So I like writing, so this will be long heads up. But Starship troopers is a funny movie my dad made me watch over and over again as a child and I absolutely adored every second of it. The first is the best, i found the second a solid sequel and i wished rico was in the third a little more but that's just me. I couldn't jive with animation style in the animated movies, im sorry. However, i find myself a starship troopers aficionado as well as a die hard RTS fan, having played them since a child starting with Battle for middle earth 1 and 2, as well as Halo wars 1 and Starcraft, so I believe my opinion on this game would be useful.

The Game: So I want to hype this game and like it, because we get zero starship troopers games really and it's a niche fandom to be sure. However I found the basic mechanics as well as some of the gameplay itself to be a little lack luster, especially for an RTS. You cannot turn the camera 360 degrees which can be very irritating especially when you're moving around building and you do not see Archie coming around the corner, which I suppose you could argue adds a sense of surprise and likeness to the movies , when an archie just shows up and tears one of your guys in half. But in this context, I ended up being more irritated than thrilled lol. The troop movements themselves are unintuitive, you'll see shadowed out the formation the troops will form when selecting a movable location, however they very rarely follow any common sense in regards to themselves and it gets very irritating. Other RTS games design their AI to be a little less brain dead babies. Units cant shoot through eachother (one battalion behind another) which makes sense, but again, this gets really frusterating when troops don't want to fill out an area properly as ordered and you end up losing alot of guys because out of your entire regiment only a few guys of one squad are actually shooting because they get caught in a choke point and stand on top of eachother and dont fill out at least some what of a perimeter so they can at least defend themselves. The AI i have noticed will also sometimes not engage targets and let them tear them to pieces without firing a shot. this can be irritating on large scenario maps where you have to be clicking around alot. The AI also needs to really start paying attention to what direction you want them pointed in as well. It's very tiresome to have to organize individual units of troops or in order for them to face the right direction to hold the line.

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NO SKIRIMISH MODE???? Campaign is it. about 15 missions or so if i counted which is a lengthy campaign, however this game is void of content. The content/writting itself, aside from gameplay, actually not bad, you get a real feel for the starship troopers world in this game. You are cared for very little by command, and so are civilians, since none of you are citizens yet who cares? Love that, on that nose. I was worried Maruaders from starship troopers 3 wouldnt make it into the game by they do. However im halfway through and havent seem them yet, which is more to my point, let me play your game devs lol. (this big map big base defend missions should allow me to somehow acquire all units to unlock in/for every mission, many RTS games have done this in unique ways from BFME to Starcraft 2. That's more a preference and an opinion but come on, if campaign is all we get its a shame we'll only have some units for some missions. I hope Rico shows up, who knows.

So all this being said, it is an RTS that remains true to the universe of starship troopers, and therefore, if you're a die hard fan like me, then its worth the 15 bucks or so you can get this game for. As an RTS game itself, there are far better. 006ab0faaa

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