If the spider scrapes a single domain, a common practice is to name thespider after the domain, with or without the TLD. So, for example, aspider that crawls mywebsite.com would often be calledmywebsite.

A list of URLs where the spider will begin to crawl from, when noparticular URLs are specified. So, the first pages downloaded will be thoselisted here. The subsequent Request will be generated successively from datacontained in the start URLs.

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A dictionary of settings that will be overridden from the project wideconfiguration when running this spider. It must be defined as a classattribute since the settings are updated before instantiation.

This method must return an iterable with the first Requests to crawl forthis spider. It is called by Scrapy when the spider is opened forscraping. Scrapy calls it only once, so it is safe to implementstart_requests() as a generator.

Spiders can receive arguments that modify their behaviour. Some common uses forspider arguments are to define the start URLs or to restrict the crawl tocertain sections of the site, but they can be used to configure anyfunctionality of the spider.

Keep in mind that spider arguments are only strings.The spider will not do any parsing on its own.If you were to set the start_urls attribute from the command line,you would have to parse it on your own into a listusing something like ast.literal_eval() or json.loads()and then set it as an attribute.Otherwise, you would cause iteration over a start_urls string(a very common python pitfall)resulting in each character being seen as a separate url.

Scrapy comes with some useful generic spiders that you can use to subclassyour spiders from. Their aim is to provide convenient functionality for a fewcommon scraping cases, like following all links on a site based on certainrules, crawling from Sitemaps, or parsing an XML/CSV feed.

callback is a callable or a string (in which case a method from the spiderobject with that name will be used) to be called for each link extracted withthe specified link extractor. This callback receives a Responseas its first argument and must return either a single instance or an iterable ofitem objects and/or Request objects(or any subclass of them). As mentioned above, the received Responseobject will contain the text of the link that produced the Requestin its meta dictionary (under the link_text key)

process_links is a callable, or a string (in which case a method from thespider object with that name will be used) which will be called for each listof links extracted from each response using the specified link_extractor.This is mainly used for filtering purposes.

process_request is a callable (or a string, in which case a method fromthe spider object with that name will be used) which will be called for everyRequest extracted by this rule. This callable shouldtake said request as first argument and the Responsefrom which the request originated as second argument. It must return aRequest object or None (to filter out the request).

errback is a callable or a string (in which case a method from the spiderobject with that name will be used) to be called if any exception israised while processing a request generated by the rule.It receives a Twisted Failureinstance as first parameter.

A list of (prefix, uri) tuples which define the namespacesavailable in that document that will be processed with this spider. Theprefix and uri will be used to automatically registernamespaces using theregister_namespace() method.

A method that receives the response as soon as it arrives from the spidermiddleware, before the spider starts parsing it. It can be used to modifythe response body before parsing it. This method receives a response andalso returns a response (it could be the same or another one).

Basically what we did up there was to create a spider that downloads a feed fromthe given start_urls, and then iterates through each of its item tags,prints them out, and stores some random data in an Item.

Receives a response and a dict (representing each row) with a key for eachprovided (or detected) header of the CSV file. This spider also gives theopportunity to override adapt_response and process_results methodsfor pre- and post-processing purposes.

Monitoring should be setup between Spider nodes participating in the cluster. We only have one Spider Node and spider_link_mon_servers represent the inter-connection of all Spider nodes in our setup.

This simple setup does not bring HA in case the Spider Node is not available. In a production setup the number of Spider Nodes in the spider_link_mon_servers table should be at least 3 to get a majority consensus.

If twospotted spider mites continue to be a problem after control efforts have been attempted, and the plants are valued, consider hiring a landscape professional to treat them. Landscape professionals have the training, experience, and wider array of pesticide products to effectively deal with spider mite infestations.

Black olives are the perfect topping for these mini pizzas because you can make creepy black spiders with them. I always have a can of California Ripe Olives in my stash of pantry goods because they are so versatile for home chefs not to mention the perfect ingredient when you want to create some food-art!

