A very simple chrome extension that proxies a chrome Port established with a client JS -- that is, JS running on a vanilla web page with permission to connect to the present chrome extension -- to a chrome native messaging host -- that is the chromello executable. This is necessary because the chrome security model does not allow untrusted JS to speak directly to a native messaging host.

We have an application where our clients are connecting to a SQL Server 2005 database - via a SQL Native Client ODBC data source. We are having some difficulties with the ODBC connection getting severed during program execution. After questioning a tech support person, he said that he had seen this type of error before, but they fixed the issue by configuring the clients to connect using Named Pipes (primarily), rather than TCP/IP.

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So I did some research and found where to configure client access on the server - via the SQL Server Configuration Manager. However, there does not appear to be a way to configure the SQL Native Client ODBC data source on the client machine itself. The older SQL Server ODBC driver did allow you to configure it to use Named Pipes, or TCP/IP, but the SQL Native Client does not.

4) If you are using SQL Native Client ODBC/OLEDB provider({SQL Native Client} or SQLNCLI), go to SQL Configuration Manager, click client protocols, make sure NP and TCP are both enabled. Right click properties of NP, make sure client is using the same pipe name as server for connection.

Otherwise, I think it should be quite easy to configure this on the client machine: just run cliconfg (SQL Server Client Network Utility). in the General tab make sure the Named Pipes protocol is enabled, then navigate to the Alias tab and simply create an alias for your server using Named Pipes.

Native client for me traditionally means not interpreted by a virtual execution environment or sandbox but executed by the CPU and bound to the operating system (think Win32). I'd contrast native with HTML, JVM, CLR, etc.

Thick client for me traditionally means some business logic executing on the client, (think WPF, WinForms) as opposed to web/browser or other lightweight presentation container where most business logic is executing on the (web) server and minimal logic is executing on the client.

Traditionally, the two distinctions are unrelated, with "native clients" often being "thick". However, with the introduction of devices this distinction has become skewed, since it's not crystal clear anymore if a native app on a little device can still be considered thick. Many people avoid saying "thick" and refer to "rich" instead.

Nishakant, since you asked this in context of my tweet, let me explain what i meant by it. Native in that context meant a native Windows 8 application, which in turn means an application conforming to the new modern UI guidelines, runs on WinRT and is downloaded and installed from Windows 8 Store and runs locally on the Windows 8 machine. It isn't a web application, but locally installed. You could co-relate it to thick client applications in regular desktop world.

While a native client may be about anything (for example a Native American paying you to write software for him), I'd say that in terms of software, a native client is some piece of software that is compiled to CPU bytecode, as opposed to a piece of software that's compiled to bytecode, which is compiled to CPU bytecode by an execution environment (Java, .NET, etc.) when run.

I'm pretty sure that at present, the term Native Client is only used to refer to Google Native Client (NaCl), which is a tool for running native code from within a browser, and yes in this case, Google definitely can explain it to you.

However the requirement is there, so the Native Client is a technology, which provides a sandbox, to run the Native code(not really native, just you wrote with typical native language) inside the web browser.

Native applications are public clients in OAuth2 parlance. Those apps are meant to run on a device and aren't trusted to maintain a secret - hence, their entry in the directory does not have the corresponding property. Without a secret, there is no way to assert the identity of the app - hence such apps cannot gain app level permissions and the portal UX reflects that.Conversely web apps are, again in OAuth2 parlance, confidential clients. They can get delegated tokens for their users, but they can also use client credentials to get tokens as themselves.Native apps can obtain tokens for the user via the OAuth2 authorization grant. You can find a complete overview of all supported topologies at -us/documentation/articles/active-directory-authentication-scenarios/. Each scenario description point to more implementation oriented guidance.

