunJSSE had to provideits own RSA implementation in order to use commonly availableRSA-based certificates. JDK 5 introduced theSunRsaSign provider, which provides all thefunctionality (and more) of the SunJSSE provider.Applications targeted at JDK 5.0 and later should request instancesof the SunRsaSign provider instead. For backwardcompatibility, the RSA algorithms are still available through thisprovider, but are actually implemented in theSunRsaSign provider.

The provider must implement ECC as defined by the classes andinterfaces in the packages java.security.spec andjava.security.interfaces. ThegetAlgorithm() method of elliptic curve key objectsmust return the string "EC".

The provider must support the Signature algorithmsSHA1withECDSA and NONEwithECDSA, the KeyAgreementalgorithm ECDH, and a KeyPairGenerator and aKeyFactory for algorithm EC. If one of thesealgorithms is missing, SunJSSE will not allow EC cipher suites tobe used.

The provider must support all the SECG curves referenced inRFC 4492specification, section 5.1.1 (see also appendix A). Incertificates, points should be encoded using the uncompressed formand curves should be encoded using the namedCurvechoice, that is, using an object identifier.

The SunPCSC provider enables applications to use the Java Smart Card I/OAPI to interact with the PC/SC Smart Card stack of theunderlying operating system. On some operating systems, it may benecessary to enable and configure the PC/SC stack before it isusable. Consult your operating system documentation fordetails.

The SunMSCAPI provider enables applications to use the standardJCA/JCE APIs to access the native cryptographic libraries,certificates stores and key containers on the Microsoft Windowsplatform. The SunMSCAPI provider itself does not containcryptographic functionality, it is simply a conduit between theJava environment and the native cryptographic services onWindows.

The SunEC provider implements Elliptical Curve Cryptography(ECC). ECC is emerging as an attractive public-key cryptosystem formobile/wireless and other environments. Compared to traditionalcryptosystems like RSA, ECC offers equivalent security with smallerkey sizes, which results in faster computations, lower powerconsumption, as well as memory and bandwidth savings.

The Solaris-only security provider OracleUcrypto (introduced in JDK 7u4) leverages the Solaris Ucrypto library to offload and delegate cryptographic operations supported by the Oracle SPARC T4 basedon-core cryptographic instructions. The OracleUcryptoprovider itself does not contain cryptographic functionality; it issimply a conduit between the Java environment and the SolarisUcrypto library.

If the underlying Solaris Ucrypto library does not support aparticular algorithm, then the OracleUcrypto provider will notsupport it either. Consequently, at runtime, the supportedalgorithms consists of the intersection of those that the SolarisUcrypto library supports and those that theOracleUcrypto provider recognizes.

The OracleUcrypto provider has a configuration filenamed ucrypto-solaris.cfg that resides in the$JAVA_HOME/lib/security directory. Modify thisconfiguration file to specify which algorithms to disable bydefault. For example, the following configuration file disables AESwith CFB128 mode by default:

Reminder: Cryptographic implementations in the JDK aredistributed through several different providers (SUN,SunJSSE, SunJCE, SunRsaSign) for bothhistorical reasons and by the types of services provided. General purposeapplications SHOULD NOT request cryptographic services fromspecific providers.That is:

Otherwise, applications are tied to specific providers that maynot be available on other Java implementations. They also might notbe able to take advantage of available optimized providers (forexample, hardware accelerators via PKCS11 or native OSimplementations such as Microsoft's MSCAPI) that have a higherpreference order than the specific requested provider.

The javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(Stringtransformation) factory method generatesCiphers using transformations of the formalgorithm/mode/padding. If the mode/padding areomitted, the SunJCE and SunPKCS11 providers useECB as the default mode and PKCS5Padding as the default padding for manysymmetric ciphers.

* The SunPKCS11 provider is available on all platforms, but isonly enabled by default on Solaris as it is the only OS with anative PKCS11 implementation automatically installed andconfigured. On other platforms, applications or deployers mustspecifically install and configure a native PKCS11 library, andthen configure and enable the SunPKCS11 provider to use it.

The Cryptographic Token Interface Standard (PKCS#11) provides nativeprogramming interfaces to cryptographic mechanisms, such ashardware cryptographic accelerators and Smart Cards. When properlyconfigured, the SunPKCS11 provider enablesapplications to use the standard JCA/JCE APIs to access nativePKCS#11 libraries. The SunPKCS11 provider itselfdoes not contain cryptographic functionality, it is simply aconduit between the Java environment and the native PKCS11providers. The Java PKCS#11 ReferenceGuide has a much more detailed treatment of this provider. e24fc04721

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