This benchmark simulates user actions for adding, completing, and removing to-do items using multiple examples in TodoMVC. Each example in TodoMVC implements the same todo application using DOM APIs in different ways. Some call DOM APIs directly from ECMAScript 5 (ES5), ECMASCript 2015 (ES6), ES6 transpiled to ES5, and Elm transpiled to ES5. Others use one of eleven popular JavaScript frameworks: React, React with Redux, Ember.js, Backbone.js, AngularJS, (new) Angular, Vue.js, jQuery, Preact, Inferno, and Flight. Many of these frameworks are used on the most popular websites in the world, such as Facebook and Twitter. The performance of these types of operations depends on the speed of the DOM APIs, the JavaScript engine, CSS style resolution, layout, and other technologies.

Hi I need some help regarding benchmark testing my ping test is A+ and my ping test (underload) is A+ but my download speed is showing as D around 300mbps I should be getting up up close to around 1gb download any suggestions on how I can resolve this thanks

Download Speed Benchmark

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OK thanks, looks as though you haven't yet entered your speeds into DumaOS. Can you please go to the three-dot menu in the top right -> Advanced -> Network Speeds and then set these speeds to be about what you'd realistically expect to get.

You're speeds there are showing you've not entered what you expect in Bandwidth Settings, don't do the speed test, type the speeds in manually. We're still improving Benchmark so if they don't show full speeds don't worry too much, focus on what says.

Note you only reported read speeds, is that all you care about? If so, something's still fishy. The "others" are faster, but those speeds don't seem to match usb specs. The first one is within USB 2.0 range (and on the better end of it), but the "others" are faster than USB 2.0 should be capable of but also way too slow to be USB 3.0.

So the more I am happy that I found over the Flame M1 thread that the benchmark is still in use and it got updated as well. That is very cool.

I would like to update the flame archive on my website as well.

Is the the latest version that everyone is using?

Although GRC's DNS Benchmark is packed with features to satisfy the needs of the most demanding Internet gurus (and this benchmark offers features designed to enable serious DNS performance investigation), the box below demonstrates that it is also extremely easy for casual and first-time users to run:

When the benchmark is run, the performance and apparent reliability of the DNS nameservers the system is currently using, plus all of the working nameservers on the Benchmark's built-in list of alternative nameservers are compared with each other.

Once the benchmark finishes, the results are heuristically and statistically analyzed to present a comprehensive yet simplified and understandable English-language summary of all important findings and conclusions. Based upon these results, users may choose to change the usage order of their system's own resolvers, or, if alternative public nameservers offer superior performance or features compared with the nameservers currently being used, to switch to one or more alternative nameservers.

Zstandard. It looks like Duplicacy uses LZ4 (which would explain the speed/size of backups)?. Was one of the maintainers of zstd on github for a while and in my experience, the size benefits of zstd almost always outweighs the speed gain on lz4 (especially since zstd (negative levels) are almost as fast).

-sdio-dma-write-speedI'm trying to write WAV files to SD card on my STM32F7 Discovery board and I've finally gotten round to setting up a DMA + FATFS + SDMMC. My sampling rate is around 1Msps on the 12 bit ADC and I want to know if I'll be able to achieve this with the STM32 and a standard Class 10 SD Card.

My issue is I can't seem to understand how people benchmark the read and write speeds. Is there a code template somewhere? I've searched on the forums and I came across this but I can't seem to understand while f_sync is being used and why so many while loops at the end. Any help is appreciated.

PassMark Software has delved into the millions of benchmark results thatPerformanceTest usershave posted to its web site and produced a comprehensive range of CPU charts tohelp compare the relative speeds of different processors from Intel, AMD, Apple, Qualcomm and others.

Included in these lists are CPUs designed for servers and workstations(such as Intel Xeon and AMD EPYC processors), desktop CPUs(Intel Core Series and AMD Ryzen), in addition to ARM processors(Apple M1 and Qualcomm Snapdragon) and mobile CPUs.