To make the spiders I simply sliced some large whole black olives in half lengthwise, this made the body. I then took another olive and cut it in half (not lengthwise), this made the spider head. The final step was thinly slicing olives, then halving them for the spider legs. I recommend placing the black olive spiders on top of the mini pizzas after they have baked. Through trial and error I discovered that the spiders tend to spread and fall flat if they are baked.

Spider is a giant sculpture of an arachnid that stands on the floor. The artwork is made of bronze and granite and was created in 1994 by the French-born American artist Louise Bourgeois. One of the first of many sculptures of spiders made by the artist, Spider measures 2743 x 4572 x 3785 mm, such that it is large enough to occupy the entire space of a room. The body of the spider supports a rounded cage-like structure inside which is held a large white egg. The cage hangs below a cylindrical form, to which are attached eight thin legs stretching out to the floor. Each of the legs is articulated in three sections made of straight rods of bronze, with the exception of one of the legs, where the two sections are bent, creating a semi-circle. The lower parts of seven of the legs end in needle points where the sculpture meets the floor, while the eighth terminates in a small coil. The angularity of the thin legs and their different heights give the impression that the spider is crawling.

A spider's body is in two sections. The head and thorax, bearing the eyes, mouthparts and legs, are fused together to form the cephalothorax. This is joined by a slim waist (pedicel) to the second body section, the abdomen, on which are found the silk spinning organs (spinnerets), the reproductive openings and the breathing organs (book lungs and/or tracheae).

In mygalomorph spiders (trapdoor and funnel-web spiders) the large jaw bases project forward in parallel with their fangs folded back side-by-side underneath. To bite their prey these spiders must raise the front of the body, allowing the fangs to open like a pair of daggers for a downward strike. In the more common araneomorph spiders (redbacks, wolf spiders, etc.) the jaws are slung vertically under the front of the carapace. The fangs are hinged laterally and bite cross-ways against each other, like pincers. This is a more efficient arrangement for seizing and manipulating prey, especially on a web.

Like other arthropods, the spider's body is covered with a more or less rigid 'skin' or cuticle (the exoskeleton) made of protein and chitin. The spider cuticle consists of several layers, the outermost being toughest, covered with a thin surface wax layer that helps reduce water loss from the body. The cuticle provides internal attachment points for the muscles and helps in the regulation of blood pressure. While it is hard and protective externally, the cuticle must still accommodate the spider's sense organs - in the form of various types of innervated (supplied with nerves) hairs and pits, as well as the eyes. The cuticle even extends internally, lining the fore gut (mouth to stomach) and hind gut, the tracheal (breathing) tubes and the female's sperm storage organs (spermathecae).

To allow the spider to grow the entire cuticle must be shed periodically, a process known as moulting. A new larger cuticle is first made underneath the old one, the old one splits and the spider climbs out. The new cuticle is very soft and most spiders will not move untill the cuticle hardens.

A spiders exoskeleton encloses the blood-filled body space. Confined within this semi-rigid space, the blood pressure can be varied by changes in heartbeat frequency or contraction and relaxation of muscles, notably the strong thoracic muscles. Together, the cuticle and the blood make up a pressurised unit known as the hydrostatic skeleton. This is important in maintaining body shape (turgor) and function.

The ability to vary blood pressure is important in functions as diverse as moulting and movement. During moulting, increased heart rate results in blood pressure increases that help split open the weakened cuticle. Limb extension during movement is achieved mainly through the contraction of strong thoracic muscles which increases thoracic blood pressure and causes the limbs to extend outwards. This explains why spiders have many flexor muscles for bending their limbs inwards, but fewer extensor muscles for stretching them outwards - they're just not needed as much. It also explains why injured or dead spiders always have their legs bent inwards - they can no longer control their blood pressure and this allows the strong flexing muscles to dominate and pull the legs in under the body. This 'death position' is imitated by spiders that escape predators by dropping from a web to the ground - only this time the legs are deliberately flexed in while playing dead. ff782bc1db

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