The one-stop shop model combines multiple health and human service providers in a single location to deliver services to rural families. Bringing together services in one location can benefit rural families in accessing healthcare, transportation, referrals, and services for children. To further improve access to care, program planners can also establish one-stop-shops in easily accessible locations, such as in a mobile clinic or near a grocery store.

One-stop career centers are one type of one-stop shop model. These centers focus on employment and workforce development, and offer services such as training referrals, career counseling, job listings, and other employment-related services. The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) created a framework for training and employment programs to support the needs of businesses and workers. WIA mandates that communities establish partnerships among multiple programs, such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Medicaid.

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Strong partnerships or a network are critical to the success of the one-stop shop model, particularly for service providers that work with children. Community buy-in is essential for the success of this model because strong partnerships between local governance and community organizations form the foundation of one-stop shops. Rural one-stop shops may need to work closely with physicians or school staff for referrals and also conduct community-wide education about the services offered at the one-stop shop. This may require marketing or outreach to facilitate a collaborative environment between the one-stop shop and other providers in the community.

One-stop centers may need to develop information systems that facilitate information sharing between health and human services providers and determine eligibility for all the programs offered through the one-stop shop. A common intake process or eligibility form can help to avoid duplication of effort and reduce the burden on the individual, who would otherwise be required to fill out applications for multiple programs. One-stop shops that offer clinical services can track the services that people receive through shared electronic health records.

One potential challenge in this model is satisfying the licensing requirements of each clinical provider participating in the one-stop shop. This challenge can be mitigated by developing a protocol in collaboration with the clinical team participating in the one-stop shop during the formative months of the project. Another challenge is coordinating the billing process when multiple providers are delivering services.

Attracting and retaining qualified professionals to work at the one-stop shop is another potential challenge. This can be addressed by hiring full-time staff or consultants who can deliver services via telehealth. Program planners may also hire part-time staff who can travel to the one-stop-shop when needed.

On the mail received today about VAT ID it mentions One stop shop (OSS) constantly, What is that? I have had my VAT ID number stated on my Etsy shop for a few years already so not sure if Im supposed to do anything else.

I'm considering the Fidelity "one stop shop approach". Where I plan to have my paychecks go into a brokerage account (and automatically fill the core position of SPAXX) and also pay all my bills out of that account. (I understand that SPAXX is treated the same as cash and it will be sold off for transactions?).

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A one-stop shop (OSS), in public administration, is a government office where multiple services are offered, allowing customers to access these services in a centralized location rather than in different places.

One-stop shops are an element of New Public Management with a focus on improving the delivery of government services to citizens.[3] Drawing on observed successes in the private sector's model for delivering consumer-centric service to enhance customer satisfaction, government entities employ this model of one-stop shop to help give citizens the feeling that they are able to easily access necessary services.[4] In turn, the ease with which citizens are able to comply with government regulations through sources like the one-stop shop encourages broader compliance with those regulations.[5]

Brazil's Poupatempo (Savetime) centers in So Paulo were first established in 1997 and have since grown not only within the state of So Paulo but throughout the entire country.[4] Serving as a model for other one-stop shops around the nation and around the world,[2] Poupatempo and other similar operations drastically cut down on time and money spent by citizens to complete tasks like the renewal of driver's licenses.[4]

The success of places like Poupatempo encouraged the model's spread. Around the same time, Australia opened the Centrelink agency using the one-stop model.[6] In Canada, one-stop shops like Service Canada at the federal level took root and inspired similar operations at the provincial level, as with ServiceOntario and Services Qubec.[7] Localities in the United Kingdom now often use one-stop shops for workforce development, offering job training, housing assistance, and other services at Jobcentres while providing an easy way to get government and council advice.[8] In each case, customer service drove consolidation and streamlining of citizen services to allow governments at every level to better meet the needs of the population.

In the United States, municipalities like Baltimore, Chicago, and New York City pioneered 3-1-1 during the late 1990s and early 2000s as an early version of a virtual one-stop shop, giving citizens and visitors access to a wide variety of information from their telephone while also centralizing and simplifying the ability to report non-emergency quality of life concerns.[9] New York City's 3-1-1 service handles 30,000 calls per day with information on 6,000 government benefits and services available in 180 different languages,[7] all from a single source. The use of virtual one-stop shops like 3-1-1 is a key tenet of e-government,[10] which the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs has emphasized as a method for "effective, transparent, accountable, and democratic" governance with an eye on achieving sustainable development.[11]

In many cases, one-stop shops enhance citizen access by making it easier for people to obtain similar or related services that may not be perfectly aligned in focus or in governmental approach, but may frequently be used together. For instance, in Norway, municipalities are responsible for delivering welfare benefits while the national government handles pensions and unemployment benefits.[12] Rather than force unemployed persons to visit two different offices in different buildings operated by different government entities to secure the full range of their entitlements, the one-stop shop enables them to save time and effort.

The concept is not without friction. In one-stop locations that combine services from different government levels, higher level government tiers can threaten lower tiers' ability to operate independently and make decisions separate from the higher entity with which they share space and information for the sake of citizen convenience.[12]

Stephen Goldsmith, a former mayor of Indianapolis, Indiana, has advocated for governments moving beyond one-stop shops with "no-stop shops."[13] Rather than centralize services, a no-stop shop would instead centralize data about citizens, allowing governments to provide service proactively based upon what they would expect individual citizens and households to need. This model enhances e-government by diminishing or eliminating the need for citizens to seek government services, instead bringing those services to them when they are most likely to require specific things.[14]

The responsibility of the subdivision review process for Subdivision Public Improvements is to review construction plans and reports for the proposed public infrastructure of the submitted plat. The importance of the process is to assure subdivisions meet all local, state, and federal guidelines and ordinances. The engineer of record representing the subdivision is responsible for assuring that all required submittals such as construction plans and reports be presented to the one stop shop (OSS) committee for review and approval.

This is driving me nuts. I similarly have spent days trying to figure it out. Closing my shops to the EU, receiving emails from people asking me why they can't buy something in the EU. Returning to see if i can figure it out again. I was looking at Taxamo as they issue an IOSS number but squarespace doesn't integrate the API. I am none the wiser and more frustrated than ever. 17dc91bb1f

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