Google Native Client (NaCl) is a discontinued sandboxing technology for running either a subset of Intel x86, ARM, or MIPS native code, or a portable executable, in a sandbox. It allows safely running native code from a web browser, independent of the user operating system, allowing web apps to run at near-native speeds, which aligns with Google's plans for ChromeOS. It may also be used for securing browser plugins, and parts of other applications or full applications[2] such as ZeroVM.[3]

Portable Native Client (PNaCl) is an architecture-independent version. PNaCl apps are compiled ahead-of-time. PNaCl is recommended over NaCl for most use cases.[6] The general concept of NaCl (running native code in web browser) has been implemented before in ActiveX, which, while still in use, has full access to the system (disk, memory, user-interface, registry, etc.). Native Client avoids this issue by using sandboxing.

An alternative by Mozilla was asm.js, which also allows applications written in C or C++ to be compiled to run in the browser and also supports ahead-of-time compilation, but is a subset of JavaScript and hence backwards-compatible with browsers that do not support it directly.

Chad Austin (of IMVU) praised the way Native Client can bring high-performance applications to the web (with about 5% penalty compared to native code) in a secure way, while also accelerating the evolution of client-side applications by giving a choice of the programming language used (besides JavaScript).[42]

Id Software's John D. Carmack praised Native Client at QuakeCon 2012, saying: "if you have to do something inside a browser, Native Client is much more interesting as something that started out as a really pretty darn clever x86 hack in the way that they could sandbox all of this in user mode interestingly. It's now dynamic recompilation, but something that you program in C or C++ and it compiles down to something that's going to be not your -O4 optimization level for completely native code but pretty damn close to native code. You could do all of your evil pointer chasings, and whatever you want to do as a to-the-metal game developer."[43]

Mozilla's vice president of products, Jay Sullivan, said that Mozilla has no plans to run native code inside the browser, as "These native apps are just little black boxes in a webpage. [...] We really believe in HTML, and this is where we want to focus."[44]

Mozilla's Christopher Blizzard criticized NaCl, claiming that native code cannot evolve in the same way that the source code-driven web can. He also compared NaCl to Microsoft's ActiveX technology, plagued with DLL Hell.[2]

Yes. It's not possible to code-sign a web app/client that's delivered via the browser window, since it is by definition remote code. Extensions in a browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc) are small native applications that browser developers allow to be added into their respective browsers, and they (the browser developers) are responsible for verifying the authenticity of the extension -- though of course you are ultimately responsible for what you install onto your own devices. Only install browser extensions (including ours) from their respective developer sources (Chrome Web Store, Mac App Store, etc).

From a strictly security standpoint, in general, yes. Fortunately, it is also vastly easier and more convenient to use native applications than the web client, owing to the limitations on what can be delivered in the browser window (selecting multiple items in a vault, for example, is impossible in the web client, but easy as a few clicks in the native apps). Quoting the 1Password Security white paper on the security aspect:

With all of that said, for perspective I want to make sure to stress to you and anyone else reading this thread that it is neither harmful nor unusually dangerous to use the 1Password web client for those few account-related tasks which still require it. We would not risk our reputation nor (especially) your data if it were. But there are indeed additional risks introduced from using the web client that cannot be entirely avoided (though they can be mitigated via the above steps). If you've read the white paper already, you're more curious and security-conscious than many users of 1Password, and that speaks well of both your willingness and your ability to take proper precautions.

As you wrote that changing the Master Password can be done in 1Password 7 for Mac, does that mean if I were really worried I could even choose to change my Master Password in this way after using the web client for any people/payment management tasks or after changing the Secret Key?

I realise that might well be being over-cautious (and I'm not saying I'd actually do it! :chuffed: ), but would it in theory reduce risk? Although, I suppose that in the theoretical case that there is a malicious web client it could immediately exfiltrate the contents of the vaults before I change the Master Password, so it would only help for any future additions/changes to the vaults.

Out of interest, do I understand correctly that the various companies that use 1Password (like IBM, GitLab, etc. listed on 1password.com) are also using the same system, including the web client? If they're comfortable with it, I suppose I should be :chuffed: ff782bc1db

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