Speed dial is a function available on many telephone systems allowing the user to place a call by pressing a reduced number of keys. This function is particularly useful for phone users who dial certain numbers on a regular basis.

In most cases, the user stores these numbers in the phone's memory for future use. The speed dial numbers are usually accessed by pressing a pre-determined key or keys on the phone, followed by a one or two-digit code which the user assigns to each number; however for ease of use, on many systems a call may be placed by pressing and holding one key on the numeric keypad.

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Speed dialing is also available via Custom Calling features from the Telephone Company's Central Office. The numbers are programmed by the subscriber through the standard telephone dial, and speed dial calls are placed by dialing simply the digit and waiting a few seconds on a standard rotary dial phone and an older 10 key Touch Tone phone, or by dialing the number and the # key to instantly connect the call on a modern 12 key Touch Tone phone.

The capability for speed dial historically dates at least as far back as the Number One Electronic Switching System (1ESS) in 1965.[1][2] Other early "instant dialers" dating back to 1972 also included punched card machines[3] and magnetic tape machines.[4]

I have used speed dial on different browsers and it is something I used several times a day (hour). I very much like Brave but not having a usable speed dial detracts from all the positive aspects of Brave.

Opera has the most efficient speed dial set-up. You can have an infinite number of speed dials and create folders for similar sites to group together. I have to believe the developers at Brave would have the same abilities creatively. That would make Brave the best browser of them all.

In 1995, you memorized phone numbers. Noting then memorizing two more would not be an issue. This is 100% a post cell phone (no need to memorize), post smart phone (just click on it, no need to keep it in your head or write it out before dialing) problem.

It definitely sounds like the social prestige (is that even the right word) of being on a lot of speed dials is more important than the practicalities of said speed dial.

Reminds me of ads for phones in the pre-iphone era where X number of speed dials was a feature, by being more than a competing phone or being free if they were with the same provider or something.

I just had an email from our phone guru last week. She had to take an my boss (clearly an important person) off my speed dial for a system thing, and wanted to know who she should get rid of so she could put him back.

Right after we got a new phone system a few years ago, one of the employees almost immediately declared her phone was not working because she had dialed a number and it was not working (spoiler alert: it was an issue with the number she was calling and not the new phone. She actually seemed put out when I quickly showed her by dialing a different number that went through that the phone was working just fine. I think she was looking for something to complain about.)

As asks... is it the prism with TTL meter or the dial on the body?

If you mean the TTL meter, check if the index pin is stuck in the up position... usually due to age and moisture infiltration corroding the pin.

If on the body, the click stops are governed by "cap stand" bobbin and plate with a ball bearing type arrangement and the washer like spring pushing it all down. I suppose the spring could come loose. Do you feel a faint click or resistance?

Originally posted 118 months ago. (permalink)

 mysteryonion edited this topic 118 months ago.

quick snap... I tried to isolate the parts.

If the contact board under the speed dial is still connecting to each of the speeds, then it is not impossible to use, although, accidental changing of speeds will occur.

If you are able to remove the dial and the upper shell to have a peek inside, you can verify if the large brass part is still properly connected to the rest of the stem and post?

Originally posted 118 months ago. (permalink)

 mysteryonion edited this topic 118 months ago.

Just had this happen to me the other day with mine... The shutter dial just spun with no tension. (Scary to have happen just before a shoot!) 

This is what I did (not sure if this is what your link says to do because it's broken for me.)

First I used a precision screw driver set to loosen the very small silver screws that hold the ring with the shutter numbers onto the camera (they should be in the side of the dial). Once they were loose enough (but not so much that they fell out) I took it off and set it aside. 

Under it I found a brass component that I was able to turn and feel the shutter "clicks". Once I clicked it around a few times I was able to feel where the larger space between 1000 and X would be if the dial was still attached. I set it to where the camera would be on X if the number dial was still attached and then aligned the shutter number dial over it (so that it read X). At that point I just tightened those little silver screws up and it stuck in place! No more spinning shutter dial. 