I just got a new external USB 3.0 HDD (Seagate Expansion 6TB), formatted as NTFS. When writing large files to that HDD via the Windows 7 Professional explorer, I see very slow writing speeds according to the Windows copy "speed-o-meter" (around 32MB/s). Reading speeds (also using MS explorer) are much faster at around 97MB/s (so we can rule out that the drive is just running on USB 2).

Still there seems to be something wrong, and I wanted to compare benchmark speed numbers from the web (which say that an HDD should reach between 100 and 200MB/s) with mine. I used CrystalDiskMark 6.0 to get benchmark speed numbers. And here, in the "sequential" task I get speeds of 162MB/s read and 145MB/s write with my new HDD.

Is it just that the Windows explorer is terrible at writing files at reasonable speeds? Or is it because the benchmark files are somehow simpler than the files in everyday use, so one typically does not reach benchmark speeds? In any case: How can I get closer to benchmark speeds when copying my files?

I found the answer: It's because I am trying to copy from a relatively old internal HDD, which can read up to 120MB/s in the sequential benchmark but is extremely slow reading smaller files (~1MB/s read in benchmark). I am guessing due to fragmentation etc the internal HDD is the bottleneck.

I have numerous hard drives and i figure i should benchmark them every so often because that's what websites tell me to do. But i'm worried if using the stock "Disks" utility that comes with Ubuntu 16.04 desktop will affect any data already on the drives. There is only one option "Start Benchmark", so it's not like i have any useful information to work from.

I suppose it's a multi-pronged question:

Is it safe to benchmark a drive with stuff already on it? If so, is it also safe if that drive is being accessed by the system for whatever reason, or should i make sure nothing else is accessing that drive first? should i dismount them first (and i suppose, can i benchtest an unmounted drive?), and finally, do i really need to do these every month or so as some sites are suggesting; they aren't as trustworthy (to me) as askubuntu, and i've always valued the opinion of the people in this group.

So I recently put together my low-power unraid build and ultimately used 6.12.0-rc8 to create a zfs array and a mirrored cache pool also using zfs. I'm struggling to decide whether or not I turn on compression for all my drives, and want to compare it. In general I want compression for extra space and transfer speed benefits, but before I commit and move data onto the server with compression I want to see if this will have significant impact on my power consumption. My server will host movies (hevc) as well as system backups, documents, photos, etc. I know that for already compressed data having compression on is pointless, but from research it seems that lz4 compression is pretty quick to give up on already compressed data so it might be a non-issue.

@JorgeB Okay yeah I was thinking that would probably be the simplest way to test it. I'm wondering what would be the best location to copy the data from? I definitely cannot saturate the write/read speeds of the server as my network is only 1gbe currently. If I connect ethernet directly to my server I can achieve 2.5gbe speeds with a USB 2.5gbe adapter on a personal PC, I suppose this is the best I can do. Or perhaps I am over thinking it and I only need to move data between the cache pool and the array?

In each case the compression resulted in slightly faster transfer speeds, but it should be noted in this case, the primary bottleneck for transfer speed was not the read or write speeds and instead the network so it is expected they should be similar. I observed that power consumption was similar perhaps +3W in general with compression turned on.

I should have tested from the array to my PC and not the Cache to PC because again, this result is limited by the LAN and not the read/write speeds. Interestingly the decompression took a bit longer, I am not sure why this is the case. CPU load was similar as well as power consumption, maybe +3W on average.

Geekbench 6 measures your processor's single-core and multi-core power, for everything from checking your email to taking a picture to playing music, or all of it at once. Geekbench 6's CPU benchmark measures performance in new application areas including Augmented Reality and Machine Learning, so you'll know how close your system is to the cutting-edge.

In examining FCC's six reports issued between 2015 and 2021, GAO found inconsistencies in the reported scope of FCC's analysis of benchmark speed and its reported rationale for updating or not updating the benchmark. For example:

Without consistently communicating the scope of its analysis and its rationale for setting the benchmark, FCC's reporting lacks transparency. Reporting on these issues in a more consistent manner year to year would provide stakeholders' better assurance that FCC's conclusions are not arbitrary. e24fc04721

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