One of the first things you should do when your laptop is running slow is restart it. This will flush out temporary data from the RAM (random access memory) and end programs running in the background. This is especially important if you usually let your laptop stay on, sleep, or hibernate.

If your laptop is slow, you can try closing programs that are using up your CPU and memory. However, there are some programs that continue to run in the background even after you close them. These programs can use up your processing power, which can slow your laptop down.

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The fix: To see which programs are slowing down your laptop, press the Windows + X keys on your keyboard and select Task Manager. Then go to the Processes tab and click the header of any column to see which programs are using the most resources. Finally, select a program and click End Task to force quit it.

Storing too many files on your laptop can actually slow things down. In fact, studies have shown that you should keep 10-20% of your hard drive storage free in order for your computer to function properly.

Some of the most important files to delete are temporary files. These are files stored on your laptop whenever you create or modify a file. While they are small and usually deleted after you close a program or an application, they can build up over time and cause your laptop to slow down.

Your laptop might slow if you have too many programs opening when you start up the computer. These programs will automatically open every time you turn on your computer and continue to run until you turn off your computer, slowing everything down in the process.

Most Windows laptops come with a program called OneDrive preinstalled. This feature allows you to save important files on the cloud, so you can access them from another computer. However, OneDrive can drastically slow your laptop down whenever it is syncing files.

If you find that OneDrive is slowing your laptop down, you can always unlink it from your computer. To do this, click the OneDrive icon in your taskbar and then click the gear icon. Next, select Settings > Account > Unlink this PC. tag_hash_107

Typically, Windows rolls out major feature updates twice a year. On the other hand, patches for improving security and fixing bugs are released monthly. If your laptop seems to be running slower than usual, make sure that your system is up to date.

Whenever you create, delete, or edit a file on your computer, some of that data becomes fragmented. That means pieces of files are stored in various parts of your hard drive. Over time, this can cause your laptop to slow down because your drive has to jump around to find each piece of data.

Your storage drive and memory (RAM) are the two key pieces of hardware most related to the speed of your computer. A dated storage drive will slow down your performance, even when defragmented, while too little memory offers limited resources to run multiple programs.

A slow, frustrating laptop may have you shopping for a new notebook, but you should try these tips before you give up. Improving the performance of your aging laptop can extend its life by several years and keep it out of the landfill.

Odds are most tasks you regularly perform on your laptop require an Internet connection. Web browsing, Netflix streaming, and online gaming all require a healthy connection. A slow Internet connection can drag down performance.

If your laptop has begun to slow down, you are not the only person on this planet to experience this issue, as it is a pretty common scenario. Laptops tend to slow down as time progresses, due to various reasons. While some cannot be fixed, there are many reasons behind a laptop running slower than usual, which can easily be worked upon and quickly solved.

In this article, we will list the common reasons behind a laptop slowing down and the ways with which these problems can be fixed. If your laptop is running slow, chances are that this article will help you get rid of the problem, and you will be able to get the same old snappy performance your laptop once had.

Start-up applications and programs, although sometimes helpful, are too resource-demanding almost all the time. If you can identify some start-up processes which you deem unnecessary, we advise you to stop such tasks, as this will help you fix your slow laptop problem.

Laptops are prone to receiving Malware and viruses, which adversely impact their performance. If your laptop has been attacked by a virus or malware, it will likely start slowing down. Make sure that your antivirus program is up and running, and is up-to-date. If you are experiencing a slow laptop, run an antivirus scan and see if the problem gets fixed.

Additionally, much to your supposed surprise, there are chances that your antivirus could be causing the slow laptop issue, such as a faulty antivirus installation, installing more than one antivirus software, incompatibility issues, and more such issues might be causing the problem. So, if your laptop is running slow, update your antivirus, and if you are going to do a fresh install, make sure that it is a clean install.

It is common knowledge that laptops start getting slow whenever they are getting excessively warm. This, for that matter, is a typical case of thermal throttling and is not just limited to laptops. If you are residing in a location which is too hot, try to use your laptop in an air-conditioned ambience, or at least try to give it ample breaks for it to be able to cool down.

As new iterations of Windows are released, the number of animations and graphics that are used within the OS increases also. While this gives the user the impression of a sleek and refined UI, it can in fact slow down your PC or laptop.

Everybody needs a solid antivirus program to ensure they do not accidentally download malware or end up infected with other malicious infections. A reliable antivirus will run in the background at all times, and will even scan incoming files in real-time. This will ensure you never let anything nasty onto your laptop, so it is important to use one.

How you use your computer can potentially affect the speed at which your machine is running. this makes it essential for you to keep an eye on what apps are running and how your system may be getting clogged, leading to slow speeds. To help you out we have included a few additional tips below:

AMAZING! JUST AMAZING! The tips helped A LOT! I had a very slow system, running Microsoft Teams was very slow, and Microsoft Edge was very poor. I did some of the things listed in the article and my laptop became as fast as the speed of light!!

10/10 for this aritcle!

PS: my laptop is Windows 11, and all the things listed here still worked!

AMAZING! JUST AMAZING! The tips helped A LOT! I had a very slow system, running Microsoft Teams was very slow, and Microsoft Edge was very poor. I did some of the things listed in the article and my laptop became as fast as the speed of light!!

10/10 for this aritcle!


This actually works! I bought my Asus laptop 3 years ago and then I forgot my login password. So I took back to the shop to get fixed, 5 hours before my flight. Since then, it got so slow. I need an hour to let it warm up before I can use it. So I followed this guide and man, I can now multitask and no more waiting time before I could use it. ????????

Extremely useful my laptop was getting very slow. I had already done a few of your suggested solutions, but working through one item at the time has taken my laptop from nearly unusable to being like new.

If none of the above suggestions speeds up your computer to a level that you're happy with, you can try reducing animations, changing themes and toggling other Windows 10-specific settings. If you're trying to get remote help, make sure you know the best way to take screenshots on Windows 10. If you're more of an Apple household, you're in luck: We have recommendations for speeding up a slow Mac, too.

A few days ago we got the Xfinity gateway (router+modem) replaced because we had problem with it. I don't know if it's a coincidence, but around the same time I started to notice very slow internet in my work laptop. I've been doing speed tests in all the devices and they all seem fine (normal speeds) with the exception of this laptop (very slow speed).

So following the advice given in the first answer I reinstalled the drivers of the wireless card. I've been doing some tests with it and the rest of devices, and it seems that now I'm getting more speed that before, but the download speed still slower than expected. Although it fluctuates quite a bit, most of the results I get are around 10 Mbps, when before they used to be around 35 Mbps. Besides, it seems that in the rest of devices now it happens also the same (it's hard to tell because of how much the results change on each test). Can it be a hardware problem of the router/modem? Is there any way to test that? I called Comcast the other day and everything seemed fine on their end.

It might be your own devices interfering with one another. I would try turning off all other devices and if the speeds improve, try hard-wiring some of them (like the PS4) into the modem, so they don't have to interfere with your laptop.

Having many apps, programs, web browsers, and so on open at once can slow down your PC. Having a lot of browser tabs open at once can also slow it down quite a bit. If this is happening, close any apps, browser tabs, etc., that you don't need and see if that helps speed up your PC. If it doesn't seem to help, restart your PC and then open just the apps, programs and browser windows you need. e24fc04721

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