Hope this helped!

118 months ago(permalink)

I removed the shutter speed dial and the metal housing that covers the assembly, but I can't tell what part creates the "stop-click" action. The large brass ring/cylinder that the shutter speed dial "sits on top of" still manages to turn freely. 

By tightening the screw at the very top or the brass column, I've managed to make it more difficult (more tension-y) to turn, but I'm still not getting any "clicks" -and- it's less tensiony on the higher shutter speeds.

Any advice?

118 months ago(permalink)

You said that you recently gotten this body... did it arrive with this problem?

Also, look at all the screws holding down the shell pieces. Are all the screws the same style and do they have paint missing in a way that seems as if the screws were removed recently. Signs of tinkering from a less than knowledgeable are usually detectable by dinged up screw heads.

One possible cause is if someone had tried to correct shutter speed errors by taking apart the entire dial assembly as to look for traditional mechanical contact capacitors issues, that person might have removed all of that part of the camera body and realized that was not the way to fix it and hastily reassembled it all, however, the correct manner is to remove the mirror/shutter assemblies from the body/transport. The control shaft, bobbin, the flange that holds the ball bearing are in close quarters with film spool clutch and contact plates, any improper alignment would damage the normal function. If you looked at the attached images (click link above), you can see the layers of parts. Primary clicking is the job of the ball bearing. 

Possible indicator is by testing the tension of the supply side of the film compartment. If you have a spool loaded in it, test if there is a lot or a little tension. The amount of tension is about enough that if a fresh film roll were loaded and pulled on, the tension would almost keep flat both the film and paper, but still allow some cupping of the paper...Full flatness of the paper and film is achieved with the pressure plate, the tension is more important for the take-up side. Proper tension allows the spring clutch to grip and release slightly to open and close of gate that regulates the frame space. If the tension is way off or in other words very loose, the possible tampering of the entire supply side and clutch was the result of digging inside the shutter dial parts by someone... I am sorry if I am going the long way around to say that it does not sound like a quick fix. 

Free spinning brass knob under shutter speed dial... not good.

Originally posted 118 months ago. (permalink)

 mysteryonion edited this topic 118 months ago.

If your camera's dial has always been stiff and you use that body quite rarely, it may probably only need to be worked back and forth a few times to loosen up. But, if there's some type of grit in there, you'll probably do more damage than good. If you regularly use that body, then it's not stiff from lack of use. Also, your example seems quite serious, considering it won't even move past 1/60th, so i'd think there's more to it than lack of use. Maybe a ball bearing has slipped out. A repair trip seems necessary. www.zuiko.com or Essex Camera Service would be my choice.

I'm not really sure what the original setup of the OM10 was...the thing that's stuck is the speed dial on the left side of the lens. Is that a separate adapter attachment, meant to be removeable? I can't seem to budge it at all...

So in closing - use a high quality correctly sized Philips Screwdriver - you don't want to trash the screw heads. Note the shutter speed setting when you take it apart. Use a silicon lubricant. Take your time.

Speed dial is a function available on many telephone models that allows the user to place a call by pressing a reduced number of keys. This function is particularly useful for phone users who dial certain numbers on a regular basis.

Select your model from the drop down list below for specific programming information.

If your model is not listed or to view all speed dial programming refer to your models Operating Manual for the specific procedure.

Note: If you want to change or delete the speed dial number follow the first 3 steps above then delete the number by pressing the [MUTE/BACK] button and either press the [MENU/OK] button to save no number or enter the new number and press the [MENU/OK] button to save.

8x8 Speed dial keys are used to place a call to the desired destination at the touch of a button. It has the advantage of users not having to remember or enter long telephone numbers into their phones. This is particularly handy for the most frequently-dialed numbers or to quickly dial in an emergency. Users can place calls by pressing pre-determined keys on their phone. You can add as many speed dial keys as your device allows. Speed dials can be added from both 8x8 Admin Console and device. 17dc91bb1f

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