i had some other problems with sun API that i resolved by adding the jvm args--add-exports=java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.desktop/sun.swing=ALL-UNNAMEDbut in those cases the error was of type java.lang.IllegalAccessError so exporting the model solved the problem.

Properties can be used to specify the default mixer for specific line types. Both system properties and a properties file are considered. The "sound.properties" properties file is read from an implementation-specific location (typically it is the conf directory in the Java installation directory). The optional "javax.sound.config.file" system property can be used to specify the properties file that will be read as the initial configuration. If a property exists both as a system property and in the properties file, the system property takes precedence. If none is specified, a suitable default is chosen among the available devices. The syntax of the properties file is specified in Properties.load. The following table lists the available property keys and which methods consider them: Audio System Property Keys Property Key Interface Affected Method(s) javax.sound.sampled.Clip Clip getLine(javax.sound.sampled.Line.Info), getClip() javax.sound.sampled.Port Port getLine(javax.sound.sampled.Line.Info) javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine SourceDataLine getLine(javax.sound.sampled.Line.Info), getSourceDataLine(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat) javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine TargetDataLine getLine(javax.sound.sampled.Line.Info), getTargetDataLine(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat) The property value consists of the provider class name and the mixer name, separated by the hash mark ("#"). The provider class name is the fully-qualified name of a concrete mixer provider class. The mixer name is matched against the String returned by the getName method of Mixer.Info. Either the class name, or the mixer name may be omitted. If only the class name is specified, the trailing hash mark is optional.

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For example, the property javax.sound.sampled.Clip with a value "com.sun.media.sound.MixerProvider#SunClip" will have the following consequences when getLine is called requesting a Clip instance: if the class com.sun.media.sound.MixerProvider exists in the list of installed mixer providers, the first Clip from the first mixer with name "SunClip" will be returned. If it cannot be found, the first Clip from the first mixer of the specified provider will be returned, regardless of name. If there is none, the first Clip from the first Mixer with name "SunClip" in the list of all mixers (as returned by getMixerInfo) will be returned, or, if not found, the first Clip of the first Mixer that can be found in the list of all mixers is returned. If that fails, too, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

If system properties javax.sound.sampled.Clip, javax.sound.sampled.Port, javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine and javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine are defined or they are defined in the file "sound.properties", they are used to retrieve default lines. For details, refer to the class description. If the respective property is not set, or the mixer requested in the property is not installed or does not provide the requested line, all installed mixers are queried for the requested line type. A Line will be returned from the first mixer providing the requested line type.

If the system property javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine is defined or it is defined in the file "sound.properties", it is used to retrieve the default source data line. For details, refer to the class description.

If the system property javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine is defined or it is defined in the file "sound.properties", it is used to retrieve the default target data line. For details, refer to the class description.

Since neither the Squeezebox nor the Pulseaudio binding seem to be so far valid audio sinks for OpenHAB2, I was hoping that there is a way to re-direkt the standard java OpenHAB sinks in a way to communicate with the pulseaudio server. Is this possible?

I remember it was essential to change /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre/lib/sound.properties.

(the default-java is actually just a link, depending on packages you have installed or not, multiple directories may exist with a sound.properties below each, so ensure you edit the one your java is actively using).

Mine reads

Hm, it seems that the problem was a parallel installation of java 8u65 (Raspian dist) and 8u121. De-installing 8u65 helped.

However still problems that the sound output over pulseaudio stops after an hour or so to forward and sound to my bluetooth box (bluetooth connection not disconnected), despite that pulseaudio seems still up and running (but rather seems to be an bluetooth problem with my raspberry).

I'm running 64bit Arch, the Alsa sound system, and the offical Sun Java RE. When I go to use java apps with audio, I'm not receiving any type of ouput. All other forms of audio on my system seem to be working, so I'm unsure where to begin troubleshooting.

First create a Input Stream. InputStream music; I have named it music. It is just a variable name. Once it is done click on the bulb that appears beside it and click on Add import for java.io.InputStream

Thank you a lot.The best java helping website I have seen is this because it describes things very very smoothly and nicely than other websites.thanks again an

d wishes you all the best.good luck

As I mentioned, I'm just learning about the Java Sound/Audio API capabilities, but it's interesting that these classes come from the sun.audio package (instead of something like a java.sound package). As I've tried to find more Java sound examples, and the Javadoc for the classes I used above, I see there's a javax.sound package that may have power than these classes, while using these two classes seems very simple. So much to learn ...

I believe the issue is that you have to type hint the Mixer to its interface. The interface is in the javax namespace, which is module accessible. But the concrete class is inside com.sum, which is no longer module accessible in Java9+.

It would seem logical to use this same code to play audio clips in a Java application. Unfortunately, if you do that you will get errors from the compiler. Why? Because the AudioClip object and the getAudioClip() method are part of the java.applet package -- and are not part of applications. The good news is we can dive down and make things work ourselves.

The trick to solving this problem is to use some undocumented features that are provided by Sun in its JDK. Taking a peek inside the classes.zip file from the Sun JDK (using any of the various zipfile utilities), we find not only the standard Java packages such as java.applet but also sun.audio. (These are in the directory sun/audio.)

Remote links: Javasoft Tutorial about Applet Sound Javasoft Java Media Framework (JMF) API -Java Sounds APIIntel JMF(Note that Intel is no longer working on the JMF) Information about Audio on Suns Goldwave - A commercial audio toolfor windows. Au Format info The buttons below were based on code grabbed from: ~gough/itb445/sourcebook/SoundPlayTest.java Other Ptolemy Group Java CodeGamelanhas a good list of multimedia sound applets and applications, below are someinteresting ones. Java wav2au converter application (not applet) Rainbow tune player applet Vocoder application Synthesizer application The Playing Wave: plays real time calculated audio.  Edward Lee's EECS20 Page FFT Applet with sliders and plotter -Other FFT source codeLimitations JDK1.1 can't deal with .wav filesThe UhOh button should play sounds/uh-oh.wav. I get a NativeAudioStream: invalid file type. says:Currently, the Java API supports only one sound format: 8 bit,u-law, 8000 Hz, one-channel, Sun ".au" files. You can create theseon a Sun workstation using the audiotool application. You can convertfiles from other sound formats using an audio format conversionprogram. The Java Programmer's FAQsays8.1 Whywon't my audio file play?

The -law algorithm is also used in the .au format, which dates back at least to the SPARCstation 1 by Sun Microsystems as the native method used by the /dev/audio interface, widely used as a de facto standard for sound on Unix systems. The au format is also used in various common audio APIs such as the classes in the sun.audio Java package in Java 1.1 and in some C# methods.

Console output is now exposed through the Shell.console field. Thisfield can be used instead of System.out andSystem.err. The new SystemFix utility rewritesexisting class files to use one.world's system support classesinstead of java.lang.System andjava.lang.Thread.

Added micro-benchmarks to compare the performance of structured I/O(networking and storage) as well as remote event passing with plainJava sockets (for networking), theBerkeley DB and T Spaces (forstorage), and JavaRMI (for remote event passing). The one.world benchmarksare located in the appropriate packages; their class names start withBenchmark. The corresponding comparison benchmarks arelocated in the one.fonda.javapackage.

The T Spaces benchmark is not built by default, since itrequires T Spaces. To build it, you must install T Spaces,place the tspaces.jar and tspaces_client.jarfiles in your CLASSPATH, and uncomment the line listingBenchmarkTSpaces.java insrc/one/fonda/java/Makefile. e24fc04721